Kinky Adventures Of My Life – Part 4

lifeistoenjoy 2015-04-22 Comments

This story is part of a series:

Hey all, kinky monster again, In this part I’ll quickly describe how I took down on my office Secretary.

Let Me Clearly give The CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER of the various incidents of All the three parts

First – the cook cum Maids story. Although i described it in PART 3 ONLY.
Second – After maid, I hired the tamarind girl as assistant.

This current Office Secretary story was happening in parallel to the taking down of tamarind girl. Only after taking down Tamarind girl I went for Office Secretary.Getting into the story.. The Secretary was my junior, she is actually a computer analyst who maintains computer records of the petitions filed in my office. She also does various imp works in the office.

On the day I joined the office she stayed almost all the time with me politely explaining various basic info about the office.

Naturally.. wherever i go, girls do get attracted to me, I dont know why. Not just because I am in high post but this also happened in my school and coll days too.

Few of my friends in girls have also said i look Cute and my eyes were awesome. But i wasnt so much satisfied with the way i look, but I stand 5.113/4 ft tall, well shaped muscular body and fair complexion ( not exaggerating or bluffing at all)

Coming back to the story, though She was a married lady 30, she looked much younger than her age. But had no children! I dont really know why. Though i fucked her, I didnt ask her about this nor she told me.

She was showing more interest in me, Smiling all the time when she comes to my room and also whenever we happen to meet in the corridor. I initially thought this was like how some people please those at high positions in order to get some favours done. But she was doing things which was bit more than the pleasing stuffs .. like for ex she used to bring Specially cooked foods, dishes, home made sweets etc almost every week.

She also wanted to come to my house which I never entertained, I avoided it by giving her many reasons. (This was to make her not interfere with the plans happening at home with tamarind girl).

She used to clearly flirt whenever she gets chance and will try to come along with me for field visit during the office time although she need not come at all. She has no work there, but she used to say she will help me taking notes of various grievances and taking down other such info. Sensing her interest i just accepted her to join me because I am after all a KINKY MONSTER.

I love ladies!

But i try as far as possible to not let my lusty mind do nasty plans during my Working time. Hence i always behave decently like a gentleman whenever she comes along during the field visit and also at the office.

Because of this WHATSAPP people send lot of messages. She too made use of this and began sending me lot of messages for which i hardly reply. Although i like her but I had to avoid texting her to maintain my official superiority and authority so I didnt stoop too much. Because I am a STRICT OFFICER lol.

Because i only reply less, she used to call me over phone for no reason in the pretext of clarification on office works. Hence i realised that she was very much interested in me and why not include her in the list too!!

So from then on I too slightly began informal talks. As it happened we almost talked over phone everyday as a routine.

One fine day She didnt talk, she wasnt seen in whatsapp too. Usually she will call, but today I myself called and she didnt attend the call.

The next day in office when she came to my room she had swollen eyes, like she had severe cold. I asked what was wrong with her eyes for which she said ..Nothing sir.. I asked if she had cold !? She just said hmm.. and went away quickly. Even her usual long talks and bright smiles were missing.

Sensing some problem, I called her to my room during lunch time. She came in stood near my table and was still dull and wasnt looking at my face. I went near her, leaned on my table and asked her Directly why she didnt talk and even didnt attend the call the prev day.

She suddenly burst into tears, her face became full RED and she closed her face with her palms. She said her husband was Ill-treating and suspecting that she was having some illicit relationship with someone in phone(that is ME) and began acting like a stupid Nd even beat her the previous day.

She tried to clarify and convince him that she was doing that to fetch him a job.

Her husband was jobless, he tried to make fortunes with some business which was a big fail and since been staying at home uselessly.

He was not convinced with her reason and even abused her like… “You need not sleep with someone to get me a job..” As she was explaining this she leaned forward close to me, I gently rubbed the back of her head when she cried terribly. I myself felt very bad and full of Anger! I could have even put her husband behind bars with a single phone call, but she begged me not to do that because he was suffering from depression since he made huge loss in the business.

I asked her how else I can help her. She was silent, regained her composure and said “I’ll take care of it myself sir, thanks for listening to me patiently sir.”

While she was about to leave the room i asked her to wait, went near her and asked “Why didnt you tell me before that your husband wanted a job?”

She replied ” Sir i didnt want to make use of your Official position hence didnt ask for it ”

I aked if she can bring along her husband to my house so that we can talk and I shall recommend a job for him.. she wasnt sure if her husband will be Okay with that and said ” I’ll let you know after i ask him sir. And sorry for involving you in our personal matters sir”

I quickly added “Thats okay ,dont feel bad. If you want any help I can do it for you because you have been doing many kind gestures all the time and I never reciprocated much”. She quickly said “Sir I never ever did those for getting a job for my husband or expecting for any favours, Due to respect and kindness for you i did them. Please dont mistake me for an opportunist”

I replied “Okay yaar. You need not even tell this, I can understand. Take care. Everything will go well” after hearing this she finally smiled and she looked like she was expecting something. She asked if she can leave the room. I said “If you are happy, you may go. I want you be happy whenever you see me ”

She thanked me for being so supportive and said She became confident after talking to me and left my room with a big smile.

She also didnt talk to me that evening. The next day she came to my room and said that her husband didnt even respond to her when she told him about it.

I asked for his number and Called from my office number. When I informed who i am, Suddenly his voice trembled. He was seemingly scared and surprised by speaking in a very submissive tone by adding multiple SIR and okay sir with almost every word. I asked him to meet me at my residence that Evening, he thanked me for having personally called him.

After speaking to him I called her to my room during lunch break to inform her. She was very happy to hear it. She thanked me many times and even said She will do anything for me!!. I just smiled and said “Take care DEAR”. For the First time i used “Dear”, and she seemed to take notice of it and was surprised to hear that coming from me. She was visibly excited and beamed with her brightest smile ever and left the room.

Later in the evening they visited my place sharply at 7 which is when he fixed appointment with meet me. They both came and was asked to sit in the Drawing room by my constable. He was a bit nervous while she was completely relaxed. When I came from my room to hall, he quickly stood up and she only slowly.

He then formally introduced himself and only we both spoke. He gave his CV and all his body language, his tone and use of language was all very nervous. That usually happens when people come to me for some favour. While she stuck to her usual smiling face.

After formally talking, i then switched to her by asking how was he now at home? was he okay? He quickly interfered and told sorry to her and even apologised for bringing the issue to me and showered multiple thanks. I asked him to only thank her for having got a very understanding Wife! She seemed to have got impressed by this and had tears in her eyes.

While they were leaving he proceeded first and she quickly came near me, palmed my biceps and Told “Thank you very much sir..” with tears still in her eyes. I gave a gentle tap on her biceps and asked her to “BE Happy always “.

After She went home she called me and spoke for almost an hour to inform that her husband was beginning to treat her very respectably. She was very excited and said it was her great honor to be close to me…

Later the next day I passed his CV to a friend of mine in another district to fetch him some decent job, hence he suggested a job( i dont want to mention for privacy reason).

After two days I got the appointment order which I handed it over to her, to personally give it to him. It was a govt job with decent salary but the Job is in ANOTHER DISTRICT. Yes i planned it this way. She seemed to not bother about this piece of information. She was very glad that he finally got a job after several rejections in pvt companies.

The same evening she called to inform that her husband was happy too and will be leaving the next day itself. I was HAPPY TOO :P if you know what I mean. Because he wasnt worth enough to take care if this beautiful smiling princess. She was cute , with big eyes, slim structured , fair complexion and decent amount of ass and boobs. She always wears saree neatly folded and tightly stuck to her body and she looked gorgeous only in saree because When she came to my house that day with her husband she was wearing an over sized Salwar, and on the same day over phone I told her She looked better in saree only.. For which she gave a deep “Ohh Okayyy ok..” as if taking note of it.

After her husband left for his job she became all the more attached to me. She spoke for long hours in phone and in office also which i normally used to avoid. She also began to give me variety of dishes almost everyday!

She also began to mostly talk informally than even official talks. She noticeably began flirting more by giving various new facial expressions and body languages since the day her husband left the place. She for the first time invited me to her house for a dinner as i must be missing home made foods.

In fact she never called me to her house when her husband was with her, but now she did. However I declined it by quoting various silly reasons.(because Tamarind girl was the first in my priority list).

The same weekend is when I successfully took down the tamarind girl which i explained in Kinky Encounters Of My Life PART 2. This was what i was waiting for, so The Secretary ladyย  had now improved to first in my priority list so she came under full focus and the situation too favored it. Hence I secretly gathered information of her shoppings, visiting temples and various usual outings so as to be present in those places in order to make it look like coincidence. Though i had no free time to do these I had to squeeze between my busy schedule only in order to make her happy :p.

One such occasion was her visit to supermarket near her house on one Sunday and i too presented like a customer. I wanted to make her notice me first and when she saw, She got so excited to see me. She almost ran to me and said “Sir? you do shoppings? Very surprised to see you here!! do you regularly come here?”

I too appeared like i was surprised to see her, and said “No i happened to come this way and stopped for buying something”

She was almost scanning me from top to bottom and said “Sir You are very different and handsome in T shirt and jeans, very pleased to see you like this, you should definitely come to my house It is very near, please dont say no pls pls..”

She was wearing Kurtha and jean and was looking gorgeous too, I requested “Can I perhaps visit in the evening please?”

She said “Okay in that case You should stay for dinner too??Will you ? Please!?”

I smiled and said.. Hmmm sure!

And we shopped together for some 40min helping each other, I bought some unusual products just for the sake of purchasing.. after she was done we started for our house. She again reminded me.. Not to forget to come. I replied in positive.

She showed her house in scooty And i followed her in my car and then we went back to our houses.

I went to her house around 7. She was wearing a red half-saree with a jacket that almost looked like t-shirt which looked stunning!!. She also seemed to have put some make up which all the more made her look sexy!! Very very Sexy!

We sat almost next to each other on three seater sofa and were just talking about likes and dislike like friends. She also avoided using “SIR”.

I too consciously avoided asking about her husband or topics which might involve him in order to avoid spoiling the love filled atmosphere. While she was talking she began tapping my thighs occasionally along with some sexy smiles and looks. I too tried giving some of my well practiced smiles and expressions :p.

While talking to her, again for no reason my dick became hulk. Since i was wearing jeans it didn’t show up much.

Since we were talking for so long we changed our postures and she now kept her legs on the centre table which revealed a good portion of her flawless waxed legs ! She moved the saree down but it didn’t go much and she just ignored it, but I couldn’t!!

She then changed to her next position of bending her legs altogether and hugging them with one hand. This position gave me a great estimation of her sexy ass and also her broad thighs… I started growing crazy & my Satan woke up.!

While talking I was unable to avoid looking at her ass which she very well noticed. And from then on she introduced yet another Sexy smile along with a cute expression of shaking her head. The heat inside me was rising.!! i was like I might anytime pounce on her. She teased me to that extent!!

We then went out of topics, became silent and were looking at each other… I started breathing heavily. I know i shouldn’t rush up but I was also wondering If I would get any better chance!? I don’t really know how to take topics to sex so I didn’t attempt to try it like a noob.

She suddenly ..Asked Do You like me?? I replied as if I was cool..” Yeah don’t you know it?”

She said “hmm(nodding her head)… *paused for few secs* How much you like me??!? ”

I replied “As much as you Like me!!”

She said “You are a Great person, Anybody will like you, You are such a DESIRABLE guy for any girl” and faintly said ” I wish You were my boyfriend! ” (she didnt say Husband, just Boyfriend)

I went all the more crazy on hearing this, I just Smiled…

She stood up from the sofa..! I thought she was going to give a lip lock but instead she asked shall we have dinner!??!

I was little disappointed, in fact she was very much clear about her feelings towards me. It should be I, who should’ve initiated. I cant expect her to do everything as also being a senior officer It was my DUTY and responsibility to initiate! :p

While we were having food I made use of the opportunity to start from where she left.. I asked by clearing my throat… “Did you really mean about the Boyfriend thing you told me??”

She replied… “Hmmm yesss.. Btw do you have a girlfriend? ” I gave a quick ” NO!”

She smiled and we carried on with our food. I quickly thought how to bring the topic more erotic and how to initiate and all.. by then we both finished our dinner. And again went back to sofa, I appreciated for the delicious food she thanked me but seemed like there was some thoughts running in her mind.

We became silent, suddenly she requested if she can ask a question.. I granted emphatically …”Sure!! Shoot it”.

She asked “What if i had asked Do You Love Me instead of Like Me? ” I was very thrilled when she asked this, I looked blank and then asked.. “Hey (her name) are u sure you mean it?? are you serious?? ”

She said “Yes (MY NAME) I love you! I know its immoral but that stupid(her husband) never gave me pleasant memories. He was useless all his life. I never enjoyed his company. But you treated me the way I wanted a man to be treated like except for one thing, I am dying for your love, I just want to spend some time with you (my name) I want to love you… ” she looked desperate while telling these!

I moved towards her, sat next to her touching her body put my hands on her shoulders and said “I too love you the way you love me Dear” she went emotional and asked “can I kiss you ?”

Before she could complete it I took her face closer to mine, Maintained eye contact and gave a strong erotic kiss on her lips. I then moved my tongue inside her mouth which she readily welcomed. She was rubbing and playing with my hairs which gave me a great feel.

We ended the lip lock while she gently pushed me away from her all the while giving a very very sexy look. She folded her legs and slowly began pulling her saree upto thigh and said in a sexy tone “You wanted to see what is inside right? Here you go, taste me fully”

She already had a wet patch on her panty. I quickly took it off to find a Beautiful flower like ROSE PUSSY!!! a very well grown labia.She had a fair flawless legs and ass without any marks or hairs!! It was absolutely clean and very inviting!!I licked her thighs kneeling down while rubbing her clitoris and labia. She was leaking great amount of juice which I licked my best to suck all the juice dripping from pussy by licking it multiple times.

I then began sucking her labia and she tasted very delicious. If i was a cannibal I would’ve literally eaten her, she tasted that erotic and super sweet.!! I even wanted to taste her urine by asking her to do it in my mouth but I didn’t want to create a nasty impression at the first time itself. So dropped the plan.

I then pulled her a bit forward to focus on her asshole. It was super clean and the hole was the biggest of the three I’ve seen. I asked if it was virgin and she replied in positive.

I them slowly moved my tongue around the rim of her shit hole by spreading her ass as wide as possible. She seemed to like it, the thing I was doing gave her some itchy feel because she twisted her body and also giggled as i was doing it. After I finished both holes, She pulled me to again give a strong lip lock, while doing so she unbuttoned my shirt and I my self removed my jeans and stood with just boxer.

I then took off her jacket to see yet another flawless Fruits with Rose nipples, They were in fact bigger than what I guessed. I began sucking them while slowly rubbing the other nipple, she moaned while also stroking my cock very gently. After finishing both We decided to go for fucking.

I slowly Inserted my cock inside her pussy and gently rammed each time reaching the max I can go.. This time, as I got well experienced, I made the entire fucking as smooth and as erotic as possible. As we very gently enjoying the fuck I stop a little to give mouth kiss and also for sucking her boobs.. She seemed to thoroughly enjoy it which reflected in her satisfied smile she gave while we were fucking.

When I was about to ejaculate I tried to pull out but she hugged and pushed me in signalling to fill her vagina entirely with my hot semen. She too seemed to have reached her orgasm as she twisted and let out a sexy moan while clinching my back. I collapsed and lay on her . We both were sweating heavily, she said I Did it superbly and again strained to give a small lip kiss.

After few moments I rose up, lifted her to bathroom and we both had a quick shower together, passionately kissing all the while soaping each other. After that I got dressed up and asked If she needed pill..? She said she will take care and I need not worry and asked me to peacefully and safely go back home. We once again gave a wild lip lock while I was about to leave and she whispered near my ear “I love you (My name)”

I too replied with a whisper ” I too love you sweetheart!!”


For feedbacks mail to [email protected] and if you want me to write more about the fucks I had with tamarind girl and Secretary lady you can ask me for it. It all depends on the feedback.. Thanks for reading.

Sub tag: Secretary Sex

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