The Affair With The Maid – Part I

aragon 2014-03-01 Comments

I was married to a wonderful girl when I was 25 and we still have a great relationship. I’ve always been open and honest about everything but the secret affair that infringed in our lives took away that trusted relationship.

We hired a maid Amala soon after we got married and moved into a new house. She was about 20 yrs. old, married and had two children, aged 3 and 10 months. She was very thin and slender but she was a hard worker, sincere and I never really noticed her in a wrong way. My wife and she connected on a personal level talking about various things. Over time, I came to know through my wife that Amala was getting beaten and abused by her drunkard husband almost every day. Her husband had another mistress and soon left her all alone with the kids. We felt sorry for her but somehow she expressed content that she was finally relieved of all the beatings and abuse. We promised to take care of her kidโ€™s future by sponsoring their education. She was extremely grateful to us for this and showed her sincerity through her work.

One day when I was at home working alone, she came for work early along with her son and left the kid playing while she was working. The small kid climbed up a large stool and fell down from there. I noticed this and immediately ran over and held him, trying to comfort his pain. Amala came running over to us at the same time and our hands and bodies made contact. While I didn’t make anything of it at that time, Amala told me later that she felt an instant rush when I touched her and seeing my response to a crying child. I was sitting with them and in order to comfort the child, she immediately took the child to her breast, lifting over the blouse and nursed him. I quickly averted my eyes but not before noticing a wry smile on her. I made an excuse and walked away but somehow even I was drawn to her in that moment. After this, I began to notice her more closely. While she was slender, she had amazingly smooth skin and the most curvaceous hips I’ve ever seen. Her sari was draped in a way that gave me an ample view to the folding of her waist and hips and a teasing view of her well rounded navel. These used to glisten in sweat when she is working and soon enough I was getting instant hard ons watching her. Her breasts were small but ample due to the constant breast feeding and I would sometimes notice her nipples leaking milk through her blouse.

And I was not the only one. Amala was secretly looking at me too. She was drawn to the affection I was showing to my wife and the kindness I showed to her children. Once she started breast feeding her son without covering fully. While I tried to avoid the scene, I couldn’t help but stare and while she knew I was looking, she didn’t bother to cover up as well. Her nipples were firm and quite large on her small breasts and noticed that she used to give so much milk at times feeding her son for 1 hr. or so. I soon started working from home more than often and my wife was only too happy to let me as she could spend more time with me in the evening when she returns. But I secretly wanted to spend the little time watching Amala before my wife gets in from work. Amala used to talk freely to me as well and I was responsive to her as I didn’t want to make her feel that I was leeching.

One day she came in alone and said she left her kids at her parents place due to some problems at the house. I was just finishing my bath and still in my towel. She started staring at my body.
I went to the bathroom to continue shaving, she came right inside and asked if she can clean the bathroom. Usually she waits till I am done but I said to go ahead. She lifted her sari and her inner skirt and knotted them in her waist exposing her legs and some portion above her thighs. She proceeded to work and I was looking at her ass swaying. When she was done, she wanted to clean the wash basin where I was shaving. I asked her if I should leave but she asked me to carry on. She injected herself between me and the wash basin and began to rub and wipe the basin. There was now only inches between my penis and her ass separated by my towel and her wet sari. I literally wanted to grab her waist and kiss her neck, fondle her breasts but held my nerve as I wasn’t sure of her position as well and didn’t want to take advantage. But I couldn’t help it and so in a swift action, I reached out my hand to keep the razor in and in the process brushed against her waist and let my rock hard penis touch her ass. She froze for a moment and I was close enough to breath at her neck. I backed away to the bedroom feeling a little bit of guilt. She came out few seconds later and was just staring at me. I noticed her too and was especially drawn towards to the large wet spot on her blouse. She seemed to be in some sort of pain and so asked her if everything was fine. She responded slowly saying that since she didn’t feed her son, her breasts were swollen and painful and leaking milk. I was instantly aroused and flabbergasted as I didn’t know how to respond. I asked her if she need any medicine to ease her pain. She shyly responded saying that she tried expressing her milk out but needed her son to suck them. She then slowly asked if I would be willing to suckle her. I was surprised but nodded my head.

She then sat on the bed very nervously and slowly began unbuttoning her blouse. I lay down and positioned myself on her lap. I noticed the wet spot on her blouse getting larger and she quickly lifted her blouse and popped the leaking nipple into my mouth. As I started sucking, she left out a moan and held my head tightly. The milk tasted very different from the normal milk I have but I was so aroused that I had a huge hard on that was difficult to contain and managed to stand up inside my towel. She continued to press her breasts towards me and kept moaning. I kept drinking the milk and felt her hand over my throbbing penis. She released the penis from the cover of the towel and held it moving the skin over the shaft slowly and then picking up the rhythm. I must have sucked for a long time. She then cajoled me and shifted her position to allow her other waiting breast into my mouth and I proceeded to drink voraciously now while she continued to move my penis in her hand. I couldn’t hold on much longer and soon spurted out loads of semen on her hand and everywhere. She proceeded to lick the semen out of her hand and she then whispered saying that she likes me very much and was waiting for this for a long time. She mentioned that she looked up to me especially after the kindness I showed to her children and felt protective when she was with me. I told her that I loved my wife very much and didn’t want to hurt anybody. She said she respected our marriage and didn’t want to be stumbling block by doing anything more. She thanked me for helping her ease her pain and she understood that even I needed some release from my hard penis. I was surprised at her response. She then proceeded to cover up and went about her work. My wife was at home soon and I still remember that evening when I had crazy sex with my wife while dreaming about Amala. Needless to say, the guilt was eating me up inside later on and I decided to do something about it.
The next day Amala came home quite early….

I will continue on this in the next part…

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