Gay love story

ISS Admin 2007-06-20 Comments

Hi guys. A heartful greetings from Srinish. Hope u would have read many sex stories, but my experiences bonded with love, emotions, romance, lustful gay sex will definitely turn u on. I assure that, please go ahead. Am Srinish of 22 years old based on Chennai. Am good looking, lean fit and got a hardy tool which turns even men ON. Let me share my Gay experiences with u. My Experience started 4 yrs b4. That is when I was 18. Actually I used to stay with my grand parents as my parents are abroad. Since we are 3 (myself, grand parents), grandpa felt that it would be better to set the half of our bungalow for rent. Where started my fun it was Surrender Reddy (a bachelor) landed up as tenant.

About Surrender, he is 26 yrs old, 6ft, and 85kgs, and 32w, gym fit-built and smooth-dark. He is very extrovert and caring. Most of the time my grand parents leave me alone at home, as they go out frequently to visit temples and my aunt-uncle’s house. This brought Surrender close to me. At first I did not had much liking towards him, but later when I started to realize that he admires me, it laid the foundation to our relationship. We used to chat over various things rite from atom to the universe. It later leaded to talk about our personals later on the sex. Until then, I never known that I have been gifted by nature a marvelous body, tool and great feelings hidden within me. All were explored by him surrender.

One fine morning as usual when we were on the way to a movie theatre, he proposed that he is interested in me and would like to share his bed. At that moment , though I felt over many guilty feels. I expressed my bad feelings regarding gay sex and society looks too. But he cleared up my mind and we returned back to our home without entering the theatre. At home we started to search love within us, as we were left alone at home, we got into physical touches too. Let me stop my part here, based on your feedbacks I can post my rest 9 segments of my love story .so here ends my segment-1.

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