Seducing Mom With Kisses

my favourite 2017-01-27 Comments

I’d really like to give you something extra special for your 18th birthday,” said Mom, as we stood in the kitchen in the early evening, “but I don’t know what. Well, I could think of something extra special that I would like to have my mother give me, but I wasn’t foolish enough to say it. For years, ever since.

I had begun to have the slightest inkling of what sex was, I had had a tremendous craving for Mom’s big luscious body. Thousands of times I had fucked her and licked her and fondled and kissed every part of her anatomy in my fantasies, spilling gallons of cum through ardent masturbation.

Now I won’t lie to you – Mom was not the kind of woman who would immediately cause any man’s cock to give a jump. Her hair had begun to turn gray prematurely, and now at 45 she was quite gray haired. Her skin, however, was still quite smooth, and her complexion was a creamy peach.

She had big brown eyes that I loved to look into. She was rather tall, about 5 foot 7, and she was definitely on the plump side. She did not have sensational tits or trim ankles or a sexily outthrust derriere. She did certainly have adequate breasts, and her ass was pleasingly broad

And her legs were shapely, even if they were generously full, especially in the thighs. She wore rather short house dresses, in the mode of the day, and tended to be rather careless in the way she sat. She always crossed her legs, and her skirt would ride up, giving an exciting view of her thighs and ass.

She was well-proportioned in a large, comfortable way, though with a bit of a belly. But to me – ah, to me, she was the ultimate object of beauty and desire eighteen is such a special birthday. You should have something that you really want a lot Mom continued.

Well, Mom, what I really want a lot is a big hug and kiss from my favourite Mom.” Mom laughed. “Oh, you can have that anytime,” she said. “Yes, but now that I will become a man, I want a real adult kiss. You know, not just a mommy kiss, but a woman kiss.”

Well, most mommies do tend to be women,” Mom said playfully. “Yes, and my Mommy is a woman I would sure love to get a real woman kiss from. You know what I mean hhhmm. I’m not too sure about that idea. Well, OK, but I thought you said you wanted to give me something I really wanted a lot.

I guess you didn’t actually mean it and now wait a minute!” Mom protested. “Of course I meant it. Uh – you are just joking, aren’t you – about the kiss, I mean.” “No, Mom, I definitely am not joking. What I would really like most is a big honest-to-goodness adult kiss from my beautiful mother.

Of course, that was only the minimum sexual favor that I really wanted from my beautiful mother, but hey, you got to start somewhere.
Mom sort of giggled in an embarrassed way aaww, come on, honey. Stop teasing.

I’m not teasing, Mom, but I see that you really don’t care enough to go that far, so just forget it. Get me some socks and underwear or something, something that just costs money. Honey, you are really being hard on me. Really, I do want to make this birthday special.

She touched my cheek now do you honestly mean all this stuff about an adult kiss?” All this stuff! Mom, I consider a real kiss from my Mom as more than just stuff! She laughed again, obviously at a loss where to go from here.

We did kid around a lot, and I knew that she still wasn’t sure whether I was serious. “Look, Mom,” I said, taking her hand, “I’m just coming into manhood. In another few weeks I’ll be out of high school, and God knows where I’ll be in a couple more years is it asking too much to want just one real heartfelt kiss from the woman

Who has always meant more to me than anyone else in the world?” Mom turned serious and looked at me tenderly. “And that’s what you really want? Honestly? I couldn’t be more sincere, Mom. That’s what I want.”

Mom’s embarrassment returned and well, when did you want this uh gift? My birthday was less than a week away. I smiled at Mom. “Well, we could practice up a little bit right now – just so you’ll know exactly how I want it, you know.” “Oho!” Mom laughed, blushing prettily.

I think maybe you’re trying to get more than just one aaw, Mom, I wouldn’t pull a trick like that. It’s just that I haven’t had any experience myself in this way, and probably it will take you a while to get used to the idea of kissing me in an adult way.

You do want to do it just the way I really want it, don’t you?” Mom laughed again. She was being a really good sport about the whole thing. I didn’t know whether anything at all would come of this, but I was having fun talking to her in this surprising new way.

Pretty slick,” Mom said, “but I guess I let myself in for it.” She looked at me for a moment and then said, “All right, big boy. Let’s do it.” She stepped up close to me and I wrapped my arms around her. She put her warm, soft arms around my neck. She lifted her face to me and closed her eyes as I brought my lips down to meet hers. The kiss was warm and sweet, but Mom kept her lips tightly closed and a little stiff.

Well, how was that?” She started to step back, but I held her close. “It was really sweet, Mom, but I think it was still more of a mommy kiss. I think that you could do a lot better if you just relaxed and made it softer and longer. Could we try another one?

How did I get myself into this?” Mom muttered. Then she sort of shrugged as if to say “Oh well, what the hell?” and raised her mouth to mine again.
This time Mom’s lips were much softer and more relaxed, slightly parted. Her warm, soft body was pressed tightly against mine, and my cock, which had been rising for some time, pushed against her lower belly. God, she must feel it!

I certainly felt the swell of her tits against my chest. This time the kiss went on and on. Mom seemed to be determined to prove that she was really trying and wanted to make me break the kiss before she would. Well, I wasn’t about to break it! My heart was pounding, and my head felt feverish with excitement and pleasure. I had kissed a few girls, but God! those kisses were nothing like this! Finally

Mom pulled back slowly, almost reluctantly, it seemed to me. She was breathing hard, as was I. Whew! Now that had to be adult enough for you, wasn’t it?” Oh God, yes, Mom! One more should really do it. I pulled her back tight against me, though she struggled feebly and protested laughingly, moving her head around to keep me from consummating the kiss.

No fair! Cheat! Cheat!” she cried, but she was laughing gaily as she said it. Then she relaxed again, pushed her delectable body against mine once more, and replaced her soft arms around my neck. Oh all right, greedy Gus.”

And she gave me another nice soft kiss. She pulled away sooner this time, however, but it seemed that she didn’t really want to. She was blushing and laughing in an embarrassed way.

Later that evening I caught her alone in the kitchen, grabbed her a bit roughly and planted another big kiss on her mouth. She struggled a bit at first, but then relaxed and kissed me back with soft, parted lips.

She wouldn’t prolong it as long as I wanted to, but she looked at me tenderly and said, “Good night, lover boy. The next afternoon as I came in from school I approached her more politely just one more practice kiss?

I asked. “I’m not sure I can trust you when you say ‘just one,'” Mom said, smiling, but she came into my arms for a nice soft kiss that lasted a long time. The feel of her warm arms around my neck, her tits against my chest, and her belly against my hard cock was overwhelming. Finally Mom pulled her head back, but kept her arms around my neck. These kisses are getting pretty serious,” she said. “Serious? I think they’re a lot of fun.

Don’t you? Mom looked at me for a long moment, then answered, “Yes, honey, they are a lot of fun. I haven’t been kissed like this since my honeymoon.” Then she put her lips back on mine. This kiss actually turned into a series of kisses, getting softer and wetter and more passionate as we progressed. I think that it must have been a full five minutes that

We smooched and nuzzled in a very warm, loving way, in a very adult-style indeed, really real woman kisses. I began to be afraid that my engorged cock was going to go off in my pants. God! How could she not feel it so hard against her and actually twitching and throbbing?

I was in sheer heaven except for that one fear. I don’t know what I would have done if I had orgasm but then I noticed that Mom was sort of trembling too now and almost panting. Finally Mom pushed me very decisively back. “I think that’s enough practice for one day she said.

We don’t want to wear out our lips before your birthday even gets here. Thanks a lot, Mom. I don’t know if I can wait until then for some more, though.” Mom just laughed in that embraces way and began to start preparations for supper. Soon the rest of the family was around, and there was no more chance for play that evening.

The next day I came in at about the same time and found Mom working alone in the kitchen. I came up behind her and put my arms around her waist, my hips against her big broad ass. I began kissing her neck and cheek. She sort of giggled and shook her head.

Here’s that wild kisser again!” she exclaimed. She kept working as I continued to hold her, stealing a kiss on the cheek or neck from time to time. She didn’t try to stop me at all. Again my telltale cock was standing at fervent attention, now poking into her ass crack.

Finally I started nibbling on one of her ears. “Ooh! That tickles!” Mom cried. She turned in my arms and put her arms around my neck. She lifted her lips willingly to mine. “I guess you need more practice,” she murmured and practice we did, very warmly, very lovingly for several minutes.

Then we heard someone else coming and had to break apart hurriedly. I quickly sat down to hide my erection from my sister, who entered the room. The rest of the evening was too busy again for any further contact. My father, younger sister and younger brother were too much in evidence.

The next day offered no real opportunities at all, except for a quick kiss good-bye and hello. Feeling very frustrated and horny, I hung around hoping that somehow we would get a little time alone. At first I thought that Mom was completely oblivious to my desires, but once she looked at me with a sort of amused expression and winked.

I knew then that she commiserated with me at least, and I hoped that she felt a bit of longing herself. The next evening the rest of the family all went to bed at the regular time and Mom stayed up reading a book that she said she wanted to finish.

I always stayed up later than anyone else, so this gave me a golden opportunity. After I was sure that the others were all settled down for the night, I approached Mom where she was sitting on the end of the sofa. I sat down on the arm, twisted around to face Mom, and leaned forward to kiss her.

This time we didn’t say a word. Mom leaned her head against the back of the sofa and let me go ahead with the kisses. She had her eyes closed, but looking down, I could see, down inside her blouse, the tops of her nice soft breasts. I put my arm down around her, brushing across one tit as I did so.

Mom jumped a bit at this, but we continued to kiss warmly as the necking continued, getting more and more fervent, I wound up practically sitting on her lap. Our mouths were opened farther and farther. Finally I actually felt Mom’s tongue and was quick to respond.

Soon our tongues were happily playing together, and the saliva was flowing freely. Our mouths and chins were getting very wet. I began feeling a bit too bold at this point, gradually working a hand closer and closer to Mom’s tit. I thought that she was aware of what I was doing

And maybe she was, but I made the mistake of acting too soon, deliberately grasping a generous handful of soft breast. Mom immediately reacted by shoving me off, struggling to her feet and saying that she had to get to bed. I stammered an apology, but she ignored it and headed upstairs, leaving me to curse my unwise impulsiveness and wondering whether.

I had screwed up the whole relationship. I didn’t sleep very much that night. The next day was the day before my birthday, and Mom greeted me warmly in the morning, even giving me a kiss. This certainly made me feel a lot better.

I tried to apologize again about the night before, but she put her fingers on my lips and then kissed me lightly again. I went off to school with a much lighter heart, and even managed to stay awake through all my classes. That night after supper, however, I was so sleepy that.

I fell asleep on the sofa, and when I woke up, everyone else was in bed – except Mom. Mom was sitting beside the dining room table, where she apparently had been writing letters. Now she was turned aside from the table and her legs were crossed, her skirt hiked well up

And one delightful full thigh could be seen all the way to her ass. I lay there on the sofa gazing through the double doors at the entrancing sight. Finally I got up and approached Mom. She smiled at me warmly. “I’ve been waiting for you to wake up, sleepy head.

I knelt beside her chair and tentatively leaned forward for a kiss. Mom responded as warmly as ever, and I moved closer as kiss followed kiss. I was actually leaning against the thigh that she had up across her other leg. Now I swear that I did not deliberately push her skirt higher, but our movements.

I put my arms around her waist had that effect. There was an awful lot of bare leg there, very smooth and very soft. The kisses quickly moved on to the deep variety as on the previous night, and Mom seemed especially passionate in the way she nibbled at my lips and licked and traded saliva with me.

Finally we paused for breath, and she laughingly wiped both our mouths with her handkerchief. She had made no move to pull down her skirt, which was now at a shockingly risqué level. I guess I hadn’t learned my lesson from the night before, because I impulsively bent my head to kiss Mom’s bare knee.

She put one hand on the top of my head, but she made no effort to push me away. Rather it seemed like encouragement. Thrilled to the core, I began to kiss her thigh, gradually moving higher. The skin was so delightfully smooth, soft but firm.

I moved my right hand down to her thigh and continued to kiss it. Soon my hand was well up her leg – in fact, grasping her ass cheek. By this time my mouth was kissing and almost licking right up to her very high hemline, and in fact pushing that hemline even higher.

I was in heaven! Those thighs had been the source of many hours of fantasy. I loved the way she showed them off, and I could have stared forever at the glorious beauty. To kiss them had seemed an incredible dream and now Honey

Mom said softly, taking my face in both hands and lifting it up, “Tomorrow is your birthday, the big day. I think we’d better stop for now. Somehow I’ll see that you get that gift you want so much. But right now it’s bedtime. I reluctantly let her go, just giving her another warm kiss good night.

I went to sleep with the feel of those soft thighs in my head, and I had the most delightful wet dream I ever had at last the big day came. It was Saturday, and of course the whole family was home. We never made a very big deal about birthdays in my family.

We had a cake for me at lunch time, and I got a couple minor gifts. But I was a bit depressed, because I couldn’t figure out how I would ever get Mom alone. I needn’t have worried. I found out that Mom had talked Dad into taking the family to a movie that afternoon.

I don’t remember what the movie was, but it was a big one that everyone wanted to see. Actually I had already seen it, and owing to my status as the oldest boy still at home and I have three older brothers and I seldom went places with the family anyway.

Mom was supposed to go, however but at the last minute she told Dad that she didn’t really feel very well, and she thought she had better stay home. She urged him to go ahead, though, and to take my brother and sister.

I saw her give Dad some extra money mom usually controlled the finances and told him to take the kids out for supper afterward, since she didn’t feel up to cooking a meal. Mom stood at the window and watched the car disappear. She turned to me and gave me a kiss and said that she would be back down in a little while. Then she went upstairs. I didn’t know what to do. I thought that Mom had set up the whole thing for us to be alone together, but I wasn’t sure.

Maybe she was really feeling bad. On the other hand, maybe she was expecting me to come upstairs and join her in her bedroom. I thought – God! I thought all kinds of things. I thought that Mom was actually ready to be fucked, but what if I guessed wrong?

I sure as hell didn’t want to lose what I had gained. I got a Coke and sat down at the kitchen table, trying to figure out what to do. I was so wrapped up in my dilemma that I didn’t hear her coming, but suddenly I looked up and there she was.

Mom was wearing a knee-length cotton robe of a fairly thin fabric, the kind that used to be called for some reason a duster. As she passed in front of the window, I thought that I could see through it enough to tell that there was no other garment underneath.

Mom was standing close before me as I still sat stupidly in the kitchen chair. She bent over and kissed me tenderly, very gently, and murmured, “Happy birthday, my darling boy. Your gift is all ready for you still sitting and I put my arms around her just below her hips.

She stuck her tongue out and gently and deliberately licked my lips. I responded in kind. “Mmm, you taste good,” Mom murmured softly. We went on kissing and tonguing. I moved my hands down to caress Mom’s bare knees and then gradually moved them up her bare thighs under the duster.

She made no attempt to stop my progress toward her hips instead the kisses became more insistent. Finally I reached my goal and discovered, as I had hoped, that she was wearing no panties. I gently squeezed and caressed her smooth ass cheeks, then gradually worked one hand around to the front and brushed the crispy hair at her crotch.

Then she was fumbling at the front of her duster, and in a moment it fell open completely. She took my head and pulled it against her soft, full breasts. I nuzzled into them, enthralled by the soft, firm smoothness then she directed me to one breast and thrust a hard nipple into my mouth.

Meanwhile my hands were working more vigorously at her ass and pussy. She spread her legs wider, presenting her mound freely to me. I rubbed the moist swollen lips of her cunt, then thrust a finger tentatively inside. Mom pushed her hips forward, forcing my finger farther inside.

I began finger fucking her, as she responded with her belly, humping her pussy against my hand. More and more frantically she jerked and pushed, bucking her hips to get more and more friction on her clit. Then she was moaning and gasping as she came beautifully, murmuring,

Oh God, honey ooohhh! Her cunt had become very wet and I felt the vaginal muscles twitching and grasping. After a few minutes of hard breathing, Mom finally said in a sort of thick voice, “But I’m supposed to be giving you the gift. Come on, honey. Take your dear old mother up to your room and fuck her. Isn’t that the gift you really want?”

You bet that’s what I want! That’s the greatest gift anyone could possibly get!” I exclaimed. We hurried up the stairs. I lifted up the tail of Mom’s duster so that I could watch her ass as we went, and she giggled delightedly in my room.

I wasted no time yanking that duster offs her body, even tearing it a little bit, I’m afraid. Then Mom was just as eagerly helping me to strip off my shirt and pants wait!” she cried when I was all undressed except for my jockey shorts and let me do it.

She knelt before me and slowly pulled the shorts down, watching as they stretched to the limit to slide over the end of my hard cock. As my inspired rod leaped free, Mom laughed out loud and cried whee! There it is at last oohh! What a beauty!

Now I can do more than just feel it poking into me when we’re kissing.” She laughed delightedly as she took my cock in her hands and kissed the tip of it, nibbling a bit at the head. Then she jumped onto my bed and spread her legs wide. Here I am, honey!” she cried gaily. “Come and get it while it’s hot and it sure is hot for you, honey!”

Well, I sure didn’t need any more invitation than that! But I did stand there just a moment to let my eyes rejoice at that fantastic sight. There was my big beautiful Mom, her nice big tits with their dark nipples standing up hard and long, her full legs with those smooth white thighs spread far apart

Her swelling belly curving into her delectable mound, covered with an abundance of dark brown hair, through which the swollen lips of her gaping pussy were peeping, welcoming my cock to come inside then I was upon her. My mother’s eager fingers took hold of my cock and guided it to the hairy portal of her wet love passage.

Come on, honey,” Mom urged push that beautiful big dick into your Mommy’s hungry pussy! Push it all the way in!” I slowly pushed, and my cock sank down that slippery way inch by inch until my balls were right against Mom’s ass. Her cunt was amazingly hot inside. God, it felt good! For a moment I just lay there savouring the situation.

I actually had my dick as Mom always called it deep in my own mother’s juicy pussy. The impossible dream of all my adolescent years had somehow miraculously come true. “Oh God, Mom and I whispered hoarsely. I love you! Oh God, how I love you!

I was just overwhelmed by an enormous feeling of gratitude and love for this dear, dear woman who was now giving me the ultimate gift that any mother could give to her son oohhh, honey, I love you too! Go ahead and show me how much you love me! Fuck me, honey!

Fuck your Mommy! I knew that I wouldn’t last long if I just turned loose, but my wet dream of the night before helped me to hold back a bit. I began to fuck Mom slowly, pulling way out very slowly, then pushing all the way back in and I could feel every inch of Mom’s sweet love canal as I moved in and out of her.

I put my mouth on hers, and we kissed passionately like the lovers we had become, not mommy kisses – and yet I never felt more like her son than then, when I was fucking her for the first time. This was my lover, my sweetheart, but most of all – my Mom!

Mom moved her hips in exact response to my slow fucking, pulling back as I pulled out and lifting her cunt to meet me as I shoved my cock in. She began to make strange noises with her mouth, sort of a humming and murmuring into my mouth, almost like purring.

I found myself replying to this with repeated sounds of pleasure mmm!” It just felt so damned good to be inside this wonderful big woman! Gradually we began to pick up the tempo and the forcefulness. When I pushed back in, I would do it a little harder and sort of bore my cock in harder at the bottom.

Mom’s hips and ass reciprocated in perfect unison. I don’t know how I held out so long. My cock felt on fire the whole time, with a tremendous prickly sensation. One of my hands now had a big handful of her big firm ass, while the other was squeezing on a soft tit.

Mom had both her hands on my ass, sort of guiding my motions. Finally we both seemed to feel at the same time that it was time for the stretch drive. I began to thrust into her hard and fast, and Mom’s belly leaped up to meet me. Suddenly she cried out in my ear

Oh fuck me, honey! Fuck me hard now! Give it to me, baby! Fuck! Fuck! Oooohh – Fuck! I began to ram into her furiously, slamming her ass down into the bed, but she bounced right back up for each new thrust, humping her ass for all she was worth.

I was really pounding it to her and she was taking everything I had and asking for more. The bed was really taking a beating. There was a “squish – squish” sound as my cock pistoned into her sopping wet pussy. My balls were slapping against her ass on each plunge.

She had her knees way up, opening herself to the fullest for my big prick. I felt the heat in my cock build even more, and I knew I was going to come. Mom,” I panted, “I’m about to come! Mom sort of screamed at this and her ass just went crazy, leaping and bucking like mad.

God! I would never have believed that her beautiful big hips could move that fast! My cock finally just boiled over, and I began spurting my hot juice into Mom’s hot cunt. Mom gave a long, sustained, muffled scream into my mouth, and suddenly she stiffened up.

Her whole big body, trembling violently, arched up off the bed, lifting us both into the air. For long moments she hung there shuddering, her pussy muscles churning and grasping at my emptying cock, as we climaxed gloriously together.

Then she collapsed under me and we both lay there exhausted, panting into each other’s open mouth. Mom was just sprawled out wide open, her legs totally relaxed in a wide spread, her tits spread out on her chest, her lips very loosely open under mine.

I lay completely on top of her, just as thoroughly relaxed, my cock, still mostly hard, buried in her overflowing pussy. I knew that the bed had a growing pool of our cum under Mom’s ass. From time to time a little ripple, sort of an aftershock, would run through Mom’s pussy.

I slowly came back to my senses, I felt the overwhelming impact of what we had just done. Never would life be the same again. Never would our relationship be that sort of kidding friendship that we had enjoyed. No, something wonderfully new had replaced it.

My mother, my own beloved Mom, had given her body to me, had willingly taken my penis into her vagina, had fucked me with joyous abandon! My fantasies of such an event had been great, but to have them come true, true beyond my wildest imagination ah, God, what a stupendous miracle!

I began to stroke Mom’s big beautiful body again, and she stirred under me. “Oh, honey!” she finally whispered. “Oh, honey! That was absolutely the best fuck I ever had in my whole life! Wow! Did I ever come! Oh, honey, you made your mother feel so – so goddamned good!

She shuddered again as she said this, and her cunt gripped my cock again. I had never heard my mother swear before, but I understood. This was something so totally different from everything in her life before that it just demanded a stronger means of expression.

Oh, Mom, thank you, thank you, thank you! This is the most wonderful thing that could ever happen to me! Oh, Mom, I just can’t begin to tell you how much I love you! I’m just overflowing with love for my wonderful, wonderful Mom! Mom laughed happily beneath me, her body shaking.

I noticed that. We both overflowed all over your bed.” Somehow this struck both of us as just being hilarious, since we were bubbling with happiness anyway. We laughed uproariously together. Our laughter shook her pussy and my cock, which began to get harder again.

Ah well, that’s OK. We can clean it up and maybe plan for it next time – and the next time – and the next. We lay and talked for a while, trying to express our love, and wondering about how it had developed in this way. “I knew when we kissed that first time, that you really wanted to fuck me and Mom said and when I let those kisses continue.

I knew that I wanted to fuck you and you know, I don’t feel guilty at all. I love you more than anyone else in the world, more than the other children, even more than your father, and I really wanted to show you my love in this way. You know, Mom, it’s funny in a way, but I love you much more now as a mother than ever before.

Sure, you’ve got a great body, and if you don’t mind my saying it, you’re a tremendous piece of ass, but most of all I think of you as the most loving mother a guy could have.” We were caressing and kissing as we talked, and soon we found ourselves back in action again. This time Mom rolled me over and got on top.

God, she was a gorgeous sight as she rose and fell on my cock! She gave me another magnificent fuck. We got up and ate a snack, then hurried back to bed for another quick fuck before the family returned from that time on, Mom was my constant lover.

She created all kinds of ways for us to have time alone so that we could fuck and suck and many times a day we would exchange pats and squeezes and fondles in secret. We did some pretty daring things at times when we got carried away by our emotions, but we never got caught.

I stayed in town to go to the local college, got a good job, and eventually even got married – to a girl who was as like Mom as possible. Through it all, we kept our love life going strong, until Mom was well into her 60’s. Gradually we ended the physical side of our relationship by mutual consent, but we were always the closest of lovers until she finally died.

I miss her a lot, but she left me with some wonderful memories. I have read some of the stories on the Net about sons who humiliate and degrade their mothers, and they make me very sad there cannot possibly be any bond stronger than that between a mother and her son and if that bond can develop into a deep sexual love as well, it is far

And away the sweetest and the most exciting kind of love possible and I love my wife very much, but there is no way that I can feel as deeply about her as I did about the woman who gave me life, and gave me love, and gave me her wonderful body so freely and so devotedly. I consider myself to be the most fortunate of men to have had that greatest love for so many years.

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