Nandan And His Mother

anabele 2010-01-10 Comments

Nandan has not been the same since Thilakam came back after visiting her sick sister. There was something different about him; she could not put her finger on. He appeared to be happier and more self confident in himself. She thought she was probably imagining it. She always treated him like a small child because of his developmental delay. But he was a fully grown man now. In fact he looked more and more like his father, her departed husband.

It is more than 10 years since her husband passed away. Thilakam really missed him. She has just turned 30 when her husband suddenly died of a heart attack; he was in his late 30s. She has managed to bring up Nanda all by herself. It was hard work because of his disability. Physically he was normal but behaviorally he was lots younger than he was supposed to be. At present even though he was 18 years old he behaved more like a 12 year old. He also had mood swings and she was getting used to it.

After a few days, suddenly he became very quiet and withdrawn. She knew best to leave him alone when he was in such a state. He locked himself in his room and she heard him mumbling and even cursing, which was quite unusual for him. She would have never on her life guessed what the cause for his change in mood was.

A couple of days ago, as usual after work he went straight to Mehala’s (Mrs. Raj) place. He has been doing it regularly since his mother and Raj came back home. Mehala was always happy to have him. They usually have sex but on that day she was not in a mood for it. Nandan was a bit disappointed but as a consolation she let him suck her boobs, which made him quite happy. They were in the lounge room sitting on the sofa. She had her blouse open and her bra unhooked. He was sitting next to her and leaning over her sucking one of her boobs while fondling the other.

As he kept sucking, Mehala become aroused by it. She has fed the baby just before his arrival, but still she left a little bit for him as she know he always liked to taste the milk when he sucked her. It was different when he sucked compared to when the baby does and she liked the feeling. It was sexual and always made her wet. With one hand she stroked the back of his head and with the other she stated to feel for his cock over the clothes he was wearing. He was still in work clothes – an overall which was made of thick material. She managed to undo a few buttons close to his crotch and reached for the cock, only the thin material of his jocks was between her and his cock which was already erect. Suddenly there was a noise outside the house. Shit! It was Raj! Why on earth did he come home early?

She managed to push Nandan away from her boobs and hurriedly buttoned up her blouse. She didn’t even get around hooking her bra back. She hurried him to get into the adjoining guest room and just got up from the sofa when Raj entered the room. She quickly looked around to see whether there was any evidence of Nandan being there. She looked over her shoulders to make sure Nanda was well and truly inside the guest room and the door was closed.

“Hi Honey. You are home early” she welcomed Raj with a quick kiss on his cheeks.

“Mmmmm. I love that kind of welcome any day” he teased her and kissed her back on her cheeks. “I have to get some papers I left behind and get back to office again. I will be here for only a short time.” He went upstairs to his home office. As soon as he was out of sight, she opened the guest room and asked Nandan to quickly get home. She kept looking up the stairs to make sure Raj was not going to come down. Nandan was not happy to leave, but Mehala insisted that he should and with a sulk he left. Mehala was relieved, it was a close call. Nothing was worth upsetting her marriage and she decided that she had to call an end to the affair.

Next day when Nandan arrived, Mehala told him in so many words that whatever happened in the past had to stop. He begged, cried and made a scene; she felt so guilty about it but felt that that was the best for all concerned. She cried after he left because in her own bizarre manner, she loved him.

After a couple of days of moping in his room finally Nandan emerged. He was still not happy but he had a strange look about him. Thilakam was amazed how much he looked like her husband. She even made a remark to that effect. He stared at her when she made the remark. After dinner they were sitting and watching TV. Suddenly he asked, “Ammah, Do you miss Papa?”

“Of course I do” she replied.

“What is that you miss him about?” She never expected him to ask such a probing question. She thought for a minute.

“Someone to talk to, someone to do the house work, someone to earn money
.” She was not sure what he was expecting.

“I can do all that” he quickly replied.

“But, there is more husband and wives do” she was not sure how to put it across to him.

“I can do that too”

Thilakam was too shocked to say anything.

“You don’t know what you are talking about”

“I know what I am talking about. I want to be your Papa” His words were quite firm and authoritative. He sounded very much like her husband.

“Don’t say things like that!” She was shocked, angry as well as embarrassed by what he said.

Nandan got up from the chair he was sitting and walked up to her. She didn’t expect what was going happen next; he slapped her hard on her face.

“Please don’t talk back to me. I don’t want to hurt you”. The exact words her husband used to say on the occasions she ever tried to argue with him or disagree with him!

Thilakam started to cry. He put his hands around her and said, “Ammah don’t cry. I won’t hurt you. Come let us go into the bed room”

She was too shocked to do anything else but to let him lead her into the room. It was like the old times. All she could see was her departed husband in the guise of Nandan. They have fights and he usually ends up slapping her. When she starts to cry, he apologises and then takes her into the bed room and had sex with her. Oh My God! It can’t be right. He is my son not my husband. She was confused.

Nandan closed the door behind them. She looked at his face. The expression was something she has never seen in him before. He had a fierce determined look. It was frightening. It brought back memories, exactly how her husband looked, after he had a few glasses of scotch and wanted to have sex when she was not in a mood for it.

She tried to plead with him. “Please Honey; it is not right for a mum and son to do this”.

His voice was firm. “I am not Nandan, I am Papa”. He had in his immature and underdeveloped mind assumed the role of his departed father. She pleaded with him, but to no avail. Thilakam realized that she was not going to win. She thought for a minute. She was not going to convince him otherwise. Let her go with the tide.

Once she made up her mind, she started to feel a bit excited. It has been a very long time she has had sex. She was still young and suddenly all the pent up desires started to come up to the surface. She felt guilty about the feeling she was having; she could deal with the gilt later on.

Nandan didn’t fail to notice the change in his mum’s attitude. His only experience has been with Mrs. Raj and she always took the initiative. But now he was with his mum and he has to take the lead, he realised.

“At least, can you turn the light off, please” she pleaded. He thought for a minute. Even to his immature mind, it was obvious that she was shy and he agreed to. There was still some light coming from the lounge room through the window eves. He started to take off his clothes. In no time he was naked. Thilakam closed her eyes as he started to strip. When she finally opened her eyes, even in the dim light she could see his body. Oh my God. He was a fully grown man and his cock was so big! Definitely bigger than his father as she remembered. He moved closer to her and started to undress her. At first she tried to push his hands away, but he was stronger than her and soon her saree came off. She closed her eyes again as he started to unbutton her blouse. She still had her eyes closed as he put his hands on top of her boobs over her bra. She felt his hands squeezing them. It felt good to have hands on her boobs.

“Ammah, Open your eyes. I want you to see what I am doing”. She reluctantly opened her eyes. He was looking into her eyes as he bent down and kissed her on her lips. Where on the earth did he learn all these manoeuvrers? It felt good and it brought lots of pleasant memories. All her resistance were gone by now. She blocked her mind off that it was Nandan and try to imagine it was her husband. But surprisingly, it brought unpleasant memories of forced sex. When she turned back her mind to the reality, it really excited her .Oh dear. She was really enjoying the prospects of having sex with her own son!

She smiled at him. “That is nice’ she murmured.

“I am glad that you like it.”

They have been standing all these time. He pushed her on to the bed. She realised he was quite strong. He climbed over her. His hands virtually pulled the bra down. It snapped at the back and came apart. He grabbed her boobs and started to squeeze them. He was missing the feeling of fondling Mehala’s boobs. His mum’s were not as firm or big as Mrs. Raj’s, but he liked it anyhow. It was just the right size, he thought.

He could see the joy in his mums face. Even though he was rough she enjoyed it. It was a kind of painful pleasure

“You have nice boobs Ammah” She smiled shyly.

“You used to like them when you were a baby”.

“I want to be your baby again”. He bent down and took one of hen boobs in his mouth and started to suck on the nipple. It brought fond memories of sucking on the milk laden boobs of Mehala. But he liked the feeling of sucking his mum’s boobs better. It gave him a felling of possessiveness; it is his and his only, unlike Mehala’s. Thilakam wriggled with pleasure which she has not experienced for years. He husband was very rough when he sucked the nipples and used to bite on them making it painful. But Nanda was quite gentle to start with and as time went he became a bit more aggressive but she didn’t mind it at all; even the slight pain she felt was joyful.

He sucked nonstop going from one nipple to the other. “Oh Honey” she moaned. She didn’t care anymore whether it was her departed husband or her son who was giving her this to pleasure which she hasn’t had for ten years! All her suppressed desires came out like roaring waters breaking through the flood gate she has set up as a safe guard all this years. She has tried to be a typical Indian widow keeping her desires within herself. She had enough of it!

“Oh Nandan, sweet heart. Make love to me please” She couldn’t use the word ‘fuck’.

“Oh Ammah. I would love to”

He climbed in between her legs. She still had a petticoat and undies on. He gently pushed the petticoat up to her waist. She helped him by undoing the knot so that he could take it off completely. The undies she had were very traditional white cotton ones, unlike the black silky laced one Mehala had. He made a note that he should buy his mum some nice undies.

He placed his hands on top of her undies. It was getting slightly wet as her vaginal secretions were starting to ooze out. He bent down and kissed on top of it. He could smell her juices.

“It smells nice Ammah” She was very surprised and amazed at they way he was complementing, making her fell good. Where did he learn all this, she wondered. Had he been with a woman before? She was afraid to ask. He pulled the undies down. She was completely naked now. Suddenly she felt shy and she closed her eyes.

“Open your eyes Ammah” he commanded. He wanted her to see every thigh he was doing to her. In his mind he was taking the place of his father and in his inimitable way he felt that he was doing this to please her. He was thankful to Mehala to have taught him what to do and how to do.

He liked the smell of the cunt juices and he wanted to taste it. Thilakam was not used to being licked there and thus it was a shock to her when he bent down and started to kiss her vagina.

“Oh Nandan. Don’t do that, It is dirty down there” she exclaimed. Her husband always used to refer to her vagina as being dirty.

“No Ammah. It is not dirty. I like to lick there. I like the taste”

What did he mean by saying he likes to lick the pussy and the taste of it? Has he done it before? She was tempted to ask him, but let it pass.

She started to wriggle with pleasure as his licking became more intense. He seems to know where to lick and how to lick. His tongue darted all over until finally he settled on her clit. He must have done it before! She was sure of it! But it was no time for wondering, she was in seventh heaven. Even her husband has never given her such a pleasure as far as she could remember. The muscles around her pussy started to contract and she know she was going to get an orgasm, Oh my God, How long since she had one of them.

She didn’t hold back. She cried out and wriggled her pelvis at the same time not to let his tongue slip away. She pushed her pussy upward towards him hoping the tongue will go further in.

“Oh honey, don’t stop. I am cumming!” She screamed. Nandan could feel her juice seeping out. Wow. It tasted great. Definitely better than Mehala’s.

“Ammah, I am going to make you very happy now” Nanda was in command now. He knew it was time to fuck her. He will make his Ammah happy, something she has missed out since Papa passed away.

He climbed over her; she could see his enormous cock. Wow. It was definitely bigger than her husband’s but for some reason reminded her of his; it looked the same shape. Do sons inherit their father’s cocks? She was wet and she could feel his cock slipping into her pussy. Nandan noticed that it was easy to get inside and was not as tight as Mehala’s was but felt that it was just right. He pushed it all the way in and left it there for a minute or so.

He watched her face. She had a sleepy smile. He loved it. He has never seen her mother so happy in her life. It made him proud and more determined than before to make sure she had a very memorable time. He gently withdrew it almost to the tip and then gently plunged again. Thilakam also started to move her crotch gently to keep pace with his movements. She didn’t want to let it slip out. The pace gradually increased. The ‘in and out’ movement.

“Oh sweet heart. It is great. The best!” She exclaimed.

“I will make it better than best Ammah” he increased the tempo. She started to moan with pleasure. He also started to moan. This was far better than with Mrs. Raj, for sure.

“Oh Ammah. You are so good!” He cried.

“No it is not me, it is you who is great” she said. “I have never had anything like this before in my life” It made Nandan very happy. He is even better than his Papa. Wow. That made him pump harder and faster. Thilakam was howling. There was no inhibition. Her husband always scolded her if she made noises while they had sex. ‘You will wake up the neighbours’ he used to say. She didn’t care. Nandan didn’t care either. In fact it made him more excited when he realised how much she was enjoying it.

She was getting another orgasm. Never in her life has she had two orgasms. Even one was very rare. She pushed her pussy upwards and screamed out loud as he shot him cum into her. It was copious amount. She could feel it filling her cavity and over flowing. Wow. How much does he produce? She could feel the overflow on the bed sheet. It felt quite warm and sticky as his cum ran around her belly and her thighs.

Nandan kept fucking even after the cum stopped as he still had his errection. Thilakam was so used to her husband rolling over and going to sleep as soon as he comes. She was surprised when Nandan kept moving his cock inside her; it was easily sliding now as it was well lubricated by his cum. It felt different as if it was floating inside her; it was differently pleasant. But she was soon taken by surprised when she started to get another orgasm. A third one! She never knew that women could get more than one orgasm. This one was a gentler and prolonged one. More like a nice warm feeling rather than a sudden uphill one. She liked it better as she was able to gently rock herself to keep rhythm with it rather than try and fervently push herself. It seems to last forever!

She realised that the stiffness in Nandan’s cock was gradually going down. He still kept it inside her until it popped out of her wet pussy. It was a heavenly feeling. Nandan was quiet. He was exhausted, more so by the joy of watching the excitement in his mum. He lied down facing her, cuddled her and pulling her towards him. His chest muscles were pressed against her boobs. It felt nice and firm. She put her arm around his shoulder and soon went off to sleep.

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