Finally Got My MIL

rahul 2012-08-15 Comments

Hi, I am Rahul, working for an MNC in Bangalore. Am aged 29 with tall, dark built mine was a love marriage but all the love got over after the marriage as I learnt that my biggest nemisis was by MIL who would fill her daughters ears against me and my family. Things were fast moving out of hand. My wife was too good in bed. She would do anything to satisfy and to get satisfied.

Sometimes we ended up with 3 -5 sessions a day usually on weekends or 2 -3 a night on weekdays. I knew that she could not stay away from my dick for long. So, I devised a plan to get my wife on track with me. I started avoiding her on bed almost a fortnight without sex and both were feeling the pinch of it. She finally broke the ice and begged me for one session. I clearly told her that she has to be mine and not her mother’s pet if she needs satisfaction.

Lot of discussions happened and finally the 9 inch dick won the contest for me about my MIL, she is about 49 yrs of age, has reached her menopause. My FIL is a Central Govt. Employee and in a good post. He was diabetic. After a tragic incident, he lost his leg 7 years back and after that he has been a loner. I really feel sorry for his state where in his wife my MIL is dominating him all the time.

I have a SIL who is pursuing her MBA at a reputed institute here in Bangalore once it so happened that my FIL and MIL decided to visit my MIL sis in Bahrain. Same time, my wife also got a training in Delhi and she moved there for three weeks. It was decided that I would stay with my SIL so that her studies won’t get affected. I was not so sexually attracted to her but would not have let gone a chance, if provided to see her naked and drill her.

Almost everything was finalised and parent in laws were to leave in a week’s time when, FIL was given an awesome assignment which he could never reject. So, my chitti invited me telling that my SIL can stay at her friends place or at her uncle’s house which is a bit far. I enquired about the tickets and she told she will manage it there as she is quite influential with the HNI’s there. She pressurised me and my in laws too pressed me to accompany my MIL as she was boarding a flight and going abroad for the first time.

Finally I agreed and I was cursing myself for being in that situation. I decided, to take care of my MIL in a good way so that her opinion about me changes and she does not mess with my life. The day came when we had to travel. We boarded the flight and we reached bahrain via Dubai at around 0830 IS (0500 Bahrain time Chitti and her family had come to pick us up and they all were very happy to see us there as we were the first ones to visit them in almost 10 long years.

They had stayed there in spite of the visiting India almost every alternate year. 2 – 3 days passed and we were roaming around malls, beaches and all the places. One night I just overheard the conversation between my MIL and her younger sister when I got up at 1 to go to pee

Chitti: so akka, how is Rahul as a boy, seems like a gentleman. He has taken very good care of our daughter and also so obliging to come here with you. I felt very happy listening to this
MIL: Yes!
Chitti: Akka, you seem to be very dull. What happened?
MIL: nothing usha, I am feeling lonely at times.

Chitti: what? Why? We all are here. We are going out and taking good care of you. Hmmm, I understand your feeling bored because your husband is not there.
MIL: huh, even if he was there it would not be of much use.

Chitti: why do you say so?
MIL: oh, you know very well, after the accident and the operation, now it’s almost 7 years and I don’t have a meat between my legs.
Chitti: Common, I had given you an alternative that too such a big one. It was difficult to get it to India, without the kids noticing.

I surely knew that something fishy is cropping up right now and MIL is sexually unsatisfied
MIL: oh well, dildo does not do the job of real one and I get the real one, all thanks to you, only on alternate years for about 15 days and doing when everyone is around is so risky. So I’ve got to wait till everyone moves out of the house to get him.

Chitti: Please don’t, Naz and I are open about it. We exchange and do once every month with other couples here. Here, though being an Islam country, you can find people worth the share. I just could not believe my ears. Chitti is sharing her husband with MIL and she is sleeping with him without the knowledge of anyone and they are swingers too and that was a shocker.

My MIL who seems so strict is a bloody bitch, opening her legs for her own Brother in law and in turn she is spoiling my married life.
Chitti: Anyways, I ll check on Rahul, whether he is sleeping and also on the kids. Then, you can go to Naz.
MIL: thanks so much Usha. I don’t know how to thank you.

Chitti: Just satisfy my husband and yes, not too much, I need him to fill me also. You wait here. I will go check the rest.
I ran to my room and acted as if I had slept. Uncles room was next to mine where as Aunt had to go to ground floor to sleep in a separate room. Chitti came in and checked and went back after about half an hour’s time, I heard the door next open and shut. 10-15 minutes later I could make out the screeching sound of the bed. I very well knew that my MIL and Naz uncle were screwing each other.

Just to confirm, I ventured out to check on chitti and MIL. I could find kids in one room and no one in the rooms where chitti and MIL were to sleep. I slowly checked even the toilets. I was wondering where both had gone. Not finding any of them, I slowly tip toed to my room and closed the door and tried to hear what was happening inside still the searching sound was on and in five minutes. I heard one yelling sound and I was sure that this was the voice of my MIL.

I heard it a couple of times more and then
Uncle: thanks usha for getting your sister here. She is one helluva hot bitch. Even at this age her stamina and urge for sex is commendable. I could not believe that it was a threesome happening. Wow man! MIL who was so strict and so religious is shed all her inhibitions and doing a threesome. I decided then and there that this slut has to get a taste of my cock too but I did not know how again after ten fifteen minutes of their talking getting over.

The screeching sound started and moaning too but this time I knew that it was chitti who was getting her holes drilled. I really admired the man stamina only to know later that he was on pills. I masturbated thrice before going to sleep. The drilling continued every night and MIL would return exhausted from the room sometimes her hair scrambled, her nighty torn etc etc.

I wanted to drill this prostitute hardly four days left for us to leave, we were visiting a mall right from the time we had landed, uncle and aunt wanted to gift me something and I was avoiding, but now I wanted and I wanted a handy cam to record my MIL’s sex escapades with her own sisters husband. So, chitti asked me what I want. I with all shyness told them that I need a Sony Handy cam and they got if for me instantly not knowing my intentions behind it.

I requested the sales guy to explain me the operations and asked aunt and others to go around the mall and to come to the shop by which time I can get to know the functions they accepted and left and the moment they left, I asked the shop keeper to put the battery on charge and told him that I will be back after going to fresh room and left immediately to follow my MIL, uncle and aunt and they went into the lift and I missed them.

I searched them and later found them in the fourth floor of the mall. I ran by climbing the fire exit and reached the floor where again I missed them. I saw a lingerie showroom there and was looking at the collections. It was awesome. Suddenly, I heard two tamil speaking voices. I just bent partially to see who it is. It was my aunt and MIL who were looking at the stuff and by the enquiries happening.

I knew it was for MIL for the wildest night tonight. I was about to move, when I heard chitti telling something to the sales girl. I did not understand that. She later got a big box fully gift wrapped. She gave the lady 50 BD Bahrain Dirhams it’s hell lot of a money there and left. I was wondering what it was and felt something fishy about it. Now, it was my turn to run to the shop coz they were coming to pick me up and go home.

I came to the Sony shop in time and they entered seconds after me and we left the shop. I decided to shoot their action tonight and when everyone were in the living room, I went to uncles room and searched for a place to keep the cam. I could not find any suitable place. I found that they had a TV in that room and a handy cam similar to the one that they had got for me was kept right next to it.

I just tried to run it but could not as it was low on battery. I just replaced it with mine and put mine on recording mode and went to my room. Uncle and Aunt had drunk and came to my room and asked how the handy cam was. I was lucky to have carried theirs back with me. I showed to them and told, it was really nice of them to gift me with that. They left after which my MIL came to ask me whether I am happy.

I replied to her in positive and she left and directly went in to the next room. By the way she was walking I doubt that even she was drunk 20 minutes had passed after I kept the cam on and once my MIL left, within 10 minutes the sounds of they talking about checking the lingerie could be heard and in another 10 minutes time the screeching sound started. It got over in about an hour’s time today but surprisingly no one moved out of the room.

I got scared thinking whether they had got hold of the recorder after about half an hours time I tried to check out what was happening and slowly moved near the door and tried to open it but it was locked from inside. I was cursing myself at the risk I had taken and was about to move to my room, when the door opened, I was caught. I hid myself behind the wall but surprisingly it was my chitti who came out tying just a bed sheet across her.

She was too drunk to even look the other side. I could clearly make out her ass curves while she was walking. I was mesmerized looking at her ass when suddenly I realised the door was kept open to the room. I ran to my room got uncles cam and immediately replaced it with mine and kept it in my room along with other luggages. I had my MIL she has to sleep with me now. I had all the proof against her.

I came and was peeping when I saw chitti coming from toilet. She was all messed up while walking her bed sheet with which she had covered herself fell off and I had a good view of her sagging breasts after this three days I slept listening my MIL moans and was pretty sure that she is mine now. We left Bahrain and reached Bangalore. I dropped MIL in a taxi to her house. Her husband had not returned yet.

She insisted upon me staying back as my wife will be coming after some time. I did stay back for execution of my plan evening my SIL joined us and she was excited to see all the gifts got to her and surprisingly the gift from the lingerie shop was missing. I waited for it to emerge but never came out. I had my handy cam with me. I closed my room door and checked the stuff.

My MIL was one taking initiative removing every ones clothes getting naked herself, sucking uncles cock, aunts vagina, her breasts, playing with her own breasts and pussy, riding uncle, trying various positions etc. I was shocked to see my MIL in such a scenario. I envisaged a plan, waited for a few days for MIL to recover from her drilling feeling and then started showing her my morning erections to get her into mood.

My wife came after 3 days and I thought the chance might be over. My wife requested me that she would like to stay at her mother’s place for some more time after almost a fortnights time I decided to drill her during day time only as at nights my SIL and wife were there and to my bad luck FIL also arrived at an inappropriate time but I decided to go ahead with my plan. I somehow managed to find out that my FIL will be at first shift.

I knew that SIL would go to college and will be back only in the evenings and as for my wife, she will return only late night. So the stage was set. I dropped my wife to her office and immediately returned to my MIL house. On the way I called in sick to office. I reached at 9 am to my in laws place and rang the bell. My MIL opened the door for me and asked about me not going to office and I told her that I was on leave.

She was wearing a saree. She went in to kitchen to prepare coffee. I went behind her after locking the front door with her permission. I wanted to break the ice so started talking to her. I had decided to nail her and so had kept safety precautions ready.
I: Ma you seem to be happy in Bahrain than here. I can really say that you enjoyed there. Hope everyone is happy with the gifts you got for them.

MIL: Yes, Bahrain was fun and satisfying. First time I went abroad and that too in flight. I was really thrilled. I should thank you also for making it such a memorable one for me.
I: Yes, I could make out your enjoyment. You were really thrilled to be there. I even liked to see everyone else so happy because of you.
MIL: Yes, they were having visitors for the first time. So, it was evident.
I: I don’t know but you seemed to be free there than you are here now.
MIL: What? Why do you say so?

I: No, there you would were a nighty and also some summer clothes but here you have become so traditional such a transformation but to be frank, you looked really nice in those dresses.
MIL: I could wear it there since my daughters were not there and they will never approve of it.
I: Huh, who are they to approve. Your husband should approve it and more over, he will be thrilled to watch you like that.
MIL: Thrilled? He? Never no use of wearing anything in front of him.

It is of no use.

I just had caught her.
I: but you can try to impress dad by wearing all those dresses at least inside your bedroom.
MIL: have you even seen us sleeping in the same room. It’s of no use wearing such dresses for him. I better wear it for someone who knows how to respect women and to treat them nicely.
I: what do you mean by this my? He doesn’t find interest in you.

MIL: Rahul, I think we should not be discussing this at all. I don’t know how we came so far with this discussion.
I: Is it? Ma, I always wanted to tell you that you are really good and if someone is not making use of you inside the room, is just wasting a pearl.
MIL: How dare you talk to me like that. Saying this she slapped me.

This enraged me a lot but for that moment I just walked out of the house. I took my vehicle, went to a medical shop, and purchased condoms packet and also 10 sinorest. I decided that this is the day when my MIL is going to be fucked for sure. I came back, bang opened the door, came in locked it. I searched for anyone else in the house but to my luck, still no one was home.

I went to my MIL who was having her bath in the bathroom. She took more than usual time to have her bath. She came out did her routine work and went to kitchen to prepare some curry. I was waiting to drill her there itself. I came down the stairs and went and stood near the kitchen door. I told her sorry. She did not reply. I made her turn towards me forcefully. I pulled her saree pallu off.

I slapped her back very hard and tore her blouse. I was abusing her with all bad words I knew. I tore her bra off. She was wriggling like a whore. I pressed her sagging breasts with all the might I had and ensured she was in pain because this was something that she would never forget. I raised her saree and langa and I saw her old torn panty and I put my hand inside and tore it off. She was hitting me and scolding me and I pulled off my track pants and undy in one go.

I took the condom and was wearing it. My MIL started to run from the kitchen all naked and her shapeless ass started to bounce. I decided to drill her ass hole too. I put two condoms and went behind her. She was sitting in a corner in one room trying to cover her boobs and pussy with her two hands and I dragged her out from there, pushed her onto the floor and went on top of her and she was still shouting.

I placed my dick in front of her pussy and in two three strokes I was fully inside her. First time inside such an old matured pussy showed its color. Initially she was resistant to take inside but after 5 mins of forced rigorous fuck, she finally gave through and started co operating. She was not used to such big dicks, she was doing ok with 5 – 6 inch dicks and now she had a 10 incher and that showed its colors.

A lady who was crying, suddenly started to hold it, command it and matched me stroke by stroke. She was all wet. She showed me what a mature can be. I turned her in to doggie and entered her pussy from behind. Hardly 10 strokes and could make out that MIL was about to cum. I slapped on her ass so hard that she screamed like never before and was crying with pain. Finally, she cum and her juices were flowing on her thighs.

She was totally exhausted and fell off. I turned her on her back and entered from front and drilled her for another 15 – 20 minutes and felt the pressure building in my balls. I took my dick out and cum on her breasts and I forced her to open her mouth and left my seeds there. She did not like my dick in her mouth but she was hardly in a position to complain. I got up and moved to clean my dick while she was still lying down.

I cleaned and came back only to see that she had slipped into sleep. I slapped hard on her breasts, she opened her eyes in fear. I told her be prepared for post lunch session and I need your pussy clean of your pubic hair. She then checked the time, it was around 1 pm. I had drilled her for almost 2 hours. She went into clean herself. I went to ground floor and switched on the TV and started to play the recorded sex escapades of my MIL in Bahrain.

She cleaned herself and was getting down from the stairs. She was shell shocked to see what was running on TV. She could not believe that I had known her darkest secret. She came barging towards me as if to bang me. I slapped her instead and told her, no dresses when we are amongst us and when others are there too, I want to see your breasts hanging, so no bra and panty for you anymore.

She just could not believe the mess she was in. It was going to get worse. I told her to go fetch the gift pack she got from the lingerie shop in that mall. She refused at first having any of such a gift. Only when I threatened her to slap she ran to her husband’s room and opened the cupboard. It was kept inside her hubby (my FILs) cup board. I was shocked to see a 6 inch dildo she got from Bahrain.

I asked her to show me how she would use it. She had no position to bargain. Like how a dog, h sorry, the bitch listens to its master, she started showing me the usage. Post lunch, we had two sessions. My anger on my MIL had still not gone. I told her I want to try something new. She told what more new you want to try? This is new only a MIL having sex with her own son in Law.

I begged her and she agreed and I made her to sleep on her stomach and tied her to the bed. She was all naked. I got oil from the kitchen and put it on my dick and took some in my hand. She did not know for what purpose. She was laughing and looking at me. I poured it near her ass hole. I wore condoms and got near her ass hole. She shouted it will pain not this hole please. I will remain your keep till I am alive but not this hole.

I just said then as compensatory, I will take a virgin hole. She kept quiet and submitted herself to me. I pressed just the entrance of my dick into her hole and she said its paining. I did not listen to her and continued with her. She was screaming. She could not take the pain. I drilled for some time with just half my dick inside her. I could not take anymore and pushed the entire thing in one go.

She was crying and even the pain was unbearable for her and over and above that I was slapping too at around 4 PM I finished my session with her and at 430 my SIL arrived. She saw that her mother was walking weirdly and questioned her what happened. My mil just said that pen poked her at the wrong place and winked at me.

Once my SIL came home, we acted normally in the night when she was preparing dinner, I seized the opportunity and I went to kitchen, kissed and smooch my MIL. She also kind of liked it. I went and got Mountain dew to drink. I mixed 3 tablets of sinorest in my SIL’s drink and wife drink after food, they felt too sleepy and went to their respective rooms in the first floor to sleep. My MIL also went to sleep at around 1 in the night.

I went and asked my MIL to come down. She came out of the room and told its too risky now but I told her that I had arranged everything. She checked by herself trying to wake up her daughters but none of them woke up. MIL came to my room the bed was arranged as if for first night. She was too happy with it. Well, she too had a surprise for me. She dropped her nightie and revealed the most sensuous lingerie she had got from Bahrain.

It was actually a thong which she wanted to wear for her Brother in Law. She had even shaved off her pussy and under arms. I sucked her pussy and made her cum. We did till 3 and I asked my MIL to ride me but she told she would do it when no one is at home at around 4 she went and slept in the first floor next to her daughter. I also went behind her and kissed her in front of her sleeping daughter. I was about to move out when I saw that my SIL frock had come up a little giving nice view of her thigh.

I stopped, stared a bit and went back to press her breasts once but MIL stopped me and told any woman except her. I told MIL and I love virgins MIL said if you even touch her inappropriately, you will lose me and others in the family whom you could get and I could not resist a virgin but matured cunts had to be checked before. So I just walked off and kept myself off from that virgin pussy of my SIL but one day SIL came to me with her love problem and I got her too. That will be in next story. Hope you all liked it.

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