Family web 5

ISS Admin 2006-10-26 Comments

And here I am face to face with my beloved son but as my newfound lover.

My mother concluded her story, kissed me and bound me with her limbs. I was shell shocked by her revelations. She fucked her father and gave birth to me and fucked me her son and gave birth to my son. Unbelievable, four generations!

‘Certainly there is a difference in incest lovemaking,’ my mother said. ‘I felt it then with my dad and I feel it now with you, my son.’

‘I agree with you, but why is it so?’

‘It’s so because, I think, 1) a family member naturally cares more, 2) a family member doesn’t impose strictures and 3) it gives extreme pleasure in breaking taboos.’

‘You are right, ma. We are born free; yet it’s sad we formulated laws and got entrapped in them. Let’s encourage incest and break these unnatural laws.’

My cock stirred and extended into my mom’s cunt. She was pleasantly adjusted herself for our rejuvenated fuck. We then immersed into us.

Inspector agreed to my mother’s suggestion to have me as her permanent lover. We never revealed our blood relation to the inspector. And we lived like real lovers.

But our inspector sahib died soon after in a cross fire during a raid on terrorists. And fate again took it course to displace me. Luckily the inspector registered my mother as the benefactor of his properties. We sold them and moved south.

I started a small business in Chennai and lived happily with my mom and our boy. We lived together 14 years. And my mom died on a hospital bed when she was 57 years old.

When I completed my recounting, I myself was in want of a cunt. And Bhavana the cunt in front of me was no doubt ready. She was sitting there with her thighs apart showing her panty with a big wet patch. On her perspired face, her lips were quivering. She was speechless but aloud in her lusting.

I touched her shoulder. She shuttered. My hand slipped and rested on her breast. She stiffened. Her breaths were laborious and quick. I took her heaving breasts in my hands, but they were as hard as coconut fruits. I pulled her on me and kissed her quivering lips.

She crushed her body against mine expressing her impatience to be fucked. I held her buttocks and pressed them. My erection pressed against her abdomen.

She broke the kiss and urged me, ‘Fuck me, uncle. I want you to do me what my mom is doing your son.’

That was her excuse to get fucked.

It was my prayer room where we were. There was no electric light in that room, but only oil lamps. It was lit on that day with 108 oil flames. The wavering light and dark shade had given it a dreamy look. The smell of flowers, camphor, incense and burning oil gave us a heady lung.

I disrobed her and laid her naked on the tiger skin, meant for my meditation. She was lying there as a rose garland. It looked as if the tiger skin had attained the nirvana. I got myself in to nirvana (nakedness) and squatted in between the spread out thighs of the rose garland. Like a full bloomed rose her pussy was smiling at me. And in earnest, her clitoris was peeping out.

It was not the first time that I had the luck to look at a nude virgin. I had had my younger sister, but then I didn’t have the patience to appreciate. And Bhavana, with her big-big boobs and thighs and pudendum, looked like my mom in her teen. And I couldn’t help but imagining that I was going to take the cherry of my own mother.

I held her boobs that were looking up with her nipples pointing the roof. And I placed my cock head at her fissure. It sensed the heat. I gave a shove, but as I expected it was not getting in.

All the lamps there were burning in caster oil. And castor oil is the one the grooms carry in to their first night room in olden days to break in the virgin cunts. I took the warm oil from a near by lamp and applied it in to her vaginal crack. Also I oiled my cock head and more inches. Then at her gate I put my tip as fulcrum and applied my weight. It gave way. I felt a thin stream of warm blood bathing my balls.

‘Ah, uncle, it’s killing…O…o…’

I stopped. ‘Shall I withdraw, darling?’

‘No…o…o, but…’

‘Don’t panic, it’s your first time, that’s all. I’ll take care.’

And then I bored in slowly, inch by inch, until my balls hit against her buttocks. And then I didn’t move. Tears were running out of the corner of her eyes. I kissed those corners and murmured, ‘It’s all over. Be cheerful.’

She tried to smile, but her lips twisted in pain. So I remained motionless. It was an impossible task to have a tight cunt around your cock but not to fuck.

Few minutes later she herself stirred from under. I looked into her eyes. She smiled, this time without the trace of her pain. I got her message and I moved, of course, slowly to start with. And the gloved grip of her sheath around my cock was…O God!

‘It’s alright, uncle, move faster.’

That was what I longed for. I increased my speed and my cock delighted in its play. It was long time since I fucked. After my mom it was only Bhavana; none in between. And Bhavana was so fresh and tight. I fucked her cunt like a first time schoolboy. But I applied my experience in building her orgasm. I didn’t want to let her hang.

And I did succeed. Bhavana was fucking back with her upward movements. I smiled and winked at her. She blushed but didn’t stop her movements.

‘You feel comfortable?’ I asked.

‘I feel delightful,’ she answered.

I took her boobs one by one into my mouth and sucked. ‘You resemble in every department my mom, you know?’ I told her.

‘Am I? Fuck me then as you fucked your mom all these years.’

‘Yes, mom, here I go.’ I obeyed.

It was a fantasy we stumbled in. And that clicked like anything. All of the erotic and exotic memories of my mom flowed across my mind. I fucked with force like a man in fits. And the cunt I fucked floated in hot current.

‘Mummi ko chodho, beta, aur faat dalo uski choot (Fuck your mom, son, and tear down her cunt.)’ crying aloud she shivered as if in high fever. And her cunt flooded with hot slime.

Neither could I hold back nor did I want to. And I erupted into her. And it was a tremendous relief. My body down poured with sweat. I kissed her and she kissed me back.

And we became lovers.

When Bhavana lost her grand father cum father, she blamed it on me. I didn’t argue. Her story on the Himalayan deity raised a doubt in me. I wanted to meet her mother and Bhavana brought me here.

Uncle Dev stopped his story abruptly at this point. I expressed, “Uncle, it’s not fair: You’ve not properly concluded.”

Uncle Dev cleared his throat and continued, “Bhavana brought me here and introduced me to her mom. Her mom looked at me as if I have arrived from another planet. She didn’t receive me or said a word; but hurried away in to a nearby room. Bhavana was upset. I told Bhavana to cool down. And I entered the room where her mother was. And to her mother, I apologized for my thoughtless love with her daughter. She forgave me on the ground that she too had her affair with my son, in the same way. We opened up our minds and found out that we had similar tastes. So we married and allowed our children also…”

“Enough, Dev, enough,” busted in aunt Saroj, “it’s time to open up our secret. Listen children, Iโ€™ll tell you what happened, on that day. When I saw Bhavana brought in Dev, I recognized him at once, and was hit by an emotional wave. I sought where to weep; and I entered into my room and wept there. Dev followed me in; and I fell on him and we kissed again and again and wept together.”

Bhavana cut in, “In that case, you knew uncle in advance, ma?”

Her mother smiled, but her eyes were bordered with tears. “Who wouldn’t know one’s own brother?”

I was stunned by the sudden proved link. Bhavana fell on her mom and beat her like a mad child. My mother pulled the girl and took her to her bosom and Bhavana broke down. Rahul too was on tears, sitting on one side.

“It was not our intension to hide you anything, dear children, but we were waiting you to mature.” Saroj aunty said. “And mean time, Devika entered our life.”

“We were thrilled, when we heard from Devika, of her mother-brother love,” Uncle Dev chimed in. “We at once resolved to marry Rahul to Devika; and Bhavana to Devika’s brother. We traveled to her home. And you know what?” Uncle Dev looked around.

“What?” I questioned him in a silly voice.

“We found to our pleasure, at Devika’s home, our own didi (elder sister). Yes, Devika’s mom turned out to be our didi.” Uncle Dev concluded.

There was a pin drop silence.

I took it first as a joke, but by the look of my brother Anand it dawned on me.

And I turned myself about from them, and wept. Aunt Saroj understood my emotions and took me to her lap and kissed me. “Devika darling, you’re also a gem of this family and it’s you who has brought us all together.”

I quieted down from my sobbing and tried to make a smile. “No auntie, the credit must go to Bhavana. It was she who had brought uncle and it was she who had brought me and that which led to my mother, your sister.”

Bhavana looked up at me with great affection. And she stretched her arms and I went into them. In no time everybody was in every ones arms.

Once our emotions were subsided Rahul asked my mom, “Auntie, now it’s your turn. Would you tell us what made you to run away from granddad’s home?”

My mom looked at every one and smiled. “So you want to hear out my story also. Ok, then, have it.” And she started narrating:

Dad was very kind to me, of course, no doubt. But I had become pregnant and was afraid that if dad came to know he would ask me to abort the baby. I wanted to have it. So I ran away from home with a man who was in love with me more than a year then. He was a South Indian and he brought me to this part of the country. He married me and we had our first baby, a boy, named after my dad, Anand.

Two years since, one day, my husband told me that he wanted to have a second baby, a girl this time. I laughed and told him to try his best. But he shocked me with his reply.

He said, ‘Manju, if I’m able to, why should I ask for your permission? I know I’m sterile. I was tested a number of times and I know it too well.”

‘But I don’t see any thing wrong with you.’ I said.

‘I know there is nothing wrong with my organ or my desires. What I mean is I’m germ-free; no way capable of giving you a baby.’

‘But we’ve a boy already…’

‘Let’s not go into that,’ pat was his reply. ‘But I promise Iโ€™ll never go into it and ask you, who fathered him.’

I sprang up in shock and ran into the next room. I threw myself face down on the floor and was rocked by the waves of shame. I didn’t go to his bed, that night. And I couldn’t get a sleep either. Old memoirs, I thought I had done with, waved in:

It was our dad who made me pregnant. It was my eighteenth birthday. Dad bought me new dresses. It was early in the morning. I got up, took bath and was naked in front of the mirror, powdering my armpits. Suddenly, behind me there, was our dad. I went numb. But he kissed my temple and said, ‘What a big woman you have grown into!’ and gone.

By the time I was ready, dad was busy with Dev and Saroj to see them off to school. Dad had told me the previous day that he wanted to take me to a temple on my birthday.

On our way to the temple, I reminded him, ‘Dad, you were telling that you would take me to a temple in Himalayas on my 18th birthday.”

‘That’s right. Not on your birthday, but at your 18th year. This whole year we can go. But I tell you the temple where we go today is part of that Himalayan temple. The deity here in this temple is called ‘Nagnadevika’, who indeed would come as a crane in Himalayas to show us the route to ‘Swargadwaar’. So I thought it would be apt if we pray here on this memorable day.’

The temple was an old one and a ruin. From the memoirs narrated by Saroj and Dev you can easily guess that it was the same temple, where our father was first initiated by his mother; and Saroj was broken in by Dev; and fucked after by dad on the day he married her; and, later, Rahul was initiated by Saroj on dad’s insistence. Such was its connection with our family.

We went into the temple. It was a deserted one. Inside the holy chamber we lighted up an oil lamp. And in the light the deity emerged in her granite nudity. I felt a current of hotness slowly crept into my body as if I was getting charged to spend it on someone nearby. Dad prostrated in front of the deity. I followed him, but on my knees and elbows, keeping my breasts and pussy off the ground, as it is an injunction to women. When dad stood up, I could notice in his dhoti an up tent in front. My boobs likewise were taut and swelled as well was my creaming pussy.

Dad murmured in my ears, ‘The name of the deity is Nagnadevika (naked goddess); we ought to pray in our nakedness.’

I was happy to get out of my cloths. Once naked, I looked stealthily at dad’s side. He was huge. His cock was double the size of a banana I used a week back to masturbate. I was scared, though I wanted to have a fuck by it.

‘O my young woman, your upturned boobs and puffed out cunt are too much,’ dad lamented, ‘I want to break in you here and now, but I have the duty to preserve you for Swargadwaar.’

Though I was scared by the size of his cock, I got depressed by his intention to postpone the fuck he wanted to have. Such was the effect of lust on me, aroused by that goddess. I pleaded, ‘But papa, you said this temple is part of that temple.’

‘Yes, that’s true, but your first fuck ought to be up in Himalayas.’

‘But, papa, I’m itching to be fucked now. If you’re not going to do it here and now, Iโ€™ll find some other cock out there. Where then is the question of my first fuck in Himalayas?’ I said arrogantly.

Dad didn’t talk after that. He took me in his hands and right away sucked at my breasts. His cock was hitting at my abdomen and drawing wet lines with its secretions. I enjoyed his hands pressing at my bums. I put my hand in between, held his cock and pushed it down to my vagina. ‘How many days had I masturbated imagining a cock and here is a real big one, by the grace of goddess!’ I thought.

‘I admit, I too had the urge to fuck you here and now,’ my father interrupted. ‘As you said, if you seek out some other cock… Why should I lose my beautiful doll to some other brute? My dream to go to Swargadwaar may not come true in this birth, but it can wait in the face of my daughter’s offer.’

Dad lowered me on the granite floor. Spread-eagled was I, lying there at the feet of goddess, to be taken by my dad. He knelt in between my stretched out thighs and bend his head and kissed at my pussy blossom. I raised my hips an inch as a gesture and he licked at my slit with a few quick swipes.

Then he stretched on me, placing his big mushroom head of his penis at my slit. He gave a push, but it didn’t get in. He tried three four times, but failed. He was about to get up and I was alarmed. I pulled him down.

‘What are you getting up for? I’ll not allow you to get off. Fuck me, dad. Put it in.’

‘Manju darling, your hole is narrow. Let me put some oil. I will not leave this place without stuffing your little pussy with papa’s big thing and emptying my balls into your craving hot pit.’

That made sense. He took some warm oil from the burning lamp and applied it into my slot and on his cock. He wiped dry his oiled fingers on the back his head. And he placed his big cock head again at my opening and gave a mighty push. This time I too loosened my cunt hole to help him in. And that worked out. An inch of his cock got through the neck of my cunt. I felt a sharp pain, but it was momentary. He stopped and gasped but didn’t give up. Another push. And another inch got in. I encouraged him by lifting up my pussy and pushing against. He put down his weight and inch-by-inch the whole length nudged in and filled up my sheath. Now it was my turn to gasp.

‘Oh, what a tight hole yours is! It’s so clamped around the full length of my cock, I doubt if I can move it.’

‘O papa, don’t say this and that. Fuck me and just fuck.’ I pulled at him.

He moved his cock in and out and that was the sweetest sensation I had in my life. I lifted my buttocks and fucked him back. Time went by.

Roof of that holy chamber had eight stone carvings in eight directions, depicting celestial nymphs fucked by bearded saints, in different postures.

I wanted to be fucked by my dad in all those postures. And here, in real, his fatty cock is splitting the hell of my cunt. I felt a tremendous bliss through my abdomen and it shook my whole body. Time stood still. And I collapsed on the ground. Dad didn’t stop his drive, but speeded up instead. I was moaning and moaning. And suddenly he crushed his pelvis at my groins and let out a cry like a bull. His cock head swelled out of proportions against the tender walls of my cunt and burst opened a floodgate, which filled me with hot gushing lava.

A few minutes later, regaining my senses, I said, ‘Thank you pa.’

‘What a great fuck, Manju beti, and such a tight sheathed fuck I never had in my life before. Will you allow me to fuck your pussy, hereafter, again and again?’

‘Sure, dad. I had never imagined fucking would give me this much pleasure. My pussy is yours. Promise me, you will not seek any other slut.’

‘Why should I? I promise in front of this naked goddess that I will not quench my thirst but with your tight sheathed pussy.’

‘Give me something as a token of your promise.’ I wanted to register.

He removed a golden ring from his little finger, raised it and said, ‘This ring will be the token of my promise I made on the day I opened my daughter’s virgin cunt with my fatherly cock at the temple of our goddess Nagnadevika.’ And he put it on my left hand ring finger.

And we kissed and he was exited like a just married groom. I showed him the stone carvings on the temple roof. And together we registered them in our minds.

And at home we forgot not to put them into practice. It was so fulfilling a sexual life I had with our dad. We assumed a life of a husband and wife and looked after Dev and Saroj as our children. Every night I slept in his bed and had him in my cunt the way I fancied.

But there was a lover, a South Indian, who was after me all my school finals. I liked him, of course, for his good looks and his position. He was an engineer doing some power project in our region. But then I was mad after my father too because of his pleasure drills.

I didn’t keep away my cunt even a single night from the pleasure play of my dad’s cock-strokes. And in three months I had the fruit of our action. I was pregnant. I didn’t tell my dad. I thought he would fear the world and destroy the baby. But I wanted to have his baby as a token of our love. That’s how I came to the decision to run away with the South Indian engineer.

Promptly, by then, the engineer’s project came to an end and I left the place with him.

With a nice heartening flashback like that one would not be ashamed to admit her past. I prepared to face my husband and the consequences. Next day, early in the morning, I woke up my husband with coffee in my hand. He was startled by my call. And the redness in his eyes proved his sleepless night.

I waited till he took his coffee. And then I sat on the edge of his bed. ‘I’m sorry. I never had the courage to come out with the truth. But then why should I be open and destroy your peace, when I have no intention to whore out of you? It was my father, I admit, who fathered our son.’ I confessed.

I could read the shock in his face. He pulled me to his chest and patted me at my back. ‘I pity you. It could have been a horrible experience, a daughter being molested by her own father. I had saved you indeed. I’m proud of it. Never mind, Iโ€™ll bring up Anand like my own son.

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