When Anjan’s Mom Makes Me Hard And Horny – Part 13

baby_3169 2015-10-21 Comments

This story is part of a series:

This is a continuation from my previous stories in the Anjan series (links on top) so read them first. Comments welcome at [email protected].

“Mom, dad, I can’t join you guys for the trip of Europe”, I told them that evening. After the initial exclamations, mom asked why. “A few of us have to attend extra classes during the semester holidays. Anjan has to, too. I’m sorry”, I hung my head, as if in shame, trying hard to remember the answers to all the questions that Janani, Anjan and I had anticipated. “Why didn’t any of your professors call us about this?” Mom asked, as dad followed with his primary concern, “Do we have to pay extra for this?” “Po ma, this isn’t school! Professors won’t call parents about it. They just told us to turn up and attend if we want to be better in college. It is optional and, no dad, no extra money. I’ll be more than happy if you guys tell me I won’t have to attend it!”

I looked up, making an eager expression on my face. “Shut up”, was mom’s curt response, “you’ll attend. We’ll cancel your tickets, save money too! Your punishment for not studying properly”, she walked away in a huff. I could see dad was already calculating in his head as to how much money he was gonna save. “Where are you going to stay da? You don’t even know how to cook, how will you stay here?” my sister asked, clearly the only one genuinely concerned about me.

Mom returned and both she and dad echoed my sister’s query. Mom started listing the various relatives I can stay with, when I interjected, “I can perhaps stay at Anjan’s? I hate staying with our relatives, you know that! If I stay with Anjan, I can study with him too, in the evenings.” Dad was quick to raise the obvious concern, “We can’t possibly bother them with this, da. It makes sense, though, but it will be a big imposition on them.” “He spends most of his time there anyway, I doubt they would mind”, my mom chimed in, “I’ll talk to Anjan’s mom about it.” I forced myself to stay calm, although this was deviating from the plan. “His mom had slight fever when I left in the evening, amma; she was planning on sleeping early (obviously a lie). You can talk with his dad, I guess.” Even as I said that, I wondered why Janani was insistent on them talking to their dad rather than mom.

“I’ll speak to him and explain to him”, was all Janani told us when we asked her how she’ll convince her dad. “Arre but how? You need to convince him that Anjan will be going for this class, and that I need to stay with you guys for the vacations, AND that when my parents call, he has to say yes.” “Sonnen illa, leave it to me” was her only response. “Dad likes her too much, da; never says no to her”, Anjan pitched in, trying to make some sense of Janani’s confidence, “but akka, you are sure na?” Janani merely kissed us both as she got dressed again, leaving us to wonder if things are going to work out. As dad called Anjan’s dad, my sister came to me and hugged me, “don’t feel bad da. I know this sucks, and I was hoping to have fun with you on the trip too, but education is important. We can go on another Eurotrip when you become a big shot!” She was trying to make me feel better and all I can think of was how amazingly soft her boobs were against my chest and how delicious she smelt.

I tried very hard to control my hardon as I mumbled a thank you to my sister and hugged her tighter, when I heard my dad tell my mom that Anjan’s dad was fine with my staying over. The anticipation of the depravity of the next two months made my cock harder and my sister felt it. But mercifully, she didn’t react, kissed my cheek and went off to bed. Dad came to my room to tell me that Anjan’s dad had said yes, but my dad had asked him to confirm with their mom before giving the go ahead. My heart and my hardon sank as I wondered if Anjan’s mom will also say yes. With a lot of worries, I went off to sleep wondering about Anjan’s mom. And yeah, I jacked off to her before I slept, imagining fucking her in front of Janani and Anjan.

I woke up late the next day since it was the first day of my vacations, to a lot of bustle and activity in the house. My parents had a flight that night and were preparing for the trip. I went to wish them a good morning when my mom told me that Anjan’s mom also agreed to my staying with them for the two months, my happiness knew no bounds, but I stayed calm, fantasizing the next two months’ sex with Janani! The day passed by and I hugged my sister and said my byes to my folks in the evening after dinner and left for Anjan’s place, as they were going to leave by around 11 in the night for the airport. Anjan, Janani and I had decided that we won’t do anything for the next couple of days till Janani’s exams were done. Anjan’s parents I and exchanged a few pleasantries and they retired for the night. Janani too went to her room to study and Anjan and I, who were to share his room, scurried in like a couple of horny mice.

Even as I was closing the door, Anjan grabbed me from behind and pulled me in for a kiss, fondling my ass. Our tongues wrestled each other as he kneaded my ass and I stuck my hand into his pajamas’ waistband and played with his bare ass. We began by tightly pressing our lips against each others’, enjoying their softness, and the situation’s heat. I then sucked on his upper lip and he did likewise with my lower lip, for a good minute.

As my hands explored his back and ass from beneath his tee and pajamas, he bit my lower lip sharply, eliciting an “aahhh” from me and mock reproof. We set our open lips against each others’ and began tongue wrestling for a fair bit, as I hugged him tighter and closer. We gazed into each others’ eyes as we broke for air, and smacked each other with pure love for a couple of times before we resumed our french kiss.

I pulled back and quickly removed his tee and felt his smooth and hairless torso and back as I went back in for a few more minutes of intense lip-sucking. I then sucked on his tongue as he tried in vain to extricate it from the suction, all of this while we ground our crotches together. My right hand went to his hip and I entwined my left around the nape of his neck and upwards, letting my palm tousle his hair as we kissed in an extremely intimate position. “I love you, baby”, he said, looking into my eyes. “I love you too, honey”, I said, and kissed him back.

We slowly undressed each other and moved over to the bed, and I fucked Anjan in the ass. Anjan had a long day evidently, and was tired; so I forewent my dose of tight-assed fun and sucked him off, gulping down his nectar as it splashed down my throat. Janani knocked on the door and whispered out, “it’s me”. We opened the door grinning and naked, and let her in. She hugged us both with an evil grin and said, “three more days my bitches. Enjoy your asses till then!” She gave us each a kiss and left and we slept naked, remembering to latch the door from inside before sleeping.

The next three days Anjan and I decided not to have sex in deference to Janani, though we did jack each other off a lot every now and then. But I had a bit more fun with their mom than before. I’m an early riser and wake up early even on holidays out of force of habit. So as usual, I woke up at six in the morning, only today I was buck naked and hugging Anjan. I carefully extricated myself from his embrace and put my briefs, pajamas and vest on (it was too hot for a shirt anyway). I covered Anjan up with a blanket since he was still naked, and went to brush my teeth. As I opened the door, I ran into their mom – she was passing by the door on her way to the kitchen, doing her morning chores – and my morning wood pressed nicely into her hip. I acted as though nothing happened and apologised for running into her.

“It’s ok, Baby!”, Aunty smiled at me, “good morning!” she walked on. I was awestruck by her morning loveliness and just stood, staring, as she went about her business. She picked the loose end of her pallu and pulled it around her back to tuck into her waist, giving me a good look of the fleshy hip I so desperately loved. I dumbly stood and stared at her back as she lifted her hands up to tie her hair in a bun; I was mesmerised. Just then, she turned around – to face a teenager with a noticeable tent in his pajamas, and his mouth slightly open, eyes on her. I came out of my trance as her eyes met mine. For a fleeting moment, I thought I’ll tell her how beautiful she seemed to me. Then I remembered how angry she got the last time I tried being over-friendly with her, so decided against it.

As I muttered an apology and started walking towards the washroom, she called out to me. “Sollungo maami”, I inquired the reason for her stopping me. “Am I so ugly in the morning that you won’t even give me a good morning hug?” she giggled and walked into the kitchen. I quickly strode into the kitchen, put my arms around her from behind , and whispered into her ears, “I’ve never seen anyone or anything more beautiful in all my life, girlfriend”. My left hand, as usual, enjoyed the opportunity to pinch the fleshy folds of her hip. She giggled, pushed me away and started measuring rice for the cooker, “Poda! Summa don’t lie! I know I don’t look all that great!” “Don’t be mad… Ananadhi”, she looked over her shoulder with an arched eyebrow indicating a surprise that the hint of a smile playing at the corner of her lips assured was benign.

“You look… very, very… sexy”, I lowered my voice down to a very husky whisper at the last word and made a grab at the fleshy hip, though unsuccessfully as she swatted my hand away. “I can see that!” Anandhi giggled, looking pointedly at my hardon. “Now shush! Behave! I’m like a mother to you! And do something about that before Janani wakes up, or worse, maama returns from his walk!” I knew when to quit, so I giggled, covered my crotch in an exaggerated manner, kissed Anandhi on her cheek once more, and raced to brush, my hardon refusing to go down. Eventually, by the time I finished brushing and crapping, I managed to get my hardon to subside. So when I walked out into the living room again, I proudly grinned at Anandhi, motioning to my flat crotch, as Maama passed me by to use the loo.

The next four mornings went by in much the same way, with me gleefully displaying my hardon under my pajamas to Anandhi every morning, and naughtily pressing it into her ass in the kitchen. I knew nothing was ever going to happen with her, so enjoyed whatever little I could to the fullest. The fourth morning, though, was different. When I hugged Anandhi goodbye and she left for work, I went back into the house to be greeted by a swift kick in my balls that left me whimpering on the floor. “Welcome… back… mistress!” I managed to grunt out, half grimacing, half grinning, lying next to Anjan on the floor.

“Clothes. Off”, Janani commanded, herself already naked, as she walked over to close the door. We both managed to stagger back to our feet, and undressed. “Baby, come fuck my pussy. Anjan, go on all fours and spread your ass-cheeks out.” Confused, as we were, we both quickly complied – I, more readily than Anjan.

As my cock wound its way through her pussy completely, the door opened, and their dad walked in – Janani had not locked the door.

To be continued unless you guys feel I shouldn’t. Comments welcome at [email protected].

When Anjan’s Mom Makes Me Hard And Horny – Part 13

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