Kishen’s life-changing discovery – Part 4

authorerotica 2023-01-04 Comments

This story is part of a series:

Hello, fellow horny heads of ISS. I wish you a Happy New Year! This is part 4 of ‘Kishen’s life-changing discovery’ series. This part focuses on the sexual escapade of Kishen’s best buddies, Tariq and Deepak.

So let’s go!

Aroused from hearing Hema’s desire to be fucked by three cocks at once, Tariq asked Hema for another quickie before he left. The risks were high. It was around when Deepak, Hema’s son and Tariq’s best friend, would return home. But, as they say, the risk factor adds flavour to the sex, right?

Tariq didn’t have to ‘start slow.’ His semi-erect tool was already lubricated by the remnants of cum that he shot inside Hema just a while back. He was soon engrossed in thrusting Hema in missionary.

It took a few more seconds for Tariq to register the door to Hema’s bedroom slamming open behind him. Watching his love-gaze with Hema break, Tariq saw her expression changing instantly from lustful to utter shock.

“You mother-fucking bastard!” yelled Deepak, and he slapped Tariq just as he turned around. Hema quickly grabbed the bed sheet to cover herself and moved towards a corner of the bed.

“Man! I can explain….”

“Shut the fuck up!” Deepak cut Tariq from trying to speak and pushed him hard. Falling on the bed, Tariq moved towards Hema in a quick reflex.

“Leave my mother alone, bhenchod!” screamed Deepak as he got hold of Tariq’s legs and started pulling him.

“Deepu! Please calm down…” screamed Hema, grabbing Tariq from being pulled.

“How could you do this to dad and me, mom?” Deepak shouted at Hema and sprung at Tariq with his fist closed tight.

Hema lunged at Tariq before Deepak landed on him. With her naked body between the two young males, Hema’s head was at the receiving end of Deepak’s punch. Hema screaming in pain, snapped Deepak out of his rage.

He stood back up from the bed and looked at his best friend and mother. Both were naked and frightened. Hema knelt on the bed and began crying. One hand unsuccessfully covered her breasts, and the other rubbed the back of her head where she got hit.

Seeing Hema nude, in pain and tears, both Deepak and Tariq involuntarily went on to cover her with the bed sheet. Deepak angrily snatched the sheet away from Tariq’s grip.

“Thank you for ruining my life, my best buddy! We will kill you,” Deepak said as he put the sheet around his sobbing mother. He took out his cellphone from his pocket and dialled Raj.

“Hello?… Deepak?” Raj answered.

“Dad… come here quickly. This is shocking…” shouted Deepak.

“Is everything all right?” asked Raj. He sounded so worried and shocked. Even Tariq and Hema could hear his voice through the phone.

“Just come quickly, dad!” Deepak cried and cut the call.

Tariq began moving towards Deepak to calm him down. But he went vocally ballistic again. It froze Hema so much that she dared not get up and answer a worried Raj’s call to her phone.

“So this was why you were encouraging me to fuck your mom, weren’t you? You A-class pervert! You won’t get away so easily ruining my life, you fuck-face!” yelled Deepak. He took out his phone again and dialled Fidah.

“Fidah aunty! Your son betrayed me and ruined my life. Now he will pay for it when my dad arrives,” screamed Deepak.

“What are you talking about, Deepak?” replied Fidah, whose worrisome voice also resonated in the room.

“Come here, and you will see!” said Deepak as he cut the call.

He put the phone in his pocket. Deepak’s range turned to utter sorrow. Giving a helpless look at Tariq and Hema, he broke down crying. Watching him, both Hema and Tariq began tearing up.

Tariq was also worried that Fidah would soon find out about his indulgence with Raj and Hema. It was under Raj’s request that he never told Fidah anything. He felt he’d broken his mother’s trust despite her being so open about his sex and sexuality.

“Son… please try to understand…” Hema tried to reason with Deepak.

“What kind of a mother are you? You are cheating on dad, and that too with my best friend!” asked Deepak as he wept.

“I am just like any typical woman lucky to be in a family that allows open sex. We were going to tell you everything, but you shut us off,” replied Hema.

“Shut up! I don’t want to hear any more of your lies. Let dad come,” replied Deepak.

“Fine! Let him come. Just know that he knows everything. It was all his idea,” replied Hema.


Deepak was startled and taken aback.

It took around 45 minutes for a worried Raj to reach his apartment. He rushed home without even removing his shoes. Dashing into the bedroom, he saw Tariq and Hema sitting on the bed. Tariq was shirtless and in boxers, while Hema wore a loose nightie with seemingly nothing underneath.

He noticed their faces were bloated from crying. Raj saw Deepak sitting on the floor. His son appeared to be shaken up from a fit of rage. Deepak stood up, walked towards a confused and worried Raj, and hugged him.

Patting Deepak in consolation, Raj signalled to Tariq and Hema with his hand, “What the fuck happened?”

They responded with a thumbs up, indicating, ‘Shit went down! But everything appears to be fine now.’

Until about 45 minutes earlier, Deepak was oblivious to how much his parents are proponents of the healthy culture of free, safe, and open sex. They were waiting to include him on their bandwagon once they were sure he’s grown and matured.

They believed the ideal time to reveal their vibrant sexual lives would be after his board exams. Unfortunately, like Tariq’s, Deepak’s life had taken a sexually darker turn. About 8 months ago, Deepak’s virginity was taken by Rekha, the wife of his math tutor, Ram sir.

She threatened Deepak with suicide should anyone know about them. Under Rekha’s manipulations, Deepak never revealed anything about it to his open-minded parents or best buddies. Every time Deepak and Rekha made out, she left him with more guilt.

Rekha feared Raj would fish everything out of Deepak through his behavioural cues. She compelled Deepak to distance himself from his parents altogether. But Deepak, unlike Tariq, is a psychologist’s son. He was well-taught about safeguarding his mental health from toxic parasitic manipulators.

He bravely ended his indulgences with Rekha. But it wasn’t easy for him. Every day of math tuition classes became a mental struggle where he always felt watched. Deepak kept avoiding Rekha and her advances with the unhealthy mental reaffirmation that sex = bad.

And he couldn’t open up to his parents, fearing that it might somehow lead to Rekha’s exposure. He feared he would be blamed should she suicide. The toxic nature of Deepak’s first sexual encounters ruined his perception and interest towards sex.

Even after passing boards and moving past the Rekha chapter, Deepak’s mind needed more time to open up to his parents. He continued to remain reserved with a strict conservative mindset. The limited discussions that Deepak ever did about sex and porn with his buddies where him merely trying to blend in.

“Fucking manipulators,” sighed Raj as he heard Deepak’s story.

“I wish you were open to us. You could have the kind of liberation rare among people in our society,” Raj said. “By the way, do you know that I am a bi, and so is Tariq and how we ended here in this arrangement.?” Raj asked Deepak.

“Yes, Raj, he knows. And he even said he had his suspicions about your sexuality,” Hema said with a faint smile.

“He even knows Tariq’s chapter of abuse, and he feels sorry. We have covered all that, Raj.”

Raj notices that Tariq still looks worried. “Whats the matter, Tariq? Everything appears good now, doesn’t it?” asked Raj.

“He is worried about Fidah aunty finding out that he hid all this from her. I assured him that I would say it was a prank or something. And even mom said that she would talk to her should things turn ugly,” said Deepak.

“Well, we can wait until we’re sure she’s ready to hear it all from us,” said Raj.

“She is probably on the way here. I wonder why she hasn’t reached yet,” said Tariq.

Raj looked confused.

“In a fit of rage, I dialled Fidah aunty after calling you. She has since not answered my calls. She probably left her phone at home in a hurry,” said Deepak with a sad face.

Just then, Fidah emerged from behind Raj. Tariq and Hema stood up from the bed in utter shock. Having entered the house hurriedly, Raj had forgotten to lock the door. Fidah had reached just a few minutes after Raj and overheard their entire conversation.

Raj moved aside and stepped back cautiously as Fidah’s eyes glared at him through their niqab. Seeing Fidah, Deepak was perhaps as shocked as Tariq and Hema were when he barged into them having sex.

Fidah stepped towards Tariq, who appeared very fearful and equally tearful. In the eye-to-eye mother-son moments, Tariq saw Fidah’s angry stare turning into a look of forgiveness. It conveyed, ‘I still love you, son!’

Mentally relieved and overwhelmed, Tariq put his head on her shoulders in utter humility. Failing to fully comprehend the mother-son dynamic, Deepak, Hema and Raj glanced confusingly at each other.

After consoling Tariq for a good bunch of seconds, Fidah turned to Hema and moved towards her. Without breaking eye contact, Fidah removed the face covering of her niqab.

“Slut! At least you could have told me. I would have happily allowed and perhaps joined in, too,” Fidah said, changing her demeanour to sport a naughty smile. She pushed Hema to the bed, got on her, held her hands firmly against the bed, and started kissing her.

Utterly and pleasantly surprised, Hema responded with the same vigour. Watching Hema and Fidah starting to make out, Raj, Deepak, and Tariq looked at each other. They were surprised and equally aroused. Tariq immediately got out of his boxer, just as Raj signalled him and Deepak to come near him.

“History is about to be made, lads. Tariq, go lock the main door while we undress,” ordered Raj.

By the time Tariq returned, both Raj and Deepak were nude. Rather enchanted by what he was witnessing, Deepak involuntarily moved a few steps away from Tariq and Raj. Or maybe he subconsciously detected the bi-vibes from them.

On his one side was his dad and best buddy feeling and fondling each other’s cocks. Deepak was fixated, however, on what was in front of him. The sight of his mother being kissed hard and fingered through her nightie by his best friend’s mom.

Breaking from kissing Hema, Fidah turned her head toward the three males in the room. She saw Deepak stroking himself, looking at her and Hema. Raj and Tariq were shagging each other with their eyes affixed in her direction.

Turning back to Hema and tearing her nightie apart, Fidah ordered, “Ask your son to strip me.”

Before Hema could say anything, Deepak jolted onto the bed, amusing Raj and Tariq. While Fidah continued pleasuring Hema with her mouth and fingers, Deepak rolled up Fidah’s niqab and helped her get rid of it.

He exposed a big wet patch at the centre of Fidah’s pink leggings that covered her pantyless bottom. Listening to their back-stories sure got Fidah wet. Her juices seeped from the patch. A curious Deepak touched to ‘see what it feels like.’

Deepak began working on removing Fidah’s leggings and bra. She bent over to Hema and whispered in her ears, “Do you mind doing it with Deepak?”

“I guess I don’t mind,” said Hema, panting from having her pussy fingered.

She turned around as Deepak pulled away the last inch of Fidah’s skin-tight pyjama. Facing the males, she queened on Hema. Hema instantly began licking Fidah’s pussy while the fingers of her either hands spread her pussy lips.

Pleasured by Hema’s oral, Fidah began putting up a show for the men by feeling herself. Moaning, she ran her hands across her neck, bosoms and curves to delight and teased the fuck out of the three male spectators.

Looking erotically at Deepak’s eyes, Fidah bent over to resume fingering Hema. She gestured at Deepak with a naughty smile and a couple of head and eyebrow movements, “Do you want to fuck your mom?”

Tariq and Raj’s stopped in their tracks and began curiously staring at Deepak for his response.

“No!” Deepak nodded. Even Hema saw his response from the corner of her eyes.

“So be it,” Fidah nodded back, accepting his decision.

“Let me suck you then. Come closer, Deepak,” said Fidah as she continued fingering Hema.

In the heat of seeing his mother suck on his best friend’s cock while fingering his mom, Tariq’s hand appeared to guide Raj’s head to his dick automatically. In moments, Raj and Fidah were rhythmically blowing each other’s sons. Their eyes often met in the process.

Hearing Deepak and Tariq moan in unison, Hema moved away from under Fidah and sprung up. Kneeling on the bed with one hand placed on Fidah’s back and the other fingering herself, Hema announced, “Don’t stop blowing. Whoever cums last is the winner. Let’s go! Up, up, up….”

Hema’s playful and naughty announcement shifted everyone’s mood to a more pleasant one. It was much needed given the roller-coaster of events that transpired to the erotic environment. Playing along, Fidah and Raj began blowing even more synchronously.

Deepak knew he would cum first as he had punished himself with abstinence. On the other hand, Tariq already had a round with Hema before the fiasco. Deepak proposed that the blowers not use their hands and only blow by moving their necks.

Even as Raj and Fidah obliged the rule, Deepak had to surrender. He unloaded massively in Fidah’s mouth with an even more massive moan.

“Yay! we have a winner….,” announced Hema, just as Fidah sat up on her knees and pulled her closer. Holding Deepak’s cum in her mouth, Fidah grabbed Hema by the pussy. She laid her down and ‘poured’ some of it into her mouth.

Hema readily swallowed her son’s cum. Fidah spat the rest of the cum on Hema’s pussy and smeared it. Seeing Fidah getting nasty and fingering Hema’s cum-spread pussy, Deepak got hard again. Tariq came instantly into Raj’s mouth.

Fidah fingered-fucked Hema heavily until she began to squirt. Tariq quickly came near his mom to savour Hema’s juices. Hema watched in pleasure as the mother-son duo licked from her pussy the mix of her squirt and her son’s cum.

On Hema’s gestures, Deepak and Raj, the dad-son duo, proceeded to pleasure Fidah’s holes with their fingers. They also took turns licking her. While the dad and son worked on Fidah’s bottom, Hema slid away again and assumed the doggy posture.

Getting Hema’s cue, Fidah readjusted her mouth to rim her. Having Tariq stand near her face, Hema began sucking his semi-erect dick. Tariq’s arousal went a notch higher as he saw the group sex circuit in its glory.

His dick was in the mouth of the woman whose ass was being explored by his mother’s tongue. At the same time, she was being licked and fingered by his best friend and his dad.

Tariq also noticed that Deepak was too conscious about ‘touching’ or ‘coming in contact’ with Raj. On the other hand, Raj was conscious about not ‘turning-off’ Deepak with that.

“Deepak needs to get over such silly inhibitions,” thought Tariq.

Hearing Fidah moaning louder, Hema took another initiative. Breaking the circuit and teasing everyone again, Hema had Deepak bring the computer chair from the corner of the room. She made Raj sit on it and pulled Fidah by her hand.

“The chair won’t break. Rest your back fully on Raj. For better balance, rest your head on his shoulder,” said Hema.

Fidah could feel Raj’s chest and tummy pushing against her back with the rhythm of his breathing. Hema meticulously lifted both of Fidah’s legs to have her squat on Raj’s thighs. Raj’s hands fastened Fidah’s body-back to his like a seatbelt. Tariq offered his hand to Fidah for support.

Ensuring their balance was intact, Hema lubricated Raj’s throbbing cock-head with her spit. She directed it into Fidah’s asshole. Deepak and Tariq watched curiously as Raj and Fidah got comfortable in their positions and humping.

Moving closer, they observed the spasms of Fidah’s vaginal lips and flesh as Raj’s cock entered her rear. Hema brought her son right before the ‘set-up’ and pushed his tool into Fidah’s wet pussy.

Having helped her husband and son in commencing their double penetration on Fidah, Hema turned to Tariq.

“Now let me lubricate your rear for my husband,” Hema said to Tariq. He was standing watch while holding his mother’s hand to help her balance. Hema went behind Tariq, knelt and began rimming him.

While holding Fidah’s hands, Tariq bent over slowly to better spread his rear for Hema. His face was just inches away from his mother’s pussy. He was being DP’d by Raj and Deepak.

“Ah, please do your signature snake-mode, aunty,” requested Tariq. Hema’s tongue began protruding in and out of her pouting lips in a timed manner. Going in and out of Tariq’s asshole, it rapidly moved up and down while inside him.

‘Man! Those two are at a whole other level of sexual familiarity,’ thought Deepak, as he soon got engrossed in fucking Fidah.

“Ouch, I’ve got a muscle cramp,” shouted Fidah after a while. Deepak stopped thrusting and took his dick out, not knowing what to do. Freeing Fidah from her plight, Raj got up from the chair. His ‘seatbelt’ hands carried a shyly giggling Fidah, like a JCB truck, and tossed her on the bed.

Tariq quickly went next to Fidah and massaged his mother’s cramped thighs. Raj went and sat on Fidah’s chest for her to blow him. Hema encouraged Deepak to join her in licking Fidah’s pussy, which he happily agreed to do.

However, he was reluctant and conscious about his tongue or face ‘touching’ his mother while pleasuring Fidah.

“It’s ok, bro. It is not incest if your tongues or faces rub while doing that. You saw mom and me licking the fuck out of your mom’s pussy, right? Just go all in, bro! Shed your inhibitions,” said Tariq.

“He is right, Deepu,” said Hema. “Try getting used to it if you can,”

“Also, it’s not deemed homosexual if two or more dicks touch while pleasuring or being pleasured by a woman or women,” added Tariq, as he continued to massage Fidah, who was sucking Raj off.

“Tariq is right. You need some getting used to, Deepu,” added Hema. Without risking making Deepak uncomfortable, Hema encouraged him to lick Fidah alongside her.

It didn’t take long for Deepak to not be bothered about his tongue touching his mother’s. After all, he trusted that Hema respected his decision not to indulge directly with her even though she wanted to. Hema also guided Deepak in fingering Fidah and running his tongue on Fidah’s clit.

“Oh yeah!” moaned Fidah, taking Raj’s dick out of her mouth. “Now make your son fuck me before I cum, Hema. And that’s enough massage from your Tariq. I am fine now, son,” she added before going back to orally pleasuring Raj.

With Raj’s ‘cooperation,’ Hema had Fidah’s hips moved slightly towards the edge of the bed for Deepak to pump. Deepak assumed the uncomfortable (and funny) semi-squatting position to hump Fidah in missionary. Seeing this, Hema helped him assume a better and more comfortable stance.

“Lean over her and support your upper body with your hands on the bed, on either side,” Hema suggested. As Deepak assumed the position, Fidah’s hand guided his throbbing dick into her pussy. Hema then knelt behind Deepak and gave him a motherly peck on his ass cheek.

She pushed his hips with both hands, adding weight to his thrusts. Withholding himself from ejaculating, Raj stood up from Fidah’s chest and got out of bed. He asked Tariq to lie next to his mother.

Standing next to Deepak, Raj proudly watched his son pound Fidah while being assisted by his wife. As Tariq lay next to Fidah, Hema’s fingers wet his rear with her saliva. Soon, Raj began thrusting Tariq, assuming the same leaning posture as Deepak.

Hema moved on her knees to position herself between (and right behind) her son and hubby. She lent either of her hands to aid each of their hips with the extra push they needed for thrusting.

The sounds of moans and grunts filled the room in sync with the near-creaky sound of the bed.

Whenever their eyes opened between the pleasure intake, Fidah and Tariq saw the lustful eyes of the mother-father-son trio feasting on them. Deepak and Raj often looked and nodded at each other like two partners in crime.

Hema and Fidah exchanged thankful glances for the new cocks and actions. Tariq’s and Fidah’s hands clutched each other’s as they were being pounded. They enjoyed how the sides of their bodies, shoulders and thighs touched while lying next to each other and being fucked.

Amid all that steamy action, Tariq’s and Deepak’s eyes met in acknowledgement. In a matter of hours, they went from being best buddies to being on the verge of shattered friendship to being buddies who now fuck each other’s moms.

In time, Fidah came first, followed by Raj and Deepak. The moans of their ejaculation appeared to tail one another. And just as Raj pulled out of Tariq, Hema went-on to stroke Tariq intensely, making cum in another minute.

Hema watched Tariq and Fidah curl up facing each other, preparing to sleep like two tired toddlers. Their holes were leaking with her son’s and husband’s cum. Grabbing her torn nightie that lay at the corner of the bed, Hema went on to gently wipe the seeping cum off of Fidah’s and Tariq’s holes.

“Could you adjust?” said Hema as she went on to lay on the bed after tossing blankets for everyone. Deepak and Raj soon snuggled onto either side. Making themselves comfortable on the bed, everyone quickly dozed off.

They would soon be awakened by thirst and hunger. They would satisfy it with a nude dinner session in the middle of the night.

The group’s dinner discussions entailed Tariq proposing how Kishen would be a worthy addition to the group. It came off as a surprise revelation for Deepak and Raj. Hema and Fidah were enticed by the possibility of being simultaneously double penetrated.

While this event between Tariq and Deepak unfolded, Kishen was in Usha’s flat. With no one home, he was looking to swap Usha’s and Neetu’s old panties with freshly worn ones. Little did he know that he was moment’s away from being caught red-handed by Manoj sir.

To be continued.

E-mail me at [email protected] for chit-chat.

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