Vijaya’s Alien Life – Part 1

hronyman69 ๐Ÿ… 2018-10-24 Comments

Hi guys and girls. This is a sci-fi story of a world very much different from us. So please read it with an open mind. Hope you enjoy it.

“Aahhh.. Aahhh.. Aahhhh..”

These were slow moans, almost whispers given out by a young fair-skinned woman. She had deep dark blue eyes, silky black hair that ended on her shoulders and slightly long slender nose and cute tiny pink lips. She moaned as she moved her hips gracefully while pressed on a hairy huge belly.

“Aahhh.. I love it.. I love.. Aahhh.”

She was a woman who appeared to be in her mid-twenties. She had two tender breasts with pink nipples that would fill a C-cup bra. Despite her age, she had a small body so much that she was having difficulty seeing the face of the man over his big belly.

The man laid still on a bed while she did all the work. She was sweating as if she was having sex for hours and was feeling dizzy and drowsy as she was unable to keep her head straight. Her eyes were barely open and her vision perhaps blurry and yet she was riding his dick with full determination.

“I love.. you… Vijaya..” said an old shaky male voice which only she could hear. She smiled at the response as she continued the action. After gathering some energy, she opened her mouth again to see.

“I love you pa..” her words were interrupted as she opened her mouth wide for a loud scream. But no sound came out. Her vision blurred as she fell backward, closing her eyes and she fell on the floor.

A couple of deep breaths and she woke up opening her eyes wide. She found herself staring at the endless brown sky. She got up and sat straight while looking around. At that moment, Vijaya was sitting on a silvery ground, out in the open and on top of a silver-colored mountain, butt naked.

Apparently, it was her memory or fantasy or a dream while in reality she simply fingered herself to climax while holding a newspaper in her hand. As she gasped to get the hang of reality, she looked at the front page of the newspaper.

It was a half-page covering the picture of a chocolate-brown-skinned huge old man wearing a navy blue beret with a unique circular emblem, a white coat with a lot of shiny silver medals pinned from the left to the right end of his chest. He wasn’t wearing any pants and was flashing his huge dick.

In front of him, there were three gorgeous big breasted completely naked women leaning on a white marble railing of a decorated ballroom. They seemed happy and smiling while the old man was behind them, his two hands fucking the butt holes of the women on the sides while the middle one’s ass was the resting place of his cock.

This newspaper went with the headlines that read, “The President took his last royal breath while celebrating his 2056th birthday.” This was a tragic news but Vijaya couldn’t care less as she simply used the photo that aroused her. The photo that captured the precise moment when the President climaxed and his cum were floating in the air while his eyes rolled back.

Vijaya looked down the hill to take a glance at the houses below. The sun was rising but the road was still dark and so Vijaya rested back on the ground. She stared at the sky while talking to herself.

“They say we came from a place called Earth a very long time ago. They say that this planet ‘Ekum’ is not our home. But, what do I know? For me, this is home and this is my life.”

“My life..”, she whispered as she closed her eyes taking a deep breath.

Vijaya stood up. She was completely naked as she stretched her limbs to take the laziness out. She was exposed and out in the open and there was no one to see.

Vijaya put on a blue color jumpsuit uniform. It was a skin-tight one piece dress she wore over her bare skin that gave an outline to her nipples and her pussy. She picked up the newspaper and slid down the sloping surface of the hill. The silvery hill actually was the remains of a metallic spaceship that arrived on this planet centuries ago.

At the base, she placed the copy of the newspaper on a bundle of similar newspapers kept in the carrier of a tricycle. Now that the sun sufficiently illuminated the road, Vijaya began her daily routine of delivering the newspapers from door to door.

It was a peaceful town with long roads and small individual houses on either side of the road. Each house was similar looking as if they were cast in the same mould. Two storied full glass house with a slanting roof, a lawn in front and surrounded by a wooden fence.

Vijaya started delivering newspapers, going to the door with a copy of the newspaper, ringing the doorbell and personally handing the newspaper while greeting, “Good morning.”

Most of the people opened the door quickly. Some took time. And then there were a couple of houses which didn’t respond. The reason was apparent to Vijaya as she looked up to see two entangled naked bodies pressed against the see-through glass wall.

“Busy having sex Mrs. and Mr. Khar. Let me just wait until they finish”, she said sarcastically as she placed a copy on the doorstep. Vijaya was very much annoyed by the view of the couple having sex. Her frustration grew as she saw few more houses with sex activity going inside.

When she reached the end of the road and the final house didn’t respond, she was hell-bent on interrupting their sex. Vijaya simply stood there ringing the bell until someone answered. Unfortunate for her, no one did. Then she suddenly heard a female voice calling her.

“Oh.. Vijaya.. Good.. Sorry. Keep.. paper.. there.. Thank..”

Vijaya turned to see that the couple was naked and sleeping in the lawn. The man had passed out on his back while the woman had her breasts squeezing the man’s right thigh and her mouth close to his shrunken penis. She woke up to mumble the above words and then went back to suck on the man’s penis and went to sleep.

Vijaya silently cursed them as she threw the newspaper next to the naked bodies and continued with her round. After an hour or so, Vijaya was at the last door. She ran the bell and a grey-haired old but fit man opened the door.

“Good morning my dear, Vijaya”, said the old man while smiling and in a cheerful voice.

“Good morning, Divedi uncle”, greeted Vijaya, smiling back at him. She was very much pleased to see him as she took a good look at him from up and down while the old man stood at the door reading the headlines.

Mr. Divedi was dressed in a full-sleeved purple velvet robe that went from the shoulders to the feet covering his entire body. But the robe was parted in between as his dick hung out, exposed with a huge erection. The dick was getting bigger as he read the headlines.

Vijaya was tempted at this sight as she licked the lips and her eyes widened. Her heart started racing as she started breathing heavily. Her cute little lips made the shape of ‘O’ as if at any moment, she was going to fall on her knees and latch on to his pink dick-head.

Divedi was done reading the headlines as he looked at Vijaya’s reaction. He gave out a silent laugh, then gently patted on her head rubbing her hair to snap her out of this arousal. Turning around, he closed the door on Vijaya’s face.

All of a sudden, she was sad, dejected as she turned slowly to walk away. She looked at distant, just to find a ten-foot tall painting. In a slow pace, she walked while her gaze was fixed at the figure in the painting. As she walked she mumbled the words,

“Why? Why me? Why only me?”

The painting was of a busty fully nude woman with six hands. She was painted beautifully with golden skin, red long hair and purple eyes. Her four arms were stretched wide with each grabbing the aroused dick of a fair guy with wings. Meanwhile, there were two hands close to her breasts, while one held a brown skinned guy sucking at her tit, the other hand gently played with his soft penis.

Standing just a few feet away from the painting, Vijaya spoke joining hands and eyes closed.

“Oh, dear goddess of life. You are the sun that loves everyone. No matter white or like our planet, brown. Everybody has someone to love and live with. Then why? Why nobody loves me.”

Tears roll down her cheek as she pleaded for an answer.

“Bhau!!”, shouted a guy as he hugged Vijaya from behind. She opened her eyes and turned to see Pankaj, a friend. He seemed excited to see her but was also surprised to see tears in her eyes. He wiped the tears with his finger and then licked it.

“Mm.. salty”, he joked. “Why so serious?”, he asked.

“Do you love me?”, she slowly started unzipping her jumpsuit. Seeing the sight of her cleavage, he turned around.

“Yes. Of course, I do”, said Pankaj with hesitation as he looked away.

“Do you really love me?”, she asked again. She continued to unzip the tight outfit as her tits pop out.

“Ye.. yes”, he hesitated even more. In the silence, the sound of unzipping annoyed him. The outfit fell to the ground and Vijaya advanced towards him from behind. She was naked yet again but this time, in the middle of the road.

“If you love me…” she said, “…then prove it.”

Vijaya grabbed him from behind and started rubbing his crotch over his pants. She could feel the bump grow bigger as she kissed his neck. But then Pankaj pulled himself away.

“Stop!” he shouted. Holding her hands, he said in a low tone, “We are not there yet.”

Vijaya’s eyes moistened again as she burst into tears falling on the ground. “I can’t.. I can’t live like this. I need to have sex. I need someone to love me. Someone..” She covered her face as she continued to weep. She was completely naked on the road and yet she didn’t care. “If you won’t fuck me then who will?”, she repeated again and again, “Who will?”

There was a long pause until Pankaj broke it saying, “Ask your Pa.”

To be continued.

Thank you for reading till the end. Although this was not a proper end, I thought it was a lot to take in considering it is a fictional world. I promise there will be a longer story in the following installments.

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