Under The Moonlight – Part II

v.k.t 2012-06-22 Comments

For a moment she was still and then she tried to rise but I gently stopped her with the pressure of my palm. I whispered, ” It’s not over”.

And my mouth slowly resumed its journey from between her peaks, absorbing her exotic blend of female warmth and sweat. My hand snaked its way over the edge of stone for a handful of water which was then pooled onto her navel. Her surprised laugh transformed into a sharp intake of air as I slowly lapped up the cool water around her navel and when my tongue explored her cowry shell shaped bellybutton. As I descended further and reached above her vertical lips, my lips sensed faint tremors snaking through her. Not so fast my love, not when you made me wait. I quickly jumped to her calves and kissed my way upwards feeling her reproachful glare.

The sweet velvet of her inner thighs slid smoothly around my tongue as I kissed, suckled and reveled in them. She urged me to address her core and as I moved towards it, her hands clenched my hair triggering my own long denied needs to rip through me. A red haze settled around my vision and I almost……almost……………..almost lost control and would have sheathed myself completely in her. Somehow as my heavy breathing caressed her moist vulva glistening with nectar, I fought off both her and myself as my tongue lightly lined her left lip.

Her soft moans deepened as my lips enclosed and sucked in her left vertical lips. As she pulsed like a fish, I drew in her sweet nectar from her right lips and lapped into her. Her legs pressed into my back as my tongue drove deeply into her again and again. I then drew my tongue out and like the wings of a hummingbird flicked her clit repeatedly. My lips fully enclosed and sucked in her clit as my middle finger ripped into her core again and again. The ripples of her body became waves and her wild scream echoed across the silent night as she exploded again. Ambrosia…..the drink of the gods flowed from her vulva into my searching lips.

Her slumberous eyes looked into mine and she said softly, “That was beautiful”.

Suddenly her legs crossed across my head in a death grip and she flipped me across my back. Caught unaware I was trying to catch my breath when she straddled my stomach and bent close to me.

Enclosed by wet hair, dark hypnotic eyes held me as she whispered, “My turn”.

Once more our tongues danced as I explored her mouth deeply. She trailed my throat and kissed her way through my shoulder onto my chest. I was so hot, I felt the cold seep away from the stone underneath. While her tongue circled my nipple, she rubbed her vulva against my lance. Aaaarrrrghh……..Minx!!! My heart struggled to fuel the straining muscles of my shaft which sensed her core just out of reach….

Beneath the wet tracks left by her mouth on my skin, I felt pure plasma stream through my veins downwards. Finally she cupped my balls and her tongue drew a straight line from the bottom to the top of my lance. With the head of the shaft a centimeter before her lips, she looked at me and when her warm breath swirled around my shaft from her slightly parted lips, I clenched my fists in frustration.

At last her fingers encircled my pole and as her mouth closed around the top, blood rushed into my head. Mercilessly her tongue played around as she went back and forth across me. She worked her way deeper and deeper to the base with each oscillation. The liquid pressure and warmth around my shaft projected me higher and higher through a whirling cyclone tearing through my mind.

I warned her of the impending outburst but she simply quickened her pace. My rod reached its breaking point……..Like running across a narrow cliff……..I erupted into her waiting mouth……..Like jumping from the end of the cliff……..My mind became blissfully blank as I lay sated……..Like falling freely through the air into the waiting sea.

As I lay with eyes closed, the mist in my mind slowly cleared with sensations from my ears, nose and skin rushing back to fill the temporary void and I registered her cheeks above my thundering heart. I felt her locks trailing my chest, fingers playing across me below as she whispered,” I am waiting……quench my thirst”.

Like wind infusing life to dying embers, her words and fingers refueled the flames within. Hungrily I watched as she straightened and rubbed my upraised shaft against her waiting core. As our strain reached breaking point, she slowly sank into me. I felt the sweetest pressure and warmth nature can provide enveloping me slowly.

Like a black waterfall, her hair played around her waist, two dark whirlpools pulsing through her eyes, energy blazed through me as my goddess rode me. Against the black stone and dark night, my deity shone like a bronze flame. She increased her tempo and my mind surged upwards like a fiery meteor. My hands fondled her breasts as she bounced faster and faster. Abruptly she decreased her speed to a snail’s pace and I felt the wind being knocked out of me. When I looked at her questioningly, a mischievous smile was playing around her lips.

I roared out in frustration and locking her in my arms, her laughter ringing in my ears, rose up. I enclosed her against the nearest pillar, hooking her leg in my right arm, and drove into her madly. As I pumped into her harder and harder, her soft moans grew in intensity and escaped into the night. Her walls tightened around my shaft and I sensed her impending release. Her pressure in turn spurred my own outburst ever closer. As we came together, she let loose a cry as tremors racked her body and I exploded into her repeatedly.

I felt my mind become as vast as the universe and as minuscule as an atom……. For one instant I became God. Like water tumbling across rocks, we sank into the floor. As I lay across the stone floor, my hand caressed her long hair across her back while her ears drank in the boom of my heart. I heard her breathing slow down gradually and I lazily looked at the moon through the pillars while caressing her. Eventually the moonlight filled my vision……..my eyelids fluttered shut…….lost in oblivion……as sleep overtook us.

Dawn was breaking through and the first rays of the sunlight pierced through the clouds when I opened my eyes. When I beheld my woman stretched languorously and sleeping like a cat, my heart overflowed with love. I kissed her softly and she stretched her hands, opened her eyes and smiled.

She said, “Good Morning”. Looking at the sky she exclaimed,” How beautiful the sunrise is”.

I looked at her glowing face and said softly, “As beautiful as you……..Get up fast, it’s a long way home and we need an early start”.
She looked at me and whispered, ” Make love to me……..in the sunrise………for you to remember me and me to remember you…..for the long days ahead……………one last time”.

My body reacted instantly and she opened her legs invitingly. In one fluid motion, I kissed her deeply and fused completely into her moist channel. As we commenced our age old rhythm, I captured each of these magical moments, every feeling, scent and taste of her was imprinted in my mind. It is the colors of these moments which pull me ahead through the grey days beyond. As we slowly ascended together, I withdrew from her and said,” Turn”.

She immediately understood and turned around on all fours and said,” Complete me”.

Her new pose stoked my flames again and I ran my fingers through her hair across her back. Grasping her lovely hair in one hand, I entered from behind and rode her hard. Her luscious warmth drove me towards climax while her sweet cries signaled her own explosion. Blissfully we came together and like the earth after a heavy rain, I felt new life bloom through me.

As the sunlight increased in intensity, we clothed ourselves and I held her for a few moments as we watched the sunrise together.

I turned her to face me and saw the rays illuminating the black diamonds of her eyes. Cupping her face, I kissed her deeply, drinking in her flavor one last time. I wanted to ask her to come with me, but I knew it was futile and the words hung unspoken between us.

I asked,” When can I see you again?”.

She replied, “Wait for me here in two weeks. I will come to you at night”.

She rose up on her toes and lightly kissed my lips. Then she turned and ran across the stone and dived like a panther into the azure river. I watched her swim for a few seconds and then I too cleaved into the water and swam towards the shore.

Dripping wet I walked across the sand and just before the trees I stopped and turned back. At the same time she too reached the woods on the other side and turned back to look at me. For an instant, our longing stretched across the sand and the gentle river. Clothed in white she was surrounded by a heavenly aura. She then turned and the forest swallowed her up. Brushing away the branches, I walked across the stones towards home…… but I left my heart behind.

Author’s Note: In the martial arts known as ‘kalari’, there is a concept which advanced warriors have to use as a model for their progress known in Malayalam as ‘meyye kannakkukka’. Roughly translated, it means ‘to change the body into an eye’. This means that the body acts as one whole eye so that it can sense attacks from any direction and does not rely on sight itself for blocking blows. This concept inspired me to write the story in this way so that it is the body that expresses itself quite freely here.

Even though I enjoyed writing in this style immensely, I quickly caught onto the fact that this way makes it a purely one-dimensional viewpoint. Only what the woman has expressed is written here; what she actually feels remains unknown. I believe that being a man, I can never be knowledgeable enough to write from the woman’s viewpoint. If there are women readers out there who have enjoyed this and if you could replicate this model successively, I will consider my labor to bear fruit if you could send me the same story but written from the woman’s viewpoint. All of your comments, suggestions or discussions of any kind can be forwarded to me at [email protected]. One last word – if you are creating this story don’t forget to add elements of nature (I am a nature lover at heart).

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