The pool man cometh

ISS Admin 2007-07-03 Comments

As we often do, Cindy and I were lounging topless by the pool at my house. We’ve been close friends for a number of ears, ever since our husbands went into business together. I must admit our topless sunbathing is as much glorifying in the fact our thirty something bodies are still great than in getting a lineless tan. Cindy’s blonde hair frames her face and trails down toward her ample chest. Even after having two children, Cindy’s body is great, especially her breasts, which are to-die-for marvelous. I’m not ashamed of mine at all, but hers are huge, firm, and pointy and upturned, with hard, pencil-eraser nipples. Cindy let me caress them once. The touching turned into kissing and groping each other one afternoon, but we didn’t let it go any further. We were suddenly startled by a noise coming from the back yard gate. “Oh shit, the pool man is early today,” I yelled when I saw his carried equipment bob above the fence heading for the gate. We both grab our bikini tops and scramble for the patio double doors. When inside, we giggle like schoolgirls as we toss our tops aside and drop onto the sofa. When he enters through the gate, Cindy says, “Boy that was close.” She looks at him more closely through the window, turns to me and adds, “or maybe we should have let him get a good look…Ann, how come you never told me your pool man was such a hunk?”

“Yeah, maybe he is a hunk,” I admit to her. He’s a tanned, well-muscled blonde of about 22 or 23, and yes, I have ogled him in the past. Cindy is sure ogling him now. Luckily for us the pool-facing windows and doors are all fitted with mirrored glass, so you can see out but not in. The pool man (hell, I think his name is Mark, but I really can’t be sure) surprises us by stripping off his shorts and diving into the pool for a dip before he cleans it. He must think no one’s home. When he climbs from the pool, Cindy lets out a gasp and moves closer to the patio doors. “Oh my God,” she exclaims. “Can you believe it? The guy is hung like a fucking horse!” Her language shocks me, but I’m even more shocked when she puts a hand inside her bikini bottoms and starts to stroke herself as she stares at him. Curiosity has me walking over to the patio doors next to Cindy. Holy shit, the guy’s cock is huge! The thing is maybe 9 or 10 inches long and looks very thick as it dangles between his legs. I’m feeling a tingling between my legs looking at him; no wonder Cindy is touching herself. “He’s been cleaning your pool for how long, and you haven’t wanted to fuck him?”

“Oh Cindy, we’re married women,” I answer. “No, I haven’t wanted him.” She looks at me like I had two heads or something. “I wish I had that in me,” she says, and before I can respond, she closes her eyes and starts fingering her faster. Pressing herself against the glass panes of the patio door, flushed and panting, she strokes herself to a quick orgasm, whimpering and moaning as she climaxes, her fantasy undoubtedly fueled by the thought of the pool man’s “endowment” dangling there before her. Listening to the sounds of Cindy cumming and watching her beautiful breasts heave against the glass in the patio door; I slide out of my bikini bottoms there on the sofa and start rubbing my clit, the wetness not surprising me in the least. My own orgasm hits me like a five car pileup. Detachedly lost in my own fantasy I hear myself scream my climax, then darkness. The next thing I know, Cindy is standing over me, naked except for the towel she’s using to dry off. “Ann, you devil did you get yourself off watching him or me?” What could I say? I embarrassingly pull my bottoms back on, but not before Cindy could see my juices trickling down both legs. “I, uh I oh God I couldn’t help it.”

“You came so fantastically you passed out!” Cindy, a smile on her face, is looking at me strangely, her eyes assessing my body as never before. “I figured I’d leave you on the couch in orgasmic bliss while I took a dip in your pool…anyway, I think your screaming scared the pool guy away,” she chuckles. I walk to her, grasp her arms, and ask, “I’ve never seen or heard another woman cum before, how it felt?” Cindy laughs and says, looking at me quizzically, “Hey, why are you asking me? Your orgasm probably was better than mine it certainly was louder! Besides, you should have jumped your pool guy ages ago hung like that! I’d rather have the real thing instead of a fantasy any day. She hesitates, “I think I’m going to jump his bones next time he cleans your pool. Don’t let anyone kid you, Ann, size really does matter.”

“Oh, Cindy…you know I’d never cheat on Steve.”

“Cheat? Dear, dear Ann, we’ve got to talk,” she says while leading me back to the sofa. “Our sweet husbands have been cheating on us for years…and you don’t know, do you?” A feeling of dread sweeps through me. I want, but also don’t want to hear what she’s going to tell me. Cindy looks down, as if to gather her thoughts, and then looks again into my pleading eyes. “We’ve been best friends for a long time…I don’t want to hurt you, but you’ve got to know what Steve’s been doing behind your back. Hell, it’s not just Steve…both our husbands have been screwing around for years.”

“How do you know? Why didn’t you tell me earlier? Why should I believe you?”

“Ann…I know. Last year I caught my beloved fucking an 18-year-old. MY bed, no less. I would have divorced him, but what’s the use…we screw up the kids lives for what? I just decided I was going to get mine from now on.”

“But Steve wouldn’t do anything like that.”

“Cindy, my best friend in all the world. Steve seems to have a liking for young girls, or so I’ve heard from more than one person.” When she sees the look on my face, she answers, “I know your husband’s been screwing your 18 year old next door neighbor…and I think some other local teens, too.” She quickly adds, “I know you’ll hate me for it, but you had to know.” No, I don’t hate her for telling me. Perhaps I’ve always suspected, but subconsciously shied away from facing the truth of my husband’s infidelity. But, 18 year old girls, am I married to that kind of pervert? Probably reacting to the stricken look on my face, Cindy draws me into her arms and hugs me. My reaction was quite different from hers. Feeling her breasts press into mine, my now-rock-hard nipples tingling from the caress of her warm skin-and remembering her climax a few moments ago-a torrent of wetness soaks my crotch. Our lips meet. Our kiss and our embrace are hot and full of pent-up passion. Our hands caress the other’s most sensitive parts. Before long, we hit the high notes of our intense orgasms. Even after I’ve come down a bit, I continue to fondle Cindy’s magnificent breasts. She doesn’t stop me. Cindy went home a happy lady.

On that Friday, I parked further down the driveway than I usually do, since Steve’s Lexus wasn’t there and I wanted him to have room for it when he got home. Because of where I parked, I used the pool gate, planning to enter the house through the patio door. I stop in flabbergasted shock when I see a young, naked girl standing at the pool’s edge, staring into the water. The waif is dripping a milky liquid (semen?) And there also are a few spots of what looks like blood on her inner thighs. Oh my God, someone’s assaulted this girl my mind screams, “Where’s Steve?” I go to the girl. As I near her, she’s shaken from her reverie and jumps back in surprise, a look of fear on her face. I assure her I won’t hurt her, and hug her slight form to me for comfort. Before she can answer my questions of who she is and what happened to her, a naked Steve comes bounding through the patio door toward the pool. He stops dead in his tracks when he sees me. The grin drops from his face as his hard-on shrivels up. He’s speechless, which is just as well, since I’m too livid to listen to anything he has to say right now anyway. Ignoring my husband, I usher the girl into the house and guide her to the sofa where I see the pile of her clothes. I assure her once again she has nothing to fear from me. She whispers her name to me and tells me where she lives. I plead with her to get dressed, go home, and tell her mother everything. She promises she will.

I go looking for Steve, but he’s vanished somehow (clothes?) Where was his car, I wonder? Never mind, I think to myself, and pick up the phone to make three calls. The second is to my husband’s cell phone. He doesn’t answer, so I leave a message imploring him to come home. The third call is to Cindy, asking her to come over for a surprise. I strip off my clothes and throw on a robe. When Cindy arrives at my door, I pull her inside, drop the robe to the floor and kiss her. We fumble with her clothes, but soon she’s naked and we’re entangled on the sofa. Moments after we bring each other to climax, Steve sheepishly comes through the front door. His trepidation turns to curiosity and then horniness when he sees our rosy, sweaty, fulfilled bodies entwined on the sofa. The dolt practically jumps out of his clothes, his five-inch intent on getting a piece of Cindy. I know he’s wanted to fuck her ever since they first met, and here she is naked in a post-orgasmic haze right before him! As he approaches her, I slip from the sofa and put my robe back on. Cindy looks up at him with a smirk, thrusts her breasts out to him and amazingly says, “Is that ALL you have? What a pathetic dick,” finishing with a chuckle.

He is just about ready to jump on her when the doorbell rings. Too bad I won’t get to see Cindy’s reaction to his advance, I think, as I answer the door. Two policemen are there. “Is Steven Looper here?” The taller of the two asks. I invite them in and point to my naked husband. Steve is dumbstruck and just stands there. I get to watch his hard-on shrivel for the second time today what a treat! While Cindy scrambles for her clothes, the officers approach Steve and announce that he is under arrest for sexual assault on a minor. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you what my first call was earlier. The policemen were a little rough with him, though they did allow him to get dressed before slapping on the handcuffs. For her part, an embarrassed Cindy scooted home, not realizing until later that the set-up was a small amount of payback for her knowing about my husband’s doings, and not confiding in me sooner. Well, I DID enjoy her marvelous breasts rubbing against mine. This past month has been a doozey. A very interesting clause in my husband’s partnership contract with Cindy’s husband is that if either of them is unable to fulfill their duties, then the wife takes over her husband’s responsibilities for up to one year. Since Steve was the managing partner, my lawyer pressed to get me in charge of his company! I like being a powerful businesswoman. Several of the abused young girls came forward to testify, so my husband will be in jail for a long time. I’ll divorce him someday, but what’s the rush? I’m having fun. The pool man (I was right, Mark is his name) is coming over today. I spread a towel across the diving board, get rid of my suit, and stretch out. When Mark enters the back gate, he doesn’t see me right away. He starts to get his equipment ready, but abruptly freezes when he sees my tanned, naked body. “Ah…Mrs. Looper…do you want me to come back later?” I lift my head to look at him. “I’m sorry…Mark. I’ll just go over to that chair and get out of your way so you can work.”

His wide-eyed stare drinks in the look of me. I purposely spread my legs to rise from the diving board. Every move of mine is slow and deliberate, from rising, grabbing the towel, to walking over to the lounge chair at the edge of the patio. His shorts are nicely tented by the time I get there. I lie face down on the chaise lounge and slightly spread my legs. I know he’s doing more looking than working. When he moves around to the side of the pool near me, I get up on my knees ostensibly to rearrange the towel near my head, my ass out there in full splendor for Mark to eyeball. Without looking at him, I ask, “Why don’t you take a dip in the pool to cool off…it’s pretty hot today.” When I don’t hear an answer, I add, “Don’t let me being here change your routine…I’m sure you’d like to get out of those sweaty clothes and jump in.” When I finally hear a rustle of fabric instead of splashing water, I roll over. My God, what a piece of naked man-flesh before me! Very muscular, with little or no body hair and a nice, blonde, trimmed pubic thatch, he looks magnificent. The most magnificent feature is his monstrously large cock…a thick 10 inches or more…now proudly standing at rigid attention as Mark openly stares at me. My pussy may have been wet with anticipation a few moments ago, but now the internal spigot’s been turned on wide. My shallow breathing and glistening wet vulva must be obvious to him. Mark’s cock is the most fantastic one I’ve ever seen. I’ve never been so turned-on in all my life. I need to be fucked. “Come on” is all I can say, as I reverted back to being on my knees with my ass in the air.

I could feel wetness dribbling down my thighs just as one of his hands touches my ass and the head of his cock brushes my labia. Before I can do or say anything, he slides into me. My vagina is so stretched the breath is knocked out of me for a few seconds. Now I KNOW I haven’t been with a man THIS big–every nerve end in my pussy is singing as his cock pistons in and out of me. I’ve never been filled–my God, expanded–like this before. Our coupling is not ripped from the pages of a romance novel. We are not ‘making love.’ He isn’t being gentle, and thinking of my needs. I’m getting laid, pure and simple, and it’s just what I want. Like an out-of-body experience, I hear myself making small mewling sounds as he fucks me. I grunt little “oomp” sounds each time he hits my cervix with his long shaft. I hear Mark make grunts of his own as he thrusts into me, a hand on each of my hips for leverage. I hear nothing else, except the ‘singing’ of my body as he fills me. I surrender to the building climax. I feel the throbbing of his ejaculation before I hear his climactic groan. Damned if his pulsing, bottoming-out cock doesn’t stretch and tweak my g-spot one last time, and I feel a new flood of my juices release. After about his third ejaculatory spasm shoots practically into my womb, the tsunami hits the shore. Are those my orgasmic screams I hear? I sure hope the neighbors don’t hear them.

Mark and I fuck again the next time he cleans the pool, but from then on we drop the pretense. I get him a lower level job in the company that sure pays better than cleaning pools. He’s not the sharpest pencil in the drawer, but that’s not why I keep him around. His fabulous body along with its huge appendage is my playthings. I’ll never forget the day Cindy came to the office to see her husband. The look on her face when she saw Mark working there was priceless. Cindy and I haven’t spoken since the day my husband was arrested, so I take this opportunity to approach her, inviting her into my office. “I see you’ve helped yourself to the pool man, too,” Cindy sneers. Before I say anything, I brush my hand against one of her prominent breasts. “I think it’s about time I helped myself to a lot of things.”

“You bitch,” she hisses, but her breast chases my hand as I slowly move it away from her. I lean in, and whisper, “Remember that first day you saw Mark by my pool? Remember how you wanted him? Remember how we got ourselves off? Remember how we got each other off?” She remembers. I whisper more. “When Mark fucks you, you stay fucked.” I smile and wink at her. “How would you like him to stroke that marvelous cock between your breasts?” For emphasis, I rub her breast again, feeling a hard nipple through the layers of fabric. She’s pissed at me, yet swoons anyway! Was it my touch, or the thought of Mark’s beautiful cock? Maybe both, I imagine.

The door is closed. The curtains are drawn. I kiss Cindy full and wetly, while sliding a hand under her blouse and bra and caress a breast. She doesn’t stop me. When I tweak her hard nipple, a moan escapes from deep within her, even while our lips remained fused. I slide my other hand into her pants and down to her marvelously dripping-wet vulva. My fingers start a furious rhythm against her clitoris and labia. Within seconds she’s climaxing, her big, beautiful breasts heaving against me. I don’t need a touch to know I’m also very wet. I’ll seek release later. Now that she’s red-hot from the orgasm (it came quickly…I wonder if she’s had any action lately?) I drop the suggestion that she should return to my poolside for some sun on Saturday, hinting that Mark will come by to clean the pool. She won’t know that I’ll prep Mark for some action–I’m getting tired of him anyway–his cock may stretch me, but his conversation surely doesn’t. One look at Cindy by my poo! L and they’ll fuck like rabbits. And I want to watch. On Saturday, Cindy and I are sunning topless by the pool once again. She is very apologetic; as if it were only her fault our friendship fell apart. I assure her everything’s ok. Everything’s ok, all right; looking at her magnificent breasts rise and fall with each breath. I want to touch them so bad. I excuse myself and go into the house just about the time I know Mark will enter through the back yard gate. Cindy will think he’s here to clean the pool, but Mark’s here to take care of something else instead. I stand by the glassed patio doors, just as I did that first day Cindy and I got ourselves off. When he appears, she tries to be nonchalant talking to him, but the hardening of her nipples gives her away. I can’t hear what’s being said, but he seems to be staring at her ample chest, and I can see the growing bulge in his shorts. Cindy won’t just fantasize about Mark’s member today.

She rises from her lounge chair and provocatively lowers her bikini bottoms and kicks them aside. Before Mark can react, she walks over to the pool and dives in. When her head bobs above the water, she jerks it in a “come on in” motion. Mark is out of his clothes in record time. Before he dives in, I can see that beautiful cock of his engorged and semi-erect. In the pool, I can see them embrace and kiss, oblivious to my presence. Cindy has one hand out of sight, which I’m sure is touching and admiring his magnificent manhood. Cindy breaks the embrace and starts to move toward the pool ladder. Just before she reaches the top, she stops, arches her back, and sticks her ass out. Jesus, I can see from here that she’s panting and can hardly breathe she’s so horny. Mark climbs onto the second rung and hungrily positions himself behind her and enters her quickly, grasping the ladder for leverage. Cindy’s mouth opens in a wide gasp as he plunges his full length and girth into her. I remember how that felt. Without a conscious thought, a hand is inside my suit bottoms and at my wet and swollen labia. I begin to tweak my clitoris, watching in awe at Mark’s gleaming wet cock pumping into Cindy, her tits bouncing beautifully to each thrust, her mouth agape and her eyes rolled back. My climax hits, all the while imagining being a man, and fucking Cindy like that. They’re too lost in their own arousal to hear my screams.

He must have said he was cumming, because she suddenly jumps up the remainder of the ladder to the pool rim, spins around, leans over, grabs his cock and mouths maybe half its length as his ass cheeks start to scrunch up. Mark abruptly grasps her head by the hair and amazingly shoves his entire length down her throat! I see Cindy’s eyes bulge out as she unwillingly takes spurt after spurt of his deep in her gullet. Having experienced just how much volume Mark can spew, I wonder how Cindy will survive the assault. Seeing his massive cock buried to the hilt between her lips, I imagine the feeling of his throbbing member shooting jizz deep into MY esophagus, and I arch my back in the throes of another incredible orgasm there in the lounge chair. When Mark relaxes the hold on her hair, Cindy angrily pushes him away, his cock sliding out of her mouth trailing a long string of semen. I can see she’s still choking, coughing up cum in between sobs, as she turns and runs toward my patio door. She enters the house crying, semen still dribbling from her lips and dripping from her chin. I wink at Mark, standing there wringing the last bits of cum from his sated tool, and follow Cindy into the house. She’s curled up on my sofa, still sobbing, and still coughing up spunk. I go to her. “Oh, Cindy dear,” I soothingly murmur, kneeling next to her, “Did he hurt you with that thing of his?” All the while I’m wiping traces of his cum from around her mouth with my fingers.

Between sniffles she nods her head, then reaches out and hugs me to her for comfort. Our breasts pressed into each other’s, I feel the heat radiating from her obviously still-in-need body. Comfort, indeed! I glide a hand up a thigh to her still very wet womanhood as my lips meet hers. I probe my tongue into the back of her mouth as I probe two fingers into her soaked pussy. My fingers must have stroked her g-spot well, for in no time she gurgles what sounds like “Oh God” and I feel her vagina walls spasm in climax. Just her breasts rubbing mine, and feeling the shudders of her orgasm, send me over the edge too, amazingly my third “Big O” this afternoon. We remained together on that sofa long after the setting sun cast its last shadow. Should I tell you that later on her tongue brought me my fourth? The next few months were amazing. Cindy left her husband and moved in with me. I share my bed with her, and she shares her fantastic tits and pussy with me. Her husband fucked the wrong co-ed and the scandal was all over the local papers. I bought off his share of the partnership (he needed the money for his legal bills) and now I own the whole company! I’ve turned Cindy into my sex slave of sorts. She’s even forgiven Mark for his brutality that day, so now we have exhilarating threesomes out by the pool whenever we can.

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