Tamil Couple In USA Part 4

kumar5919 2017-11-20 Comments

This story is part of a series:

We did it in doggie and knowing she was in the rough mood,
Gayathri,” appadidhaan backsidelaey nanna pannu ,appodhan naan back thrust kudupaen”.( Yes do it like that on the backside , then I can thrust back).

I treated her harshly while fucking, slapping her ass and pulling her hair, her arse becoming red.

Narayan,”yeyyi maami indha addiyaey shoothlaey vaangikkoa, onnoda mudiyaey izhuthindaey onnaey nanna okkaraen, yen poollu chinnadhunu chonniyono , ippo paaru adhai vechindaey onnoda koodhiya kizhikaraen”(hey brahmin lady! take this beating on your ass, I will fuck you pulling your hair, didn’t you tell my cock is small , now with this, let me tear your cunt).

Gayathri loved it and begged for more as I fucked her harder and harder. Eventually we collapsed in a heap on the bed, panting, with my sperm oozing out of her pussy.

Narayan,’ Ippo theyriyardhaa naan yaarunnu , naan brahmanan dee , nakku indha cockkaey.”.And made her lick my cock clean.( Now you know about Narayan, me a proud Brahmin, now lick my cock clean)

The next day the three of us were chatting while watching TV, and the talk moved to their college days. Gayathri was saying that Sriram was the college playboy.

Sriram said, “No no that’s all exaggeration. I admit I had many girlfriends, but I wasn’t a playboy.”

“Oh Yeah, Ennappa kadhai vidaraey.( hey why are you lying) But every popular girl was your girlfriend at one point or the other! Nee avaalaey ennavaellam panniniyoo, nenaichaalaey kaadhu koosharadhu”(you, I don’t even want to know what all you did to them , my ears are queasy).

Sriram nodded rather proudly.” Enna Gayathri onnakku jealoussa irukkaa”( what ?Gayathri, you are jealous?)

“So which girl did you like best?”

“Not fair! They were all good in different ways.”

“What do you mean?”

“Some were nice to talk to, some were nice to go to movies with, and some were.” And Sriram smiled naughtily.

“Oh my god! You did it in college itself?ennappa Sheeram ippadiyaa pannuvaa evaalaavadhu” ( will anyone do like this in college itself) Gayathri asked, as if outraged.

“But none of the girls got pregnant?” Gayathri exclaimed.

“Of course, I wasn’t a fool. We used protection. And. ”

“And what?”

“Sometimes we did it such that we didn’t need a condom.”

“What do you mean? ennappa shollaraey”( what are you saying), neck onnum puriyaelaey?

“Well we didn’t always use the front entrance.”

At this Gayathri blushed deeply. and said “shiva ! shivaa! naekku kaekkavaey ennamoe maadiri irrukardhu. ( Oh! God Oh! God it is embarrassing even to hear it) .Despite many pleadings on my part, she had never accepted anal sex before. Narayan whined.

“How did the girls let you? It would be painful! nan adhaey naennachallaey bayammaa irrukku, onnodadhu ivvalavu paerushha varaey??” ( thinking about it I am scared , that too yours is so big) . At this her eyes went down to his huge erect cock and her beautiful eyes opening in disbelief.

“Not at all. If you use proper lubrication, it will be very pleasurable. pannina than theyriym adhoda arumai”( only if you do you will know the pleasure).

He smiled seeing Gayathri look at his cock and was proud that she is admiring it.


“Yes, in fact some of the girls liked it better than the normal version!”

“Oh my god I don’t believe it. naan nambovaey maataen”( I don’t believe it)

“Try it, you will say the same too!”

Gayathri blushed when he said this and glanced again at his erect cock.”Chee podaa ?”

And we continued watching the film, with Gayathri in the middle, hard cocks on either side of her. I was getting amazed by the surreal nature of it all. My wife was discussing anal sex with a guy who was sitting beside her with a huge hard-on! The whole day I went about with a hard cock and it was the same with Sriram. I was a little happy thinking that though we were both horny for Gayathri. I would get to fuck her that night and run my hands all over that milky body and Sriram would have to pleasure himself in his room!

That night I was expecting Gayathri to bring up anal sex and I wasn’t disappointed. She shyly suggested that we try it and lubricated my cock with her own hands and gave it a kiss when she was done. Then she asked me to lubricate her asshole too. I was touching her there after a long while and I could sense her tense as my finger found its way to her asshole. She grabbed the pillows tightly as I eased my finger in, applying the cream all over the area. I was half expecting her to say no, lets drop it, from the grim look on her face as I applied the cream. But she plonked down on the bed and raised up her ass to me saying,

“Take my ass Narayan. Fuck me there. aanaa jaakradaeyyaa pannudaa, naekku konjam bayam, andha shoodran ippadi shollarathaey , nambavaa enna shalachalavaallaa, dei brahmanaa nee nanna pannudaa vellichaalum naan poruthundudraen.”(be careful, I am a little scared, When that shudra is saying like this , are we brahmins inferior , Hey! Brahmin dude ,do it hard even if it pains I will bear it).

What man can resist such an invitation? I slowly eased my cock into her asshole, putting it in little by little. I saw her grabbing the sheets as I tried to put more and more of my cock into her ass. She let out a little scream as my cock head fully entered her hole. I could see she was in pain from the look on her face but could also see that her determination came back and she held on. I took my cock out and then slowly put it back in, letting her asshole get adjusted to my size. Doing this several times, we got to the stage where Gayathri didn’t wince as my cock head entered her.

“Now for the real fucking I thought” and slapped her ass hard. She let out a yelp and before she could react more, I slammed my cock into her fully. I couldn’t tell if she was moaning or screaming in pain as I began to fuck her ass hard, while slapping her fair ass cheeks. “Dee , en pondatee !! shoothu fuck nanna irrukkaa, ennoda poolu eppadi kizhichindu poradhu on kundiyaey”.( hey wife how is the ass fuck, is my prick good enough , see how it is tearing into your asshole).

After a while she began to respond, thrusting back and moaning, “Oh yes it feels so tight in there Narayan, fuck me fuck me hard.Dei ! Nana nannaa irrukkudaa nan eppadi backlaey push panindu irrukkaen paru”(Nana( short for Narayan) is it good ,me pushing back at your cock).

I reached in front and grabbed her tits as I fucked her ass. She put one hand in her pussy and was teasing her clit as I fucked harder. When I shot my hot cum into her ass, she moaned the loudest and shuddered, orgasming.

“Oh Nana! that was wonderful. My body feels so sore, but so good. I’m sorry I didn’t try this before. You can have my ass as often as you want from now on! ennoda kundi nokku always open” ( my ass is always open for you).

She kissed me and drifted off to sleep. As I drifted to sleep I thought, maybe Sriram coming was not all bad.

The next day Gayathri was a little stiff in the back and this really showed while walking.

Sriram noticed right away and said, “You tried it huh? ennma Gayu kannu try panninaey pollairrukkaey” with a wide grin. (what Gayu baby looks like you tried it).

Gayathri blushed deeply in response.

Sriram didn’t let go and asked, “So how was it?”

Gayathri blushed even more and murmured ” Dei sheeraamaa yendaa ippadi praananaey vaangaraey, rhombho super ! podhumaa nokku” ( Hey Sriram, why are you teasing like this , yes it was super okay !).

Sriram teased her saying, “What was that? I didn’t hear you?”

Gayathri snapped back, “Alright, alright it was great okay. Now gloat all you want.naan tamizhlla shonnadhu nokku puriyaadhaa”.( what you can’t understand tamil)

“Ha ha ha,with a sly look in his eyes, he said, ” Nee pesaradhu tamillaa, paadhidhaan puriyudhu”( is it tamil you speak ,can hardly understand it ).
Narayan,” I have been telling her to be language neutral when talking to outsiders, but she never listens, all she talks is on the phone with her mother or mine and you know her bhashai at that time and a few of her friends here are typical tambrahms. so it is such a switch that it almost feels like a different language”
Gayathri” Dei Nana, Sheeram nambo friendu daa , avan kittaey kooda naan namblavaa bhaashai peshapdaadhaa”( hey Nana, Sriram is our friend , to him I can speak our lingo).

Sriram,”But you never spoke like this like this those days”.
Narayan,” These brahmin girls and guys as years go by try to talk only this lingo, when young they would be ashamed to talk like that in public for the fear of ridicule, but as they age they think that their lingo is the correct one and are proud to use it in all public places too. It also gives them a sense of superiority over others”.

Gayathri,” Enna paethal, (blabber)but we are indeed proud of our brahmin lingo,”
Sriram,”Let us get back to our topic, about returning the favour”.
“Yes, yes I do, I will return the favor someday” Gayathri said gaily.

“And how do you plan on returning the favor?”

“I don’t know, why don’t you say that yourself?”

Sriram glanced down at his erect cock.

Gayathri colored deeply.

“Ei you cheap fellow. I will give you something in return, is what I meant.”

I was watching this exchange, getting more and more hard. It was like I did not even exist for the two of them. Both of them had become so comfortable talking about sex! I could hardly believe it was the same Gayathri, who ten days back would be reluctant to talk about sex with me, and would call a “cock” a “thing.”

“Hmm. Sriram, Alright, then tell me about the sexiest experience that you have had?”

“Oh that’s too private I can’t tell you that!”

Gayathri,”I’m not asking for details, just the broad picture you know. sheeram shollupaa”(Sriram please tell).

Sriram, ”I know about you, you will say like this, and then you will keep asking more and more questions and make me tell everything. ennama naan kaadhulaey poo vachikitta irrukaen” ( what you thought I am a fool).

“Ha ha not at all. You can stop at any point alright?adhenna poo vechindu irrukaravaa moshommaa. Sheeram nee rhombho brahminssa galata pannindaey irrukkaey, indha Narayan vaeraey join pannindudraan onnodaey, shaeree ippo shollu adhae pathi ” (Sriram,you are teasing the brahmins too much and this Narayan is joining you too , okay tell now)

Sriram, ”Hmm alright.I will tell after you tell first”

Gayathri,’ adhaanaey sholiyan kudumi shummavaa aadum, naekku theyriyam ippadi nee bulti adipaynnu, but I am a sport , I will tell first”(that is what, i knew you will do like this)

Then Gayathri looked at me, straight in the eyes. I knew which experience she was going to talk about. But I was worried where that would take us, right up the alley to her naked with Sriram? At the same time, I was battling a desire to see him naked and watch Gayathri suck on his huge cock. Stuck with this confusion, I didn’t say anything to Gayathri, which she took as a sign to tell the story.

“Alright. This was on our honeymoon. We had gone to vacation in Hawaii. And you know how those places are, everyone walking around in swimsuits. I was slightly taken aback when I had initially arrived. But later, I adjusted to it and started enjoying it as well.”

“You mean you wore swimsuits?”

“Yes of course.”

“What kind? Two piece?”

“Yes, yenna naan poda pdaadhaa ” said Gayathri blushing. ( what! I shouldn’t wear it)

Sriram adjusted his seat, bringing his cock even more into prominence and drawing Gayathri’s eyes to it. Ada chandaalaa ippadi vekkam illamaey ippadi adjust pannindu irrukkaanaey ava munnaadiyaey, thought Narayan (oh bastard he is adjusting it in front of her without any shame). We all knew that he was imagining Gayathri in a bikini, her heavy milky brahmin boobs and ass swinging, barely concealed by the thin fabric of the material.

“So what incident occurred? If you’re just going to say there was a nude beach, I won’t agree. Everyone does that. chumma ennai yemaatha mudiyaadhu”(you can’t fool me)

“Well yes, there was a nude beach. But this incident took place in the guest villas, near the beach.”

“In the villas? That’s not so exciting!”

“Listen to the full story and then say that.”

“So what happened?”

“Don’t be in a hurry! Well Narayan and I were staying there for our honeymoon. We had a great time there, the sun and the climate were just great. One day, after our trip outside we had come back to the room. Narayan here was in a playful mood and we started kissing. nokku theyriyumo Narayan is a super kisser”( do you know that Narayan is a super kisser)
“Hmm now it’s getting interesting.”

“Our room was on the first floor so that we had a sort of attached balcony which opened out into the park. We made our way to the balcony and we were kissing passionately. It was deserted at that time of the day and we, we, ”

“Started doing it.”

Gayathri blushed a lot and then continued.

“Yes. It was very romantic and both of us were in a naughty mood. We had taken off our clothes and were doing it, Naanaodda kai ennoda bodylla oru edathaeyum vidalai ,when we heard a noise.”( Narayan’s hands was probing all my parts)

“Oh my god what was it?”

“There was a Spanish guy standing there looking at us doing it. We were both shocked for a second and I didn’t know whether to run and hide, or continue. But the guy just smiled and Narayan started doing it again.”

“Oh my god, with the guy watching?”

“Ya! I closed my eyes and let Narayan do it. When I opened them again, the Spanish guy was still there, and he was ! he was !.” Gayathri vekkathulaey Sriramma parthaa”(gayathri saw Sriram coyly)

“Jerking off? idda sollarathukku enna vekkam”(why are you ashamed to say it) said Sriram.

“Yes, Narayan made me get down in the doggie position and we did it again, appapa avvalavu nanna irrundadhu, ( was really good) all with the guy watching us. I know it was wrong, but it was so hot! naekkum shhoodu rhombho aayidithu( I got really hot too) ,Gives me the shivers to think of it even today.”

“But what happened then?”

“The guy finished, enna finishpaa adhu ,avvanoda adhulaendhu whiteaa peechindu vandhadhu, ( what a finish,he squirted white stuff all over) and smiled at us and left. After that we didn’t see him again in the villa.”

By the time Gayathri finished saying this, both Sriram and I had raging hard-ons and you could see the erect nipples of Gayathri through her saree and blouse. It was incredibly sexy, her sharing this private incident with her college friend who was hearing it with a hard-on!

‘Wow, that was pretty wild! And you liked the incident a lot?”

“At that point I didn’t know how to react so I went along with what Narayan did. But yea, it was so hot you know. Doing it in front of the guy. Felt very wild and naughty.”

“Only one problem.”

“What is it?”

“I don’t believe a word of it! I’m your friend and you haven’t even kissed Narayan in front of me. You expect me to believe you did it in front of another guy!”

“Hey it really did happen! It was all in the heat of that moment. nambhuppa Sheeramaa”( believe me sriram)

“Yeah right!”

I thought Sriram was playing it exactly right – Gayathri is very argumentative, and she loves to prove people wrong.

“Oh come on! Why would I make that up! onkittaey naan en poi shollanum sheeramaa”(why should I lie to you).

“Then prove it! Just kiss Narayan!”

Gayathri strode over to me and kissed me lightly on the lips.

Sriram sneered, “Are you his sister or his wife? ennamaa, kannu(hey girl) what is this”

Gayathri then grabbed me and we started kissing in earnest. Gayathri really wanted to prove her point so she kissed me even more passionately than usual, hugging me tightly to her hot body and running her hands through my hair. I ran my hands all over her body and squeezed her waist as we kissed.

Gayathri let out a small moan as I squeezed her and we started to French kiss, our tongues playing together. I could make out that Gayathri was really aroused and turned on, because she doesn’t French kiss unless she is extra horny.

We finally broke apart and looked at Sriram, who was sitting on the sofa with his legs wide and his hard huge cock poking through the shorts. Gayathri’s boobs were heaving from passion and she asked Sriram, “Do you believe me now? dei karuppaa, ippo puriyardaa naan yarrunnu “( hey blacky , now you believe me ?)

“Yeah that was quite a performance! Did kissing in front of me give you a thrill? and what is that karuppaa ??” (blacky).

Narayan intervened,” she really fly’s of the handle when she is hot , either tanjore brahmin lingo or madras bhashai only.”
Dei, Nana neeyum avan side shaendutuyaa, nee maathiram enna, vella kaakaa maadiri ollipichaanaa irukkaey”.((Cursed Nana,you have joined hands with him, what about you scrawny white crow)

“See I told you Sriram, when she is too hot, then these come out, sometimes with expletives too.”

“Well feel free to do it anytime! I meant the kissing,Don’t mind me!” said Sriram and then wandered off. We both knew he would be going to the bathroom to jerk off his huge meat, thinking of us kissing and my hands all over Gayathri.

As soon as Sriram had left,Gayathri dragged me to the bedroom and she practically dropped her clothes and jumped on me in her horniness. Soon she was moaning heavily as I was fucking her tight pussy while slapping her butt.

“Did you really enjoy us kissing in front of Sriram darling? ennadaa Narayanaa nanna shoodaayidithu pollairrukku nokku” she purred.(Hey Narayan, looks like you are hot too).

“Umm oh god yea, it was so hot with someone watching. ennadi , ippadi ivvallvu closeaa oru aambalaey nambho panninduirukiradhaey paathindu irrundaa (what , if someone sees us kissing at close quarters) even a eunuch will get hard and would jack off.”.

“Oh! Nana do you really think so?”

“Yeah, of course, who wouldn’t get hard watching you kiss darling.” All this while I was banging her from the back side, when , I can reach her the deepest.

“Oh god that’s so hot I’m coming, AAAAH !! ennada aayiduthu nokku ippadi kutharaey , ennoda shhaeppu kundiyya innum shaeppa aakaraey ippadi slap panni panni ”(what’s come of you , you are slapping my already fair butt making it even fairer).

Pleasure rippled through her body as Gayathri came heavily. She lay in a stupor for a while, with the drowsiness of orgasm washing over her. Then she realized that I hadn’t come.

She caressed my cock lovingly and said, “I know what will make you cum baby. Do me in my other hole darling, I know you love it.Dei ennoda kundillaey poddudaa onnoda poolla ” (Put it in my asshole darling)

She once again got into the doggie pose but put her head in the pillow and lifted her ass up for me to fuck. She really looked like a greek goddess with her arched backs fair against the dark wall background and the extra arching had really showed her puckered asshole staring at me. I didn’t care about lubrication , finesse or being soft and slow as it was her nether hole .I jumped at the opportunity and was soon ramming her ass hard.

Gayathri was moaning hard again, “Oh yesss Nana!! that’s it I’m going to cum again, harder baby harder. nanna pannudaa pappaan, mathha pappaan madiri ‘madiyaa’ frontlaey maathram okkaamaey ippadi azhagaa backlaeyum vidaraeyaey.( Do harder brahmin bastard, not like other brahmins doing only through the front side, you are doing through my back entrance baby)Naan nokku kovil katti kumbudanum, ippadi oru aambadayaan nekku vandhathukku”.( I must worship you, for me being so lucky).

Soon I came, unloading my hot cum in her asshole. While I was cumming, Gayathri once again came violently and she squirted too and we collapsed on the bed, sweat lining our bodies.

By now I was so horny and definitely liked the horniness that Gayathri got from all the sexual subtext with Sriram. So I asked her again about the kissing and she admitted she liked it. She asked me if it didn’t make me jealous that Sriram was looking at her when we kissed. I said of course not, it was hot just like the time in the villa. Then came the really horny request.

“If you don’t mind, I want to do it again Narayan.”

“Do what baby?”

“Kiss in front of Sriram.”

To say I was shocked would be an understatement.Thank god it is not fuck.

“What? Are you sure? What if he gets hard like that Spanish guy darling.” Narayan said

“He’s hard all the time anyway Nana dear. nee dhan pathindu irrundaeyaey, avanoda pool yevvalavu hardaavum peushavum irrundadhu”(you are seeing it anyway that his cock is so huge and hard always).

I was shocked to hear her talk like this,I got the feeling we had crossed some line here.

“What if he, he brought it out baby? chollu ippo, tackkunu veliya edduthutaa? “(if he take it out suddenly)

“No, no he won’t do any such thing Nana dear.”

“But what if he gets carried away darling?”

“No, no he won’t. He might stroke it but he wouldn’t take it out Nana.”

My horniness won out.

“Mmm, alright.”

I was curious to see how far Gayathri would take this. I badly wanted to see Sriram take out his monster cock and Gayathri suck on it. But I wanted things to proceed at their own pace, without me pushing my wife into the arms of another man.

When the next morning rolled around,
“Dei Narayanaa , pall thaeyshtu,moonjiyaey allambindu vaadaa sheegramaa ( brush your teeth and wash your face and come soon), coffee aarida poradhu, apporam naandhan thiruppi microwave pannanum”(the coffee is getting cold , then i have to microwave it.)

I could see Gayathri was super excited about what we were supposed to do that day. She donned a super sexy transparent saree with a low neck blouse. She was looking as sexy as her namesake in the film industry in that costume. Sriram, as usual came for breakfast and feasted his eyes upon her exposed hip and hint of cleavage through the saree. By now, his becoming hard was common in our household, and so he didn’t even try to hide it, and instead sat down with his huge bulge showing.

Even he could see that Gayathri was glowing with excitement today and said, “Looks like you had a great time last night huh?” with a grin.

Gayathri just blushed.

Sriram went on, “Enna backkaa naethikum?”( was it through the back y’day too ?)

Gayathri just nodded in shyness.” Chee poeppa, naekku vekkamma irrukradhu”.( I feel shy to tell it)

“How was it?”

“It was really great Sriram, Nana ennamma panraan theyrumma nokku” gushed Gayathri. (sriram, you know, Nana does really great)

“Good, good. If your kissing had anything to do with it, feel free to do it again.”

I could tell Gayathri was just waiting for this, and immediately came to my side. But Sriram interrupted saying, “If my watching gives you a kick, then I want to watch well! Lets move to the sofa, I can’t see well from here.”

Gayathri blushed at the straight forward request, but we complied and moved to the sofa. Gayathri and I were sitting on one couch, with Sriram sitting opposite us.

Gayathri began kissing as soon as we sat down, and I could sense from our kiss that she couldn’t take it anymore. We kissed passionately with our tongues soon seeking each other. As we kissed, Gayathri had an eye on Sriram. I also looked, and to my shock Sriram was rubbing his cock through his shorts openly and a spot of precum had already appeared on his shorts from his rubbing. Gayathri reached for my cock and rubbed mine as she eyed Sriram rubbing his. I squeezed her waist and this added to her pleasure in this incredibly sexy scene that I couldn’t believe was happening on my own couch.

We kissed hard as Gayathri squeezed my cock over my shorts. I put my hand inside her saree and inched it up to her swelling boobs. To my surprise, she didn’t resist as I started squeezing her hot and heavy boobs. She started moaning audibly now, glancing at Sriram, sitting there rubbing his cock, watching me fondle her body. Her eyes were trained on his cock as she put my hand over her boobs and pressed them into her soft flesh. Her saree was still covering her body so Sriram couldn’t see her boobs, but he would have known that I was pressing them right there, just beyond his sight.

When I pinched her nipple through her blouse, Gayathri gave a loud moan and came to her senses. She got up and adjusted her saree. She smiled at Sriram and said, “Hope you enjoyed the show!”

He complained saying, “I didn’t get to see anything.”

“What you got to see is enough! And you can’t tell me that you didn’t like what you saw!” She pointed to his ever bulging cock.

Sriram grinned and said, “Yes it was very hot! How was it for you?”

Gayathri just blushed and slightly licked her lips.

“Let me massage you now,” said Sriram. I was alert – did massage mean something else today? Gayathri consented and Sriram strode over to our couch. He was much more confident, and directly stripped Gayathri of her pallu. She was looking like a goddess standing there with her milky cleavage jutting out of her blouse, and her soft waist waiting to be squeezed , exposing her navel, we brahmins are the best looking , especially south indian Brahmins. This was the first time some other guy had stripped any part of her clothing (I think).
But Sriram did not stop there. He put both his hands on her milky waist and pulled her to him. Then he rotated her so that her back was facing him. He moved in, rubbing his cock on her ass. He started undoing her blouse. Gayathri just stood there with her eyes closed enjoying it all. Soon he had unhooked her three blouse buttons. Now Gayathri stopped him and turning around, slowly shrugged off the blouse, off her shoulders so that it was only covering her boobs, supported by her hands.

She looked at me and I read carnal lust and animal desire in her face. This wasn’t the shy wife I knew at all. She glanced again at his cock, and slowly dropped the blouse onto the floor. For the first time, Gayathri was in just her bra in front of a man other than her husband. But even with all the horniness, some measure of shyness attacked her and she covered her boobs with her hands. But Sriram wasn’t going to let go, and she shivered as she felt his hand on her bra hook.

Sriram unhooked her bra and smoothly slid it off her shoulders. Gayathri stood there for a moment, unsure, with her bra still clutched to her heaving breasts. With one last look at me she slowly let it fall to the ground, becoming topless for the first time before another guy. But she was still with her back to Sriram.

Sriram slowly turned her around and eased apart her hands. “I’ve been wanting to see these beauties ever since I first saw you in a low neck salwar at college,” he breathed.

Gayathri closed her eyes and let him move her hands, exposing her milky breasts.

“Oh Gayathri, they are even more sexy than I imagined,” said Sriram and slowly put his hands on her breasts.

Gayathri moaned as he touched her sensitive boobs. Sriram looked at me and at my hard-on and then started massaging my wife’s boobs in front of me.

“How does it feel? enna Narayana naan pannalamaa?” Sriram asked.Narayan was so shocked and also hot at the direct attack , blurted out ,” Sriram , Naangho eppavum guesttukku ubachaaram pannuvom, nee nanna pishi”. (Sriram , we always give preference to guest , go ahead and squeeze).

“Oh it feels so good Sriram. Your hands are so rough and strong. Squeeze me more, please. Squeeze harder, Dei sheerama , en aathukaaran kedakkaraan, nee nanna pishi, avan onnum shollae maataan”(Hey sriram ,don’t bother about my hubby , he wouldn’t mind you squeezing my boobs).

“Narayanaa , enna daa nokku kovammaa en melaey, shollu daa, avanaey shtop panna sholliduraen.(what Nana dear! are you angry ,tell me , I will ask him to stop immediately).

Sriram wasn’t done teasing. “Is it better than when your husband touches you? andha brahmanan touchoda betterraa irrukkaa, pappathi ?” ( Hey brahmin bitch ,is it better than that brahmin bastard).

Gayathri moaned, “Mmm yes ! yes!. avan kai chinnaddaa softaa pottai maadiri irrukradhu ,onnoda kai murattu kai pishiyarathaey nekku koodhi rhombho hotta ozhugradhu.”(his hands are soft and small like a sissy , but yours is rough and when you squeeze my tits , my cunt just oozes hot. )

“Why don’t you tell him that?”

Gayathri looked at me, with guilt and pleasure mixed on her face.

“Oh Nana, I’m so sorry. But I can’t resist this. My entire boobs fit in the palm of his hands. His hands feel so much better on my boobs. Oh god mmmmm. aamandaa Narayanaa,avan squeeze pannarathaey ennaey swargalogathukku kondu poyudraan avan, (yes dear when he squeezes , I am in heaven already) adhu yen shhoodraallukku ippadi strengthhu varradhunnaey theyriyallaey ”(Can’t believe how these shudras have such power).

I stood watching, with an almost surreal feel. Here he was, coolly squeezing her boobs in our living room, and she was letting him! Gayathri grabbed his head and pulled them onto her boobs, imploring him to suck her fleshy tits. He started to slowly nibble on her nipples, making Gayathri moan even louder. She is very sensitive in her boobs, and any mouth action sends her over the edge. I watched as she moaned her head from side to side, holding his head tight against her boobs as he ravaged her chest.

“Suck me harder Sriram, oh yes come on do it. Dei sheeraamaa ennada ippadi shapparaey ennodaey molai yeppadi vaerechindu irrukku paarudaa(hey Sriram bastard your sucking has made my nipples go erect) yeppadi ennodaey boobs fairra irukradhu, dei shoodraa, ungalavaa ippadi azhaga irrupaalaa” (saw how milky and fair my boobs are, will your clan be fair like this).

Sriram,” Gayathri, konjam tamilla pesudi , nee sollarathu onnum puriyallae.”(hey Gayathri talk in tamil ,just can’t comprehend)
Narayan interjected, “ I told you when she is hot she goes into pakka brahminical lingo which only hardcore brahmins will understand”.

Sriram gradually grew more ferocious, leaving many bite marks on the tender boobs of my wife.
“Dei, ennadaa ippadi kadikaraey, naan pesharadhu nokku puriyalaeynnu kopammaa. (what you bastard ,biting me in anger) .Dei macchi on languagellaey peasaraen , ennoda koothiyae eppo kizhikka poraey ippadi melaeyyaey time waste pannriyae,”(hey fucker! I will speak your lingo, when are you going to tear my cunt, you are wasting time upstairs).

Sriram feasted on Gayathri’s boobs for a long time after which he moved down, pulling down her saree and petticoat in one stroke. Gayathri was now standing clad only in a sheer panty, which seemed to be soaked in wetness. It was a mark of her aroused state that she removed the panty herself, becoming totally naked for Sriram.

“Do you like what you see Sriram? I know you’ve wanted to fuck me since college. adhaan kaettaenae , eppo okka poeraennu, ”(i ask you when you are going to fuck).

“How did you know that?”

“You always looked at me as if you wanted to devour my body. college timellaeyaey nee paakrathaey nekku nanna purinjuduthu, enna appadiyaey shaapidra maadiri” ( even during college timeI i knew the way you used to see as if devouring me)

“Hmm, that’s true you were the sexiest bitch in college. onnoda koothithan ellarodayum compare pannrappo vella koodhi,(only your pussy was the fairest) so why not, thayirsaadam saptu saptu yeppadi thala thala irundidhu”( eating curd rice made it fairer)

Gayathri smiled at that. Sriram came near Gayathri and moved his hands slowly over each curve of her body, starting with her fleshy waist. She moaned anew as his hands caressed a new body part. He caressed and slapped her fair ass at least ten times and it turned crimson, before his hands moved in between her legs and started to play with her wet and wanting pussy.

“Oh Sheeram! Oh Sheeram ! ennada pannaraey , ennoda shoothaamuttai ippadi thudikradhu” Gayathri wailed(what are you doing my ass is quivering like this). She reached out and caressed his hard-on over his shorts in an aroused manner.

“Narayan look at his cock dear. It is sooo much bigger and thicker than yours. I couldn’t resist having it baby: I must experience it at least once. Dei Nanaa, please please sholludaa okaynnu, nekku shoodu thaanga mudiyalaey adhuvum ippo avannoda cockkae thotutaenonno ” (Hey Nanaa pleases okay , I am getting hotter by the minute that too after touching his cock ).

With that, she pulled down his shorts and underwear. And there was his cock, a full ten inches in length and very thick, right in front of my wife’s face. This was just how I had imagined it. Sriram was tan and dark all over, and Gayathri was fair in every inch of her body. Comparisons of chocolate and butter spring to mind, as Gayathri reached out and touched another man’s cock for the first time. Typical black and white combo.

“Oh god! Nana it is sooo hard. eppadidaa indha shoodraallukku ivvalavu perushaa bellakkaa irrukku, Nanaa it must be double your size”.(how is it that shudras have such a big pecker,)

“Naan ippovaey indha sarpathaey nanna shappa poraen’( I am going to swallow this snake right now)

She went on her knees in front of him and slowly put out her tongue and licked his hard meat.

“Ooooohhh,” was her reaction, as Sriram closed his eyes and enjoyed my hot wife licking his hard cock. Gayathri finally started sucking his cock in earnest.

“Oh Narayana its so huge, it completely stuffs my mouth, dei Nanaa devaamrudhammaa irrukradhu” (Hey Nana it is so godly and tasty) she would say in between taking his cock in her mouth. I knew Gayathri absolutely loves blowjobs and so sucking on Sriram’s cock must have been a treat for her. She enjoyed it fully, closing her eyes and moving her mouth back and forth on his cock. She couldn’t fit all ten inches in her mouth, so she also had her hands on his meat and it looked like she was feeding a dark hose into her mouth.

Gayathri’s expert sucking soon paid off as Sriram moaned, “Gayu baby ,I’m gonna cum.” Gayathri was just able to get his monster out of her mouth as he shot his hot cum all over my sweet wife’s face and boobs. Gayathri looked every inch a slut as she lay there coated in his cum from her face down to her boobs.

She moaned, “Oh god so much cum. ennadaa sheerama eppadi ivvalavu stock vechindu irrukkaey”(Hey sriram , how come you have so much of Sperm). She dipped a finger into the cum on her body and tasted it saying “Mmm you taste good. rhombho tasteyya irrukardhey” (Very very Tasty)

“Let me see how you taste Gayathri. on koothiya naan nakka vendaamaa”(should I not lick yours).
Dei Nanna nakku daa , juice leak ayindaey irrukku paaru , on shoodran gaja poolukkaaga”(fucker , slurp it up quick, see how it is leaking for your shudra elephant like cock)

With that, Gayathri lay down and spread her legs. Sriram started eating her pussy and I was treated to Gayathri screaming and thrashing about as he licked her wet cunt with his long serpentine tongue. Gayathri jerked her hips in reaction to his licking, shoving her pussy up into his face, symbolically asking him for more. Finally she screamed and came, her body convulsing with pleasure for a good two minutes as she came repeatedly under his skillful tongue.

Finally she revived and said, greedily looking at his cock, “Put that thing inside me, I want to feel it tearing up my pussy. ennadaa paathindaey irrukkaey asamanjam nokku enna invitationa kudukanum ennoda koodhikullaey podarathukku”.( what are you waiting for you silly muff , should give you an invitation or what).

Sriram,” Baby just cannot understand your lingo, I will get translation from your cuckold husband later”.

Gayathri positioned herself in doggie on the living room floor. I watched as Sriram grabbed her by her succulent ass, giving it a slap first. Every action of Sriram brought fresh moans from Gayathri. She reached behind and positioned his cock at the entrance to her pussy. It was finally going to happen! Hints of this were there right from the moment Gayathri saw his cock, but finally she was going to be fucked by him! That too in front of me! the word cuckold really aroused the deeply hidden desires in me and my cock jumped at the thought of the word.Now I know why I was enjoying all the things Sriram was doing and even liking his emboldened remarks about me

Sriram slowly entered her pussy, feeding his massive cock into her tight hole.

“OHHHHHHHHH god Nana, he is going so deep. Your cock never reached so far aamaa onnodadhu 5 inch dhaanaey eppadi reach pannum,(yes, your is only 5 inches how will it reach), dei brahmanaa ennaey ippadi on azhagu moonjiyaey kaatitoo cheat pannitiyaey ,( you duped me with your handsome face) shhoodraa bellakkaa ivvalavu perushaa irrukkumnu nekku theyriyaamaey poyidithey . (wasn’t aware that their cock is this big),naan avvalayaey katindu irrupaennaey ?Oh god!”

Narayan shamelessly, “ Adhan ippo theyrinjuduthaey , Ippo shoodraavva dhaanaey okkaraey,adhuvum ennakku munnadiyaey and insulting me telling about my cock size.”

Sriram took his cock in and out, letting her pussy adjust to his massive girth and size. Finally, his entire cock was buried in the hot snatch of Gayathri.

“Oh Gayathri you’re so tight! It’s like you’re a virgin! yey papaathi !!onnoda koodheenna, yeppovum ippadi tightta dhan irrukkumnnu theyriyummaa onnakku”.(Hey slut, did you ever know that your pussy is always tight like this).

“I’ve never had anyone as big as you Sheeram, that’s why it feels that good. Oh god your cock feels so good! Now fuck me hard baby. Give it to this brahmin slut!”
Sriram,” Thats because you have been fucking the ganges worm of your husband and not the black cobra like mine. I am pretty sure the other boys you fucked were orthodox brahmins who never had anything beyond 4 or 5 inches”.

Gayathri.” Poedaa , naan yaarayum fuck pannalaey, (don’t tease me ,never had a chance)Dei sheeramaa nee correcte shonnaey daa,(yes you are correct) my cousin arjun asked me to shag him when he was 18 and me 17 , his cock was so small. Then maadiaathu maama(upstairs, brahmin uncle) once showed his cock to me when I was 20 and that was puny too”.

Hearing this, Sriram began ramming hard into Gayathri. slapping her crimson red ass and pulling her boobs as he fucked her like an animal. Gayathri was screaming in pleasure, thrusting back her hips for his thrusts and moaning for more.

“Dei theyvidiyaapaiaa, ennai ippadi Narayan oethadhaey illaey, sheeramaa ivvalavu deeppaa kuthareyaey,on cock fatta irrukku,appadiyaey yennodaey cunttaey fulla fill panniduthu, nekku jalam varra maadiri irrukradhu”.(Hey bastard, My husband never used to fuck like this,You are fucking me so deep, your cock is so fat it fills me up so much , I just think I am leaking and about to cum ).

And then we saw why Sriram had a sexual reputation in college. He kept on and on, fucking Gayathri relentlessly. After about 10 minutes of fucking, Gayathri came violently.
“Dei ,Sheeramaa , nekku vara poradhu, aiyayoo thudikardhu, eeashawaraa enna kaapathupaa indha raakshasan sheeram kittaey irrundu ,AIYAYOO vandhuduthoooo eashwara jalam vandhuduthu.”( hey sriram,I am about to cum,look my cunt is quivering,oh god please help me from this demon sriram, Oh god I have cum I think,Yes i have cuuum, eeeeeeyoo).

But Sriram did not stop, still plunging his cock in and out of her convulsing body. In this way, Gayathri had three orgasms, one after the other, with Sriram still going strong and fucking her throughout. Finally, with her third orgasm, Sriram came too, flooding my wife’s pussy with his sperm.

They lay on the floor, covered in sweat, and in Gayathri’s case, with sperm profusely leaking to of her gaping cunt she was totally exhausted.

“Oh God, I had no idea sex could be so good! Dei Nanaa neeyum irrukaeyaey ivvankittaey kathundroo eppadi nanna kuthhanumnu, eppadi molaiyaey pishiyanumnu, eppadi koodhiyaey superaa nakkanumnu, Innumaey naan shoodraalla paarthu tease pannavey maataen , avvaaloda lookku nanna illaeynnu shollavae maataen, avaa karuppaah irrukkaannu? ” (hey Nana,please learn from him how to bang, how to squeeze my tits and how to lick my CUNT, Henceforth , I will never tease these guys, never their looks or colour).

“You just needed the right cock baby!” cooed Sriram proudly.

“Hmmm yes, if I had known this, I would have slept with you in college itself! dei ,nee yennai college timellaey yemaathitaey”(hey , you have duped me at that time).

“Hmm what’s wrong now, we can still do it.” and looked at Narayan. Narayan sheepishly smiled,
”What can I do , indha small cockkaey vechindu yenna pannradhu, kaiyya dhan use panindu irrukanum.( with my small pecker , I only have to shag).

“Oh yes Sriram, you can have me whenever you want, wherever you want. I will always be ready to do it with you! adhaan Nana permission kuduthootaanaey, avannukku choiceay illaey, evaallaavadhu indha cockka taste panninathukku apporam chinna shheeshnaavva , yaraavadhu thirumbhi paapallaa!”( okay Nana has nodded okay, as he doesn’t have a choice, will anyone having tasted this cock go after the small one).

“But one thing Sheeram, Naan onna engaey vennumaalum okkaraen, eppo venumnaalum shapparaen,(I will fuck you whenever or wherever), but ennoda back door ennoda chella Nana kuttikku dhan, nokku puriyardhaa? already reserved”(my back door is reserved for My dear husband only, do you get it).

Narayan thought,”Oh my god that was the best news I have heard in the last few days, she did not make me into a cuckold , but saved some self-respect for me and gave a special place for me in her private parts.”

But I had a strange feeling that this was more out of fear for the size of his massive 10-inch fat cock not being able to enter her nether hole. , anyways let me enjoy the privilege.

The end

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