Summer Vacations Part – 2

GrayWizard 2018-01-30 Comments

This story is part of a series:

This is the continuation of a previous story titled Summer Vacations. You may want to read the first part of this one. This part is lengthier than the previous, please be patient.

So I and Vatsal left in a taxi once I had got my wallet back. “Where were you disappearing throughout the journey? Man, don’t you tell me you were with Neelofar” Vatsal spoke as we were in the taxi. “Actually you are right. Remember when you left me and her alone for a smoke we had a rather intimate dialogue and then when you left me at the train door to visit the WC she walked into me. She’s given me her number as well” I replied. I thought better not to mention our encounter in the train toilet, at least not yet. Vatsal stared at me as if I ate the last piece of his chocolate cake, then a grin spread across his face and he said “Vikas, brother great. I don’t know what to say but I am really proud of you. You got her number dude, phone number of a stranger hottie. Goodness, Lord’s at your side”.

I wasn’t bewildered Vatsal always exaggerated things but this time it wasn’t much of an exaggeration. I said, “Well I didn’t get it myself, she gave it to me, moreover you too were getting cozy with Nazma, weren’t you”? “That’s a completely different thing. And what are you blabbering boy it doesn’t matter how you got the number, what matters is that you got it with the girl’s consent? Wish if I had your luck” he said his hopes down. I felt bad for him but with friends, it doesn’t last long I told him “It does not take luck boy, it takes a charm – the charm, the charm of a man” he looked at me with a look of fake disgust and hit me. I hit him back and then we abused each other and all, of course in a friendly way.

We talked about what we’d do when in Pune, what places we’ll visit and everything. The taxi came to a halt outside a big gate. On the other side were housed bungalows actually and all of them were in complete darkness if you’d not consider the lights from the street lamps. Vatsal signaled the taxi driver to drive in, so the taxi driver honked. The watchman who I think was fast asleep on his duty now ran out to see who honked. He came near the taxi, the taxi driver lowered the window to talk. The watchman was a middle-aged man, maybe in his late forties or early fifties. He asked in a hoarse voice “What is it, what’s your business at this hour of the night”? Vatsal leaned forward smiled at him and said “Gupta uncle it’s me Vatsal, back from Mumbai. We boarded the night train so are a bit late” Gupta uncle looked at us smiled and said “Bit late you say. Who’s this with you”?

Vatsal looked at me and turned back to him and answered “He’s my friend from college, he’ll be spending a month with us. Now please open the gate uncle”. Gupta unce nodded and went to the gate and opened it. The driver drove in, we got out and paid him. As he went out of the gate we saw Gupta uncle closing the gate again. Here I was standing alongside Vatsal outside his house in the middle of the night and for the first time, the thought crossed my head which I spoke out to him “I think we should have taken the morning train”, and looking at each other we smiled.

We stood at the door waiting for someone to open it, and then with a creaking, the door opened. There stood a thin old man in his late fifties, wearing a white shirt and a white dhoti, he was half asleep, smiling at Vatsal he said: “Vatsal baba, come in, come in”. We went in, Vatsal said, “Kaka this is my friend, Vikas and Vikas this is Birju kaka, he is our house help and has been with my family since before I was born”. Birju kaka nodded his head in gratitude, I smiled at him and did the same. “Kaka please show Vikas to our guest room,” Vatsal said “Vikas it’s too late everyone must be sleeping, I’ll introduce you tomorrow. Good night bro”. Birju kaka escorted me to the guest room. They had already readied it, the room was twice the size of our hostel room there was a double bed right in front of the door with lamps on either side of the bed placed on the bedside tables, the room also had an attached bathroom and toilet. I put my luggage in a corner went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, washed my face, put on a pair of pajamas from my luggage and got onto the bed.
I set an alarm for 8 in the morning on my phone and kept it on the bedside table.

Lying on the bed I remembered that kiss with Neelofar at the train door, I could remember the feel of her l soft lips on mine. My palms could still remember the feel of her bare ass, my fingers twitched as I recalled playing them in her ass crack. Then the picture of me fucking her in the toilet floated in my mind, I could see her boobs jiggling hard with each stroke I pumped into her pussy. ‘If only we had some more time and an empty compartment to ourselves’ I thought. My dick was hard once again. I took out my wallet I placed in the drawer of the bedside table and pulled out the note onto which Neelofar had written her number. I saved it on my phone and opened WhatsApp, the number popped up in contacts as I refreshed it. I tapped on her name and then on her display picture, it was her, yes the feeling that Neelofar might have pulled out a prank on me was gone. It showed last seen ‘Yesterday 9:30 pm’. I thought of leaving a message telling her it’s me and to get in touch when free, as I begin typing the last seen tag changed to online. I sent her a ‘his’ and then

‘It’s me Vikas’
‘Hii Vikas’ she replied ‘I see you are very excited’
‘Well I was recalling our sessions on train’ ‘It got me pretty excited’
‘Well it’s the same here’ ‘Shame we couldn’t do it better’
I was taken aback, she had a heck of an orgasm and now she is saying this. Then another message popped
‘I mean about the toilet and limited time’
I was relieved on reading that, it meant we can have another round.
‘Oh, I was thinking the same’

‘So what are you doing tomorrow’ ‘???’
‘No plans yet. Do you have any’
‘Well not until now’ ‘How about we meet up at Phoenix mall, it’s near Pune station’

‘Can’t say anything right now’ ‘I’ll call you and let you know’
‘Ok. I’ll wait for your call’ ‘Bye’ ‘Good Night’
I thought she must be tired and didn’t want to look very excited so I replied ‘Bye. Good night’ ‘????’

She too replied with the kiss emoji. My heart skipped a beat.
I put my mobile on charging and sleeping. At 8:15 in the morning I woke up to the sound of the alarm. I knew how tired I was instant. The alarm I set was for 15 minutes earlier but I couldn’t hear it before and on top of that, I didn’t feel to get out of the bed. Pushing myself I got my mobile and called Vatsal, the phone rang for a while before he answered. “Hello,” he said in a tired and sleepy voice. “Are you still sleeping?” I asked him “No, I’m partying. Come on man it’s the first day of our vacations, what’s about waking me up this early”? He said annoyed. “Boy, we still have to meet your parents, remember that. They too live here and I am sleeping in their house without them knowing it’s already embarrassing now get up” I ranted.

He asked me to get ready and come to the hall. I got fresh changed my clothes and went down in the hall. Vatsal still wasn’t there I ranged him but he didn’t answer. Birju kaka came to me and asked if I want tea I said “No, not yet. Could you please call Vatsal” at the precise Vatsal came out of the room right in front of the couch where I was sitting. He came to me and we sat there drinking tea. By 9 in the clock, a portly man in his early fifties came walking down the stairs. “Hello, dad. Good morning” Vatsal said, “This is my friend Vikas and Vikas this is my father”.

His father looked at me smiled and said “Hi Vikas. Vatsal told us all about you. How are you”? I smiled awkwardly and replied, “I am fine”. As he approached near I wished him good morning. Birju kaka brought him tea and he begins asking me about my family. I told him that I lived with my parents and I am their only child. Then he asked about college and stuff. Mr. Harsh then called out to his wife “Grishma. What are you doing? I am leaving for office get my bag down here” I looked in the direction from where Mr.Shah came some 10 minutes earlier. Vatsal’s mother came out of a room which was right in front of the one I slept in at night. She looked like a typical Gujarati woman.

She was carrying a black office bag in her hands. Grishma aunty looked to be in her mid-thirties, but that wasn’t possible as Vatsal told me that she was around 23 years when she got married to his father and his elder sister Ishani was of the same age now. She had chubby cheeks, a smile was stretched between those. Her eyes were brown, big and almond shaped. Her dark long hairs were tightly tied in a bun. She was wearing an embroidered sky blue colored saree with a matching short sleeved blouse. Her waist was exposed to my prying eyes which had a single fold around where she had worn her saree though her navel wasn’t exposed her tummy was no less a treat. She came to where we were sitting handed the bag to Mr. Shah and said “Here, take it” and then turned to me and said, “You must be Gattu’s friend”. I looked at her with a confused look on my face and then Vatsal spoke “Mom, I told you not to call me Gattu anymore. He didn’t need to know that”. I snorted trying to suppress a laughter but failing greatly. Vatsal scowled at me but that just fueled the fire and I burst out. I put a control on myself and awkwardly looked at Mr. and Mrs. Shah, they too had a grin on their faces. Looking at Vatsal I said “Sorry” and again snorted and turned to Mrs. Shah and said “Yes aunty, I am Vatsal’s friend, Vikas. Vikas Mohite”.

She gave me an affectionate smile and said “Welcome son, don’t be shy feel free around the house” “Yes he will. You go, prepare some breakfast” Vatsal interrupted her rather rudely. She left as she turned back I could make out the shape of her ass and stared at them as they swayed as Mrs. Shah walked away. Maybe Vatsal noticed me staring at his mom cause the very next moment he said: “What you looking at”? I suddenly turned at him tearing my eyes from the swaying ass, my neck hurt due to the sudden movement and rubbing my neck I said man “She seemed so nice, it was really rude of you to frown at her like that just because she called you by your pet name”. He took it and said, “Yeah I’ll apologize her when she gets back”. I too felt ashamed looking at my friend’s mother. I took out my phone and casually opened WhatsApp when I remembered about my chat with Neelofar. “Hey bro, do you have any plans for today,” I asked him “No, not for today? Why”? I gave it a thought and said “Listen-” and lowering my voice “Neelofar wanted to meet me today. We chatted over WhatsApp at night, she seems really eager”. He grinned and said, “Man you are a lucky bastard” I raised an eyebrow “Man we are sitting in your house, either mind your tongue or bind it,” I said. He bit his tongue and said “Right. Sorry. So where do you plan to meet her”.

“Haven’t decided yet”.
“Then call her and fix it. Unless you aren’t interested” he said teasingly.
“You think so? Good. I’ll call her right away”.
I called Neelofar and told her I was free for today and could meet her. She was happy. We decided to meet at Phoenix mall over a coffee like she previously suggested.

Mrs. Shah returned with a tray. It had two plates of kanda poha. We ate it. It was now 10 am, I was to meet Neelofar at 12 noon, so I had almost an hour before I leave. Vatsal wanted to read my chat with Neelofar but I declined as I didn’t tell him that we two had sex in a train toilet and our chat clearly indicated that information. A while later a young girl around 15 came down the hall, though haven’t seen her before I recognized her to be Divya, Vatsal’s younger sister. “Hey, kiddo. How are you” Vatsal said getting up from his seat. He took her in a hug and stroked the back of her head. “Fine. How are you? It’s been really boring without you around” she said still in Vatsal’s embrace. “I am good. I really missed you”. Vatsal said “Here meet him. He is Vikas. I told you about him” he continued taking his arms from around her. She turned to me put out her hand and said “Hello, I am Divya. It’s good to meet you” I shook her hand and said “Dear the pleasures all mine” smiling “I wanted to meet you right from the moment Vatsal let slip how you tricked him into wearing a ghagra”. She snorted, Vatsal scowled and I was grinning widely. “Anyways where is Moti ben? Haven’t seen her yet” Vatsal inquired Divya about his elder sister. “She’s already left for work. Will be back in evening” Divya told him.

At around 11 am my phone rang, was Neelofar she I picked up

“Hey, Vikas um listen, when I informed at home that I was going out to the mall, Nazma volunteered to tag along for some shopping”.
I was nervous thought she called to cancel the plan for the reason.
“So what now”?

“Nothing. I just called to inform you. We’ll be meeting, just don’t tell Nazma we had fixed it”.

“Okay. Then listen, if I get there before you, I’ll be waiting on the first floor near the escalator, there and we’ll pretend to have come across. If you get there first and do not find me near elevator just give me a call when I reach there I’ll call you and you meet me at the meeting point”.
“Good. Ok bye.

I told Vatsal about what happened with Neelofar and how Nazma is coming along with her. Vatsal at once wanted to come too. It didn’t surprise me I knew he’s got a crush for Nazma but I expected him to understand how I wanted to be alone with Neelofar and that she may find it awkward. But then he said “I’ll keep Nazma busy. You and Neelofar could go on with your date” and with an innocent face and a voice to match it, he said “I was just trying to help you. But..” and he sighed. I said “That look won’t deceive me-” mimicking him I said “trying to help you” he laughed at it. Divya was trying to listen what we were talking. “But your idea is good. We can try it”. Saying this we left.

We took a taxi to Phoenix mall. I called Neelofar she declined the call another minute I received her text saying ‘Will be there in five minutes’. I and Vatsal took the escalator landed on the first floor and stood right in front of it waiting for the girls. They turned up a few minutes later. Twas Nazma who approached us first “Hey, Vatsal. What you doing here and how are you”? It seemed a weird question to ask someone whom you last met less than twelve hours ago. She greeted me, Neelofar came striding forward and greeted us. She was wearing a black tank top and Capri jeans. Her big shapely breasts formed ample amount of cleavage to give one hardon right in the place. Her butts, as usual, were jutting up. Nazma wore a similar pink colored tank top and ripped jeans.
“So shopping”? Asked Neelofar

“No, we had no plans for today, so just got here to pass some time” I replied.

Nazma and Vatsal were now busy with each other. In a hushed voice, Neelofar asked me “Why’d you bring him”? I looked at Vatsal, and though I did not like the tone in which she spoke, and less than it was about my friend I said in the same hushed voice “Well, he’s all over Nazma. The minute he knew she’s coming along with you, he wanted to tag along. Well, they’ll be busy together and won’t bother us”. She looked at them, sighed and smiled “So how do we separate from them”? I hadn’t given a thought to that question but then I said “Don’t you worry, I’ll take care of it” and raising my voice said “Hey lovebirds,” Nazma blushed so did Vatsal “Nazma, we’d planned to have some snacks in the cafeteria, Neelofar has agreed to join us for a coffee, what about you”.

Nazma looked at her sister and out of her sight I signaled Vatsal to say no and mouthed telling him to take her along. Vatsal was confused as to what I was saying, so taking out my cell I texted him ‘Make an excuse and take her with you, and try to get her cell number” I added teasing him. Vatsal said “Um I was thinking to buy something-something for my sisters, maybe Nazma can help me. What do you say, Nazma”? I was scared she’d say that they can do it later but she didn’t. “Okay. Neelofar you and Vikas go to the cafeteria, we’ll join you later”. I was glad on hearing that.

Vatsal and Nazma were gone the next minute and I and Neelofar strode in opposite direction. In the cafeteria, we ordered two espressos and coffee and sit there.

“You didn’t tell, Vatsal about the train incident now, did you”? Neelofar asked.

“No. Not a thing, I just told him that we like each other and you gave me your number”.

“Good. I see you men love boasting about a beautiful girl you screwed. Glad you are not that type”.

I smiled weakly. The waiter got our espressos and coffees. We begin eating.

“Vikas. There’s something I want you to know”.
“Yes. Go on”.

“It’s that-that I do not want an emotional relation, not yet. You understand what I mean”?

I was bewildered. I didn’t expect it and how could I. She stared at me.
“Well as long as it’s fine with you”.

Neelofar smiled, “I am glad you understand”. We finished our coffee and moved out. I so wanted to take her into my embrace but there were much too people there. “Any luck, with an idea of getting rid of your sister,” I asked her. Neelofar stared at me “I mean, her and Vatsal. They’ll be coming right now and I want to spend some more time with you”. She looked at me and blankly said: “Yeah, we gotta do something”. I began thinking for excuses each one less likely plausible than other. I asked “Couldn’t you just tell her we are dating? Anyways she doubts it”. “Maybe I should. I was waiting for the right time” she said with an expression of giving something a deep thought “Right time. As in” I asked “Her they come” she said and then to Vatsal and Nazma “We’ve been waiting for ages”. They came to where I and Neelofar stood and Nazma said: “Vatsal asked me if we’d join him a Vikas for a movie, what do you say”? All of a sudden an idea struck me and I blurted out “What movie”? Vatsal gave me a confused look, he expected me to agree with him but I was thinking this could be a good opportunity. Neelofar looked at me so did Nazma.

I said “Vatsal, I am in no mood for the movie right now, but you three can go. I will be in the games zone”. Maybe Vatsal got my intentions cause he stuttered for a moment before saying “No bro, you’ve got to come. It’d be boring otherwise”. Nazma too made a feeble attempt to convince me. Neelofar was quiet, finding the right moment I hit her hand and shook my head. She said “No Nazma. I’ve got some shopping to do and we’ve to get home before mom starts calling us. She’ll be furious if we get back late. Vatsal tried to convince her but failed. Then I said “Listen, Nazma I know you two want to go to the movie. But it’s not necessary for either of us to come. You two go ahead with it, Neelofar would go shopping and I’ll be playing. Maybe I’d join you in the middle of the movie”. I turned to Neelofar and said “You okay with that.

Nazma and Vatsal going to a movie alone”. “That is her call to make, but we could really get into trouble with our mother,” she said. Then looking at Nazma’s half dull, half excited face she said “Okay. Go, I’ll join you once I am done”. Vatsal grinned at me and said, “So Nazma shall we”? She blushed and waved us goodbye.

Neelofar looked at me impressed. “You are a devil in human form. How did you do that? Awesome”. I grinned broadly and said “We have up to three hours, go do some quick shopping and meet me in the game zone. I’ll have some tickets to show them I was playing and you bags would do the thing. In half an hour, we’ll go to a nearby lodge. I want to feel you so bad”.

In half an hour Neelofar called my cell, she was outside the games zone. We left the mall and checked in to a lodge by the railway station. As soon as we got in Neelofar threw her shopping bags down and removed her top. Underneath she was wearing a lacy embroidered black bra. Her boobs were bulging from above wanting to get out. I asked her “What’s your cup size”? Holding her boobs and pushing them up to her bra she replied “36C”. I went near her, took both the globes in my hands and pressed them gently. Her hands moved back and undid the knot of her bra.

I put my hands under the bra from below and held her bare breasts. Neelofar pulled the bra above her neck and threw it on the floor. I pushed her backward my hands still holding her melons, she tripped at the edge of the bed and fall down on it. As it happened her breasts slipped from my hands jiggled in mid-air and bounced on her chest once Neelofar lied back on the bed. I got onto her and started kissing her. My hands playing with her breasts. Slowly I moved down her lips, pecked her chin, neck and then onto her boobs. I licked them, bit them sucked on her globes covering them with my saliva. Again I moved down and tongued her navel filling it with my saliva. All the while Neelofar moaned in pure ecstasy. She got up, sat half-naked above the waist and pulled off my T-shirt over my head kissing and necking me.

Then she pushed me down on the bed and came sit on me, tagged down both my hands with hers, leaned down and brought her boobs right on my face. Neelofar shook her body and her breasts slapped my face. Her nipples brushed my lips and nose. She then slowly ran her nipples over my bare chest and abdomen. I set my hand to lose from hers and grabbed her breasts, made her sit on top of me upright and moved my hands down to her Capri and unhooked its button. I pulled her down onto me her melons crushes on my chest, I hugged her and rolled, once again I was on top and she was now lying down, slowly I unzipped her pants she was wearing black panties. I got up from the bed and pulled down her bottoms, her panties were of the same pattern as her bra lacy and embroidered, I said: “You are pretty good with your lingerie, aren’t you”? She smiled and I pulled down her panties as well as I threw it aside I felt it was sopping wet. I took off my pants and underwear and got into bed with Neelofar.

Putting my face on her breasts I moved my hand down and rubbed her clit. Slowly I headed down and tongued her clit, Neelofar let out an ecstatic moan as my warm tongue touched her clit. One of my hand moved up to grab hold her breast and another one wandered down to rub her pussy lips. Neelofar was moaning faster, so I inserted my index and middle finger inside her sopping wet cunt. She was on cloud nine. She raised her hand above her head and held the headboard and with other she pressed my head hard on her clitoris. I bit it and she raised her but and I felt a gush of her cum on my fingers which were still stroking her pussy. Gasping and moaning she laid back on the bed, I pulled out my fingers from her pussy and rubbed her cum on her abdomen.

Neelofar got up and said “My turn to pleasure you” and made me stand. She began kissing me and moved downwards, gave me a love bite on the left side of my neck and licked my nipples and sucked them.Playing her tongue down my body she knelt. Her lips were inches away from my raging hard penis. She held it in her hand and begin stroking it gently, as the foreskin moved back she gently played her tongue on the head and mouthed the bulb while still stroking the shaft with her hands. Her lips were tightly closed around the glans and inside her tongue played with the dickhead. Neelofar took my balls in her other hand and gently massaged them. I lifted her hand off my penis and forced her head towards me. My cock was now completely inside her mouth, the head touched the back of her throat. Neelofar gagged on it.

She slowly began to move her head back and forth on my cock her lips tightly shut around it, still massaging my balls. I begin to move in rhythm with her. Face fucking Neelofar was really great, she was playing her tongue on my penis inside her mouth as we moved. I was about to cum, she knew it and begin moving faster. I thought she wanted me to cum in her mouth but right before I ejaculated she pulled my dick out of her mouth and my semen shot on her face. Neelofar’s eyes, nose, lips, and cheeks were full of my cum. I laid down back on the bed. Neelofar came beside me and laid facing me. She was rubbing my semen all over her face.

We laid there for a while. Neelofar played with my limp dick, squeezing out remaining drops of cum to rub on her face. I was sucked on her boobs and returned a love bite on the left one. We cuddled I spanked her ass and she took it moaning and shrieking. In about twenty minutes or Neelofar got my member ready to fuck her pussy. I got up and took a condom out of my wallet. She asked, “Do you have any STD’s”? Confused I said “No”. “Good, neither do I. Let’s not use the condom then,” she said. I asked “But if I get you pregnant. It’d be a problem”. She smiled at me and said “I am in a safe period. No one can get me pregnant”. Looking at my confused state she said “I’ll explain it later. Let’s fuck”. I put the condom back into my pants and got on the bed. Neelofar laid down and I pushed my penis into her cunt. It was way much better without a condom. I could feel the walls of her pussy wriggling and twitch around my penis. My cock was bathed in her love juices and the warmth of the cunt was thrice if not more around my penis without the condom.

It was my first experience. I had never risked having sex with Sheetal without a condom, but thanks to this safe period thing I could experience it with Neelofar. I was inside her up to the root of my dick. I began fucking her in the missionary position. My hands were grabbing her breasts. After few minutes of vigorous fucking, she stopped me. We got into cowgirl position and Neelofar started bouncing up and down my penis. Loud sounds were heard each time her ass came down slapping my thighs. It seemed Neelofar was to cum as she increased her speed muttering fast under her breath “Yess
yeah.. yes yes yes”. Her ass which went high in the air so that only my head was in her pussy now bare raised 3 inches. I was excited I held her waist and begun pounding her ass from below. Next moment her moaning increased her pussy walls tightened around my penis and she came. I felt a gush on my penis. Neelofar fell upon me. Her breasts crushed on my chest and her breath ran on the side of my neck.

As she recovered from her second orgasm, I got her in doggy position and slipped my cock into her pussy from behind. Now I was fucking her harder than ever, Neelofar was moaning loud. I took her hairs in my hand and pulled them back at me, her head raised up and facing the headboard of the bed, her neck stretched the sight excited me more and pounded her harder than ever. Her moans were now indistinguishable from pleasure or pain. My cock was now paining. Then my balls twitched and spurts after spurts of cum shot from my gun in her pussy. I continued ramming her even after I was done shooting my load and stopped only when my limp cock got out of its own accord. I let go myself onto Neelofar and was now lying on her crushing her under my weight. My limp cock found abode in her ass crack.

A few minutes later we regained our strength. I slid down to Neelofar’s side and she got up. I could see my cum trickling down her hairless pussy to her thighs, she went into the bathroom to get cleaned up. I followed her she was washing her face. Moving forward I said “Need help. I could help clean my mess”. She said “Yeah maybe” I went near her put my cupped hand below the tap of running water and splashed it on her pussy. Put my fingers inside and rubbed her walls. Neelofar parted her legs to grant me an easy access. At the same time, I was sucking on her breasts. She put her hands down cleaned her thighs pulled out my fingers and brought them to her mouth and sucked them and said “You wanted to help me, but you are increasing my work. Now clean yourself and get ready. Nazma must be waiting”. “She’d be enjoying her movie. Or maybe Vatsal” I said sheepishly. But she didn’t budge cleaned herself and got out of the bathroom. I too cleaned my penis and moved out. Neelofar had already worn her inners and was now pulling up her Capri to the waist. We got dressed and left.

All the way to the mall my hand was on Neelofar’s ass squeezing it and was covered with the many shopping bags she had. We went by the theatre, and in next five minutes, people started flooding out of it. There was abroad grin on Vatsal’s face and Nazma’s face was all red. “How was the movie” I asked them “Great” answered Vatsal. If possible Nazma blushed even more. Neelofar said “Ok guys, we are really off time, we need to go. Bye”. Vatsal said “Bye, then. Hope to meet you again soon”. Neelofar looked at him, Nazma said “Yes. Sure”. We waved them bye as they left in the taxi. “What did you do”? I asked Vatsal excited. “Oh, nothing much”. Vatsal said and his tone giving out that that’s not an honest answer. We left there too.
Back at Vatsal’s house, his elder sister Ishani was back home. She hugged Vatsal like a baby the moment she saw him. Vatsal introduced us. Ishani hand a striking resemblance to her mother. We greeted each other and settled down talking about college and studies and friends and girlfriends.

That’s all for now. Hope you enjoyed

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