Story Of Zainab – Part 4 (Wild Role-Playing And Sex)

qamaar 2019-10-22 Comments

This story is part of a series:

Disclaimer: This story does NOT contain rape or violence.

Enjoy the story!

~Story starts~

The next day, Zayn (Zainab) was preparing to leave for the campus as usual.

“Hurry up, Rey! I’m getting late”, Zayn said to Rey in fake anger as Rey was dressing up.

“Okay, okay, relax,” Rey said, dressing up.

Before they got on the bike, they kissed each other’s lips once.

“I really wanna be with you like this, forever, Rey,” she said, palming his left cheek with his right hand, smiling. He smiled back before turning around and starting his bike.

As she was at the entrance of the campus, she met Amy.

“Hey Amy,” she said, smiling at Amy.

“Oh please,” Amy said with fake anger.

“You know what, I’ve gotta tell you something..about Shaw,” Amy said as she started walking towards the campus, with Zayn.

“Sure,” Zayn said, in a kinda unsure tone.

“Well, you know, last night, he took me to the hostel and..” She swallowed what she was about to say. Zayn widened her eyes.

“Please don’t tell me you did something bad!”

“I did, Zayn,” Amy said in a broken tone, looking down. “We did. Wanna know what happened?”

“Go ahead.”

Amy briefed up what happened between her and Shaw the last night. (Amira In Peril – Part 1).

“Wow,” Zayn said in astonishment. “So, he didn’t take your virginity, right?”

“No,” Amy said with a smile. “He didn’t. He seems to have some serious self-control. He knows exactly what to do and what not to do. Imagine I was alone with one of our own guys.”

“Ugh, tell me about it,” Zayn said in a tired tone. “Anyway, we can talk about this with the boys this evening. We should be going now. Come on.”

As the two were about to enter the canteen, a guy from their batch came and met them. This was a guy whom they didn’t know by name and who didn’t know them by names either.

“Hey, good morning,” he said with a tired tone.

“Good morning, how are you?” Zayn greeted back.

“You know what’s up, Amin has disappeared. He hasn’t gone home and he hasn’t been in the hostel either. Something’s up”.

“Oh, I gotta be going. See you soon!” he said, rushing away from the canteen.

“Wow, what was that about?” Amy asked Zayn, to which Zayn just shrugged her shoulders despite the fact that she knew exactly what was up.

During the day, a few times Zayn felt like messaging Rey to ask about it, but she didn’t, thinking that if their mobile phones are checked by the law, they’ll be in trouble.

But at the interval, as usual, she met with Amy and they started walking towards Rey’s cafe as usual.

“You know what, Zayn,” Amy said, “Amin took your virginity. Rey started loving you. Amin didn’t leave you. All of a sudden, he’s no more!

“Don’t you think Rey has something to do with this?”

“Are you crazy!?” Zayn asked in an angry tone. “Just because the two had problems and those too were caused by me doesn’t mean one has something to do with the other disappearing.”

“Woah, okay okay,” Amy said in a defeated tone. “I can understand why you wanna defend him. He loves you like nobody else did before. You can’t lose him, right?”

Zayn nodded yes, with a sad face. Amy placed her right arm around her shoulders and squeezed her right shoulder, lightly.

“God, I wish someone loved me like that.”

“Well, someone already does, Amy. Shaw does!” Zayn said with a smile.

“I think it’s a bit too early to conclude that, Zayn. He almost put me in some serious trouble.”

“Come on, he was in full control. Don’t say that!”

“Wow, have you already gone from pious little religious girl to their little cock whore-?”

“-Hey, don’t you dare say that!” Zayn interrupted Amy, pushing her away.

Amy fell down, but as soon as she was back in her feet, she pushed Zayn away again.

By now, they both had reached around the cafe. Shaw was there. He saw the fight, about to rage.

“Hey, hey! Stop, both of you, just stop!” He said, as he quickly ran between the two and stopped them with their palms directed at them both.

Everyone around was looking at them. Shaw talked.

“What got into both of you, huh? Is this how best friends behave!? Like little kids, fighting in the streets, while everyone else is watching!” He said loudly.

Neither of the girls said a word but anger and shame were imminent in the eyes of both of them.

Shaw smiled. “There’s nothing a cold Rey’s coffee can’t solve. Come on, you two,” he said turning back towards the cafe, winking.

The two girls smiled as they looked at Shaw and at each other.

“I’m sorry, Zayn. I shouldn’t have said that” Amy said in a sad tone. Zayn smiled, squeezing her left shoulder with her right hand.

“It’s okay..Come on, let’s go have coffee..”

As everyone else was busy eating and drinking, Zayn slowly closed in to Shaw.

“Hey, where’s Rey?” She asked in a low tone.

“He’s outside. Went to bring in some stuff. He won’t be here till evening. Sorry,” he replied, in an apologetic tone.

“You’ll have to come back this evening, I think,” Zayn said, sitting back at the table where Amy was.

That evening, after all, lectures were over, the four, Amy, Rey, Shaw and Zayn, all met at the back of Rey’s cafe at Rey’s room.

Rey opened the door and the other three sneaked in.

“Alright,” Rey asked Zayn. “Do you really think this is a good idea?”

“Come on, Rey, she’s my best friend. She’ll keep your secret.”

Amy was about to say “I knew it!” And Shaw was about to say “best friends, my ass!” But they both kept silent, fearing an escalated situation which was already bad.

“Well,” Rey started talking. “Here’s what happened.

“Zayn missed called me and I knew what this meant. I’d advised her to do that if Amin troubled her again. As soon as I received the missed call, I took my van and departed with..someone else. Someone I know very well.”

“Who’s that, Rey?”

“I..I can’t say, Amy. I can tell my own secrets, but I don’t wanna put him in trouble. Sorry.”

“What happened next?”

“I and this other guy showed up with masks and our van.

“We took Amin. Well, he didn’t comply easily. We too had no choice”.

“We took him past your hostel and then into the nearby jungle area. The rest is, well, history”.

“Please don’t ask what we did, girls. What’s been heard once, can’t be unheard again,” Rey ended his confession in a serious tone.

There were a few minutes of silence in the room until Amy broke it.

“Well,” she said, standing up, “I prefer we keep this to ourselves.”

“I can count on you, right, Amy?” Rey asked in an anxious tone. Amy smiled.

“Of course, Rey. You’re more than just a friend to me after all,” she said, winking. Both Shaw and Zayn had fake anger in their faces.

“Don’t be angry. He’s my best friend’s boyfriend. Now that’s more than just a friend in my book,” Amy said with a smile. Rey made a grumpy face, as the other two smiled too.

“So..I think it’s time I go back to the hostel,” Amy said.

“Sure, Shaw will drop you,” Rey said.

“Uhm, Shaw..are you sure about this?” Amy asked.

“Oh yeah, I am.”

“Don’t you remember what happened yesterday?”

Shaw just shrugged his shoulders.

“Nevermind. I’ll come with you,” Amy said in a defeated tone.

“So, what now?” Zayn asked Rey, as the two got alone back in Rey’s room.

~Sex starts~

“Now,” Rey said, holding Zayn by her hip and pulled her into a kiss, “We have fun!”

They started kissing each other, deeply, until she suddenly broke the kiss.

~Sex ends~

“Mmm..wait!” she said, placing her right index finger on his lips, “I wanna do something different today.”

“Anything you want, my love,” he said, still holding her in his arms.

“Let’s role-play.”

“Sure, what are the roles?”

“I am the border. You’re the burglar. You violate me. How about that?”

He left her, looked aside and thought for a while.

“Zayn,” he asked, finally turning back towards her, “Are you sure you wanna do this?”

“What’s the matter, Rey?” She said as she leaned against his chest and kissed his lips once, “I am consenting. Nothing’s wrong with this.”

“It’s just..Nevermind,” he said shrugging his shoulders.

“Okay, go out now, and come back fine minutes later,” she said, slowly pushing him outside.

“Wait, what’s the safe word?”

“Uhm..I’ll say, peach.”

“What if you can’t say anything?”

“I’ll just tap your hands. Now go,” Zayn said, opening the door and pushing him outside.

“And please, no clothes ripping,” she said, almost pleading as she closed the door.

The border(Zayn) placed her bag aside, unbuttoned her dress, unhooked her bra, took off her shoes, removed the pins on her head cover and laid on the bed.

“What a hard day,” she said.

This was when the burglar (Rey) opened the door, stormed in and closed it.

“Hey, who are you? What are you doing here?” she said, getting off the bed and backing off.

He smiled wickedly, locked the door from inside and came forth.

“Well well well..What do we have here?” he said closing into her as she backed off further and further until she hit the wall.

“Please, don’t come any closer,” she said in a scared tone, almost about to cry.

~Sex starts~

“Come on now!” he said, holding her arms and pulling her into himself, starting to eat all over her face.

“Ugh, no! Stop! Let me go!” She said, hitting him repeatedly from the undersides of her fists.

He angrily pulled her to the bed and slapped her across her left cheek with his right hand.

Her face turned as he slapped and as she placed her left palm on her cheek, she fell to the bed.

“Please let me go,” she said.

“I will, once I’m done,” he said, pulling off his belt.

She watched in widened, watering eyes as he took off his belt.

“What are you gonna do?” she asked in a crying-like tone.

“Come on!” He said as he held her right wrist in his left hand and pulled her to her feet.

His moves were rough. He turned her around, pulled her armed behind her back, placed her forearms against each other and towards the opposite directions and tied them with his belt in place, tightly.

“Ouch!” She said, as he held her arms, pulled her back towards himself and got her pressed against himself.

“No, no! Why are you doing this?” She said as he kept feeling her tits with his arms around her body.

“Pull your ass towards my dick,” he suddenly commanded. She turned her face and looked at him, innocently. He slapped her right cheek with his left hand.

“Ouch,” she said again.

“Did you hear what I said? Hmm?” He said, as he held her neck in his left hand and started squeezing it.

“Ggk, ggk,” she started gagging soon enough and her face started going red. He kept squeezing her neck.

“Haven’t your parents taught you anything? Get down,” he said, pushing her to her knees.

“Open your mouth,” he said as he pushed down his pants and took his now almost erect cock near her lips.

“Mmph..mmph!” She made a sound with her mouth shut as he got her face pressed against his crotch.

He held her face in place and squeezed her nose shut. It wasn’t long before she opened her mouth for air, at which point he rammed his dick inside of her mouth.

“Ggk, ggk,” she started gagging as he started fucking her mouth, holding her head tight in his hands.

After fucking her mouth for a while like that, he pressed his dick inside of her mouth and held it there.

When he removed his dick, she spat a load of her saliva on the floor before looking at him again with a face full of tears and sweat.

By now her head cover and her hair were one whole mess.

“Come and lay here,” he said as he held her by her hair and pulled her to her feet. He pulled her until she laid on the bed with her head outside and facing upwards.

She was wondering what he would do now. It was when he took his pants off totally, knelt by her face and started fucking her throat.

She was gagging again as he was fucking her mouth, squeezing and slapping her tits repeatedly. He occasionally slapped her pussy too which made her close her legs immediately.

“Mmh,” she moaned, as she closed her legs.

“Legs..Open your legs, Bitch!” She said, slapping her thighs, as she opened her legs again.

Later, he started fucking her pussy with his right middle and ring finger, pacing up.

“Mmmmh,” and moaned, closing her legs again. He slapped her thighs again, and she opened them again.

After some time of fucking her mouth in that position, he removed himself and stood up, leaving her tits too.

Her tits had now been marked in red. He turned her around and took away his belt. Her forearms were even redder.

“Get up,” he said as he stood away from her. She got up.

“Take off your, not your head cover..that’s it. Throw it away..and your bra too. Take off your panty..hmm hmm! Hurry up! Good girl, now throw that away too,” he kept ordering her again and again. She did everything he said.

Finally, she was standing there with only her headcover.

“Lay on your back,” he commanded. She tried to lay on the bed.

“Not the bed, Bitch! Lay on the floor!” He shouted, angrily.

She laid. He saw that she was pretty wet in her pussy already.

He came, took off his shirt, pinned her against the floor and was about to penetrate her.

“Please, no,” she pleaded.

“Why the fuck not?”

“I’m a virgin. This is only for my future husband,” she said with tears in her eyes.

“Shut up,” he said, preparing to get inside her.

“Please not this, I’ll do anything..aaah!” She screamed, biting her teeth and shutting her eyes tight as he got inside of her.

“Aaay, oh god no, it hurts so much,” she pleaded as he fucked her again and again.

“Oh God, please no! it’s so much pain, it’s hard to endure! You’re ripping me apart! Noooo!” She was pleading over and over again.

He kept fucking her until she was nothing but crying, pleading, whimpering load of skin and meat.

“Alright,” he said, removing himself and getting aside for a while, “now get on your fours.”

She did it. She was afraid he would get up her ass. But he held her hip tight and got inside her pussy. He kept fucking her, pacing up.

“Ah, ah, ah,” she was moaning each time he got in her.

Later, he held her arms, straightened her upper back on her knees, locked her elbows with his left arm, put his right arm around her body and started fucking her, squeezing her left tit.

“Ah, ah..Oh God..” she screamed as he kept fucking her hard.

He ended the session, squeezing her left tit, as he still held her elbows locked.

“Aah,” she let out a painful moan as he squeezed her tit.

He left her. “Turn this side,” he said as he stood up and started masturbating over her face. She took her face close to his crotch and kept her eyes closed.

Soon, loads of cum, one after another started hitting her face and her headcover. She licked the ones on and around her lips.

Once he stopped coming, he cleaned the last drops of semen on her lips.

~Sex ends~

As he backed off and started getting back up dressed, she kept eating off all his semen on her face.

“You’re gonna let me go now?”

“No,” he said as he finished dressing up and came towards her, “I can’t leave evidence against me.”

“Please, I won’t tell anyone,” she started crying again.

“Adiós, Bitch,” he said as he rolled her head cover a few times around her neck and started pulling it’s two ends to opposite sides.

“Ggk,” she started struggling, hitting his forearms repeatedly, as her legs were snaking all over the floor.

“No…No..No, please don’t..Please..” She pleaded through her gags.

He held her like that until she stopped struggling. Her eyes were wide open and her face was red and saliva was flowing outta her mouth.

As she stopped moving, he went outside.

“Zayn, May I come back in?” Rey asked a few minutes later.

No answer.

“Zayn? Oh shit!”

He stormed in, to find Zayn still on the floor, the same way he left her there.

“Zayn? Zayn?” He said as he held her shoulders and moved her up and down.

He left her, stood back up and started walking around, squeezing and pulling his hair with his fists.

“Oh God no! What have I done?” He said as he sat by the bed and started crying, hiding his face in his own palms.

“Oh my God! Oh my God!! What have I done to my little girl?” He cried, looking at her lifeless body.

“I can’t live without you, baby. I’m coming to wherever you are,” he finally said.

He took out a can of gasoline from under the bed and a box of matches.

“Zayn, I’m coming,” he said, taking the final look at her body.

As he kept looking at her body, still crying, she suddenly sat on her ass.

“Gotcha!” she said, pointing her right index finger at him.

“Oh my God. I thought you were gone,” he said with a little smile, holding his own chest as he put away the can of gasoline.

“Look what you’ve done! I was crying like nothing and was about to kill myself too,” he said with fake anger as he crossed his arms against his chest.

“Sorry,” she said in a guilty tone, looking downwards.

As she sat by him in bed and placed her right hand and her left hand on his left shoulder and left arm respectfully, he still remained with his fake anger.

She slowly leaned her upper body against his left side and placed the right side of her head against his left shoulder. He hugged her with his left hand and kissed her hair, still dirty with his own semen.

She raised her face and looked at him with a little smile. She saw his eyes, still shining with his own tears.

“Don’t do that ever again, baby,” he said, pushing a few of her hairs away from her face.

“Rey, did you try to burn yourself to death? Do you love me that much? This dirty little-”

“-Come on, baby, don’t say that. You’re pure in my eyes. That’s enough for me.

“Tell me. Did you enjoy it?”

“It was amazing, Rey, I enjoyed every bit of it.”

“I’m glad you did.”

She started taking off his shirt. He took the hint, stood up and started getting naked again.

As they both fell back on the bed, she snuggled herself into him, closing her eyes for a good night’s sleep.

~Story ends~

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