Photo shoot

ISS Admin 2007-05-04 Comments

Before we get into some action, allow me to introduce myself. I am Pratap, a popular photographer in Tamil film industry. Most new aspirants wait in line to get their portfolios done by me, and many directors swear by my name when it comes to still photography. I have had quite a few exciting experiences, which I would really be glad to share with all of you. But there is one particular incident that I want to narrate in detail here, because it got me really excited a lot. I was back from an outdoor assignment just that morning and hardly had had an hour’s sleep when I received the call. It was from actress Sneha’s manager, and he wanted me to get some stills of her done that day itself, and said it was urgent. I swore to myself and regretted for getting into this profession, which never even allows me to get proper sleep. But I did not want to let this opportunity slip away, because Sneha was one of my favorite babes, and was a real professional in front of the camera. I had done some assignments with her, but they were all movie stills and there never was a chance to do an individual photo shoot.

It took me an hour to get ready and reach her house. I had explained her manager that it would not be possible for me to get all my equipment and crew ready for the shoot in such a short notice, but he had told me that she trusts in my ability to get immaculate pictures with just the camera and no other equipment or extra lighting. That flattery got me going and I rushed as fast as I could, wearing my favorite cargo pants and shirt. When I reached her house, there was no one else except her dog to greet me at the door. The security guy was there of course, and he had instructions to let me in through the gate, and there was a good 30 feet distance that I had to cross before I reached her door. The huge German shepherd was furiously eyeing my thighs, and I was scared if I might lose a few kilos of flesh that day. That was when I heard her sweet voice screaming, “Pratap! go away”.

I started to wonder why she had called me to her house in the first place if she wanted me to go away. When the dog quickly moved aside and ran to its huge dog house, I suddenly realized that the dog and I shared the same name. I looked up and saw her standing in the balcony at the first floor. She was wearing a short skirt and t-shirt, and I was standing in a very enviable position from where I could clearly get a view of her milky thighs. I tried hard to look beyond, but even before I could get a glimpse of anything else, she called, “Please come in sir”, and disappeared into her room. I heaved a big sigh cursing my luck not being enough, and walked towards her door. It was almost 10 o’ clock in the morning already, and my mind was quickly calculating. She did not look properly dressed for a photo session, and had no make up on. It might take an hour or so for her to get ready. I was afraid of the sun going to the top, which may not be an ideal setting for an outdoor session. I have to only shoot indoors, but I was without any proper lighting equipment. It was going to be a real challenge to get some nice photographs, and I have the faintest idea of what was the theme she had in her mind. I was completely engrossed in my thoughts when the door opened and she appeared in front of me with her lovely smile.

“Welcome, please come in”

I stepped in behind her and she led me to her living room. The plush leather sofa looked very inviting, and suddenly I realized that I have not had enough sleep. I sighed unconsciously again.

“Did you say something?” she turned around and asked. I shook my head.

“You look tired. Have you had anything to eat?”

“Oh sure, I just finished my breakfast and came” I lied.

“I have not eaten yet, and there is no one home. Please come and have some sweet at least” she led me to the dining room and that was when I noticed her swaying ass. How foolish of me to have been looking at the sofa a few seconds ago! I was sure those buttocks would feel a lot softer than her sofa. She suddenly stopped and turned. “Oh, I am so sorry. I am realizing my mistake only now. Your name is also Pratap, right? I was scolding my dog and did not realize it at that time”

“You did confuse me a lot at that time, Madame. I was almost about to turn and go away” I said, and she started to laugh again. I have to remind the readers that Sneha has one of the sweetest smiles ever to have been witnessed in Indian film industry. The opportunity to watch it from close quarters doesn’t occur to one every day, and I decided to make the most out of it, and made a mental note to make her smile a lot that day. We sat opposite to each other in the dining table and she kept a big plate of sweets in front of me. I was startled to see her helping herself with two small chapattis and some salad.

“Madame, it looks as if I am having a big breakfast and you are having some snacks” my comment made her giggles rolling again.

“Please don’t call me Madame Mr. Pratap, call me Sneha. You are making me feel old and you shouldn’t be” she giggled again.

“I will if you do not call me mister. I do not want to think of me as old either”

“But actually how old are you?” she asked.

“28 next months” I lied again. A sexy woman’s presence makes a man swim in a puddle of lies. I was 32 already.

“And may I ask you your age if you do not mind? I will not tell anyone” I lowered my voice acting dramatically.

“You are sure you will not tell anyone?”

“Oh I am sure I won’t, I swear”

“OK” She brought her face closer, acting dramatically as she did. She whispered “I am 16” and started giggling again. I really could not control my laughter, and had a hearty laugh. That small conversation broke all mental barriers between us both, and soon we were joking and pulling each other’s legs, and then I changed my voice businesslike.

“What is all this sudden rush for a photo shoot Sneha? You did not even let me bring my crew and equipment”

“Oh that! I will tell you something but you should not tell anyone”

“There you go! Here is another secret of yours I need to keep apart from your real age” I shook my head in false dismay.

“No this is a real secret you need to keep to yourself. I have got an offer from a top Hollywood production company, and that is why I have called you”

Suddenly I thought I understood why the house is empty and why she called me alone. She probably wants to show some skin to impress the white guys. She had covered herself well so far in the industry, and people may not approve of her showing too much skin in Hollywood. Does that mean I am going to see a lot of her today? Today is just my luckiest day, I thought.

“Actually”, she said, as if reading my mind, “This offer may work or it may not. If it doesn’t, then people may laugh at me for not succeeding in my venture. People may make so much fuss about me getting an offer from Hollywood, and many will start to pray for me to get rejected. That is why I want to keep it a secret. If I get rejected, you will be one of the very few to know”

“But Sneha” I protested, “if you are getting an offer from Hollywood, don’t you have to send them professional pictures? Do you really think you will get top class pictures with no proper lighting or costume?”

She winked her eyes and said with a sheepish smile “Actually, there will be less of both things you mentioned”

My heart started to pound. I was getting excited about many things. Sneha is a photographer’s dream come true. She had a lovely smile, a curvy body, and she was a professional in front of the camera. She knew exactly where to look and how to have her head tilted. She always exactly knew by the angle of the camera how the camera is going to capture her, and how much of her body is going to show in each snap.

It is the hobby of every photographer in the industry to collect unofficial cleavage shots of top actresses. You can call it professional voyeurism if you like. I have seen photos of almost all top actresses showing abundant skin, usually taken without their knowledge – taken in between shots, or taken from other angles not visible through movie camera’s view, or sometimes even when they are getting in or out of their clothes. I have seen nipple slips, boob grabs by heroes, panty peeks, and even a hint of pussy hair. Such pics rarely come out in the open because it would be very easy to trace the photographer. But we do share those pics among us. But I had never seen a single such shot of Sneha. I did see one picture of her cleavage on the internet where she was bending down to serve food to someone on her birthday, but that shot did not do justice to her shapely boobs. It was like a casual glimpse of boob you get everyday at home from your sister or cousin, and not like a show that gives you a hard on. I had often noticed that even when a photographer tries to steal a cleavage shot without her knowledge, she would cover it up in no time. She was always particular about not giving too much exposure. Many photographers had tried to get a good view of her body and none had succeeded.

So it was surprising to hear her talk about posing with fewer clothes in a low light setting, and I could not believe my luck of being the person to click those pictures. But why me? She again seemed to read my mind. She drew herself close to me and whispered “I know I can trust you on this. I have been observing you a lot, and have been told that you can be counted upon. That is why I chose you to do this for me”

Suddenly I realized who could have recommended me to her. It must have been Simran, for whom I had done an exhaustive photo shoot for her private collection. But that is another story which I would tell you some other time. I secretly thanked Simran for this opportunity. Now I was getting restless, eager to move on and go ahead with the shoot.

“So what is on your mind? How do you want this session to be?” I inquired. I tried to act professional as much as I could, but within my mind I was a restless kid.

She looked me directly in the eye. “I have no idea either, honestly. But I think if I tell you the specifications given to me, you would be able to suggest something that would work. I am supposed to give them pictures that make a man’s mouth water without being very explicit. I should look very much like an Indian in Indian clothes. It is for a period film in which my role is of a village girl. It is a very high budget movie and my pay is very decent. I cannot make that much money in a whole life’s career in south India. That was why I decided to do it. Of course there would be controversies, but I am least bothered. Anyway there are enough controversies already even when I am not doing glamorous roles. I am here to make money and here is one easy way. Who knows, I may get more such offers also from Hollywood if this succeeds”

I was getting impressed. This girl really knows what she wants and would go to any extent to get it. She had been only acting innocent all these days, waiting for a big opportunity. Some actresses come into the industry, show everything they have got, and eventually the fans grow tired of their boobs and thighs. But this one had kept everything under wraps, teasing millions of cocks, leaving everyone to their own imagination. Now there is one big chance and she is going to unwrap. And she trusts me to help her do it. I decided to make her succeed. I decided to make the most out of the situation. I am not going to get to fuck her anyway, so at least I should try to get my hands on her body as much as possible, of course after getting to see as much of her as I could.

“I have always thought you looked gorgeous in sarees, so there is no question about what dress you should wear for this” I remarked, looking directly towards her tight t-shirt, especially at her breasts, which were slowly rising and falling.

She noticed the direction of my gaze, but chose to ignore it. I was going to see more of her anyway.

“What do you think should be the setting for this?” she asked, hoping to shift my attention away from her boobs.

“I would prefer the setting to be outdoors for this, but it is impossible since you are going to show you’re…” I kept looking at her boobs meaningfully.

She shifted in her chair uneasily.

“Are you feeling shy?” I asked.

She nodded.

“That’s very good. Keep that shyness boiling that would get your expressions very lively. A shy and innocent girl looks hotter than one with a bitchy attitude. But personally I would like to capture you in both ways” I said.

She simply nodded again, looking at the wall and then at the floor.

“So what about the setting? Do you think an outdoor shoot is possible?” I brought the topic back into discussion. She gave it a few moments of thought. Then slowly she said “I am thinking of something, though I am not sure if it would work out”. She got up and said “Please follow me” and led me to her backyard. I was surprised to see a large garden with a reasonably large swimming pool, and a small artificial waterfall at the corner at her backyard. I never knew she had such a nice set up there. The house had huge walls hiding the view for anyone outside, but still I felt it may not be the right setting to capture a village girl.

“This is good, Sneha, but I do not think this will suit the requirement” I showed disappointment in my face.

“Then what do you suggest?” she asked helplessly.

I looked around again and shook my head. Time was running out. I looked up the sky to see how the sun was shining. That was when I noticed her terrace. She followed my gaze and asked “Do you want to see the terrace?” and I nodded affirmatively. She took me back into the house and started climbing the stairs. I followed her closely, observing the way her ass swayed as she walked. Her legs were completely waxed and looked very creamy. Her thighs played hide and seek with me from inside her of flowing midi that seemed shorter now as she had raised it a little bit. I had to struggle to control my hands from getting a hold of her midi and raising it. Being a professional, I could easily picture the shape of her thighs and ass, and how it would look covered by her panty. I started to get a hard on. It seemed a very long climb to the terrace, as it was three floors away. Little beads of perspiration already started to show on my face, due to the climbing, the humidity, the sun, and most of all the little fire that was being kindled inside me.

“It’s hot today, don’t you think?” she said, and then only I noticed her underarms. They were wet. “Yes it is hot, and it shows on you too” I pointed at her underarms.

Her face reddened at my comment.

“That is a problem with me. My underarms sweat a lot more than others” she defended, and pleaded with her eyes not to talk about that any further.

I decided to play it hard for her a little. “I do not think we have wandered in the sun for too long for you to be sweating so much”, I continued, “Your underarms are sweating so much, I think in a few minutes your t-shirt is going to be wet completely”.

She looked hurt. I did not mind. I went on. “It may not look good on the pictures if you sweat so much. Maybe I should consider making you wear a sleeveless blouse. But on second thought, village girls do not wear sleeveless blouses. Maybe you should not wear a blouse at all”

She was still contemplating what I said when I surveyed her terrace. It was a big terrace, and was very plain and empty. In a corner, there were some AC units running busily, otherwise the terrace was like a barren wasteland. There was a huge tree next to her house and that formed a wonderful backdrop. A big branch was leaning into the terrace, and my experienced brain immediately told me that this is a perfect setting. But something was wrong. It was the surrounding buildings. There were two big office buildings a little away from her house, and from the windows one can easily see her terrace. I turned around and met her eyes. “This is where I want to shoot your pics” I told bluntly. She looked around and looked at me again. “No Pratap you can’t. People can see, and they should not”.

I looked at her squarely – “Did I say I am going to make you bare your breasts in broad sunlight?”

Her eyes were questioning me. I enjoyed watching her getting scared and anxious. This dame looks sure hot in every expression. I did not want to make her suffer for a long time, so I filled her in – “I am going to shoot you right here, but under bright moonlight”

She looked very much confused. She kept staring at my face for a long time. Then she looked around her house again.

“I really hope you know what you are doing” she was having a resigned look on her face. Maybe she is regretting calling me in the first place.

Actually, I knew what I was doing. Those two big buildings were both office buildings and so nobody would be there doing the night. Moreover, the night would give her more courage to shed her clothes. I had a long term plan of experimenting some night shots in moonlight, and this was an ideal setting for that.

I explained my reasoning to her and her face came back to its original color. It had been looking rather pale until now. She became cheerful again.

“Does that mean that we have to waste the whole day?” she asked.

“Of course not. There are so many things we need to do. Let’s go downstairs”, I started to climb down.

“Many things? Like what?” she asked as she followed me.

“Like deciding on what you should be wearing, or rather, deciding what you should be taking off” I went on without looking back.

“Naughty” she playfully tapped my head from behind.

On reaching the ground floor, she asked me to wait and went into the bedroom. I waited, wondering how I am going to exploit the situation without doing any injustice to my profession. In a few minutes, I heard her calling me from her bedroom. I went in and could not control my laughter. She had almost her entire wardrobe out on her bed, and was on her knees, resting both her cheeks on her hands with her elbows on the bed. It was obvious that she could not decide.

“I need your help in choosing the dress” she begged. I went and stood next to her. From the top angle, I was able to get a good view of the cleft of her breasts, which were pushed together by her hands and pushed up by the bed. She was blissfully ignorant of her sexy pose and was seriously looking one by one at the sarees that were piled on her huge bed I looked at all of them. Then I looked at her again.

“I may be in a better position to say if I see you draped in one of these” I said and I really meant it. She looked up and realized that I was looking into her t-shirt. Instinctively she got up and adjusted her dress. Damn!

“Back when you said I should not be wearing a blouse, were you serious?” she asked.

“I was”

“Do you really think that is necessary? My underarms may not be sweating in the night”

“Wait a minute. You have not told me exactly how much you are going to expose. If you insist on wearing a blouse, then may I take it as you are not going to bare all of your breasts?”

She hesitated. “I still have not completely made up my mind on that. I just thought I will decide on that during the shoot itself”

“Ok I leave that to your call. Maybe you can start by wearing a blouse”

“Ok thanks” she looked a bit relieved now. But I was disappointed. What if she decides not to take off everything during the shoot? How do I make her do that?

“So shall we go ahead with choosing the saree?” she was back to herself again, giggling and looking cheerful. Her cheerfulness was infectious. “Oh sure, let’s get on with that” I said and inspected her collection again. She did have a huge collection of sarees. But it was very easy for me to eliminate most of them, simply because they looked rich. All silk and embroidery sarees were taken off the pile. That brought the pile down to about 25 sarees, and I eliminated those that looked expensive. I was looking for a simple saree. That was when I noticed a light green saree that almost looked very plain. It was a bit transparent too, and I could see that the soft material would cling on to her body like her second skin.

“What do you think about this?” I asked.

“I have worn this only once, and then kept it aside because it was a bit transparent. I wore it for an awards function and did not realize it showed off too much. My mother told me not to wear it anymore”

I wondered how I or my friends could have missed that awards function. “Then this is the perfect one for us today” I said.

“I’m not so sure. This is a bit bright. Will I look like a village girl if I wear it?” she made a good point.

“Let’s find out. Wear it and we’ll see” I said.

“Ok”, she said, and took the saree in her hand. And with the other hand she showed me the door. I left the room without saying a word, but displaying a large smile. My smile made her bite her lips. She knew what I meant by her smile. I meant ‘Go on and send me out. I am going to see your body anyway’.

“Why are you smiling?” she questioned just when I reached the door.

“Don’t you know?” I turned back and asked. I have been getting a little bolder with her since this morning, I thought. She shook her head and gestured me to get out. I smiled again and went out to the living room. She closed the door behind me. I waited for an eternity (at least it seemed so), and then the door opened. I turned and saw her, and spontaneously whistled. This girl had been created for saree. She should not be wearing anything else. Until now, she had been looking like an overgrown school girl in her midi and t-shirt. But now she looked a gorgeous woman. The saree was draped so elegantly over her body, and the pallu was clinging to her blouse, threatening to slip down anytime. It made me gasp, just like one would gasp when he sees someone about to fall off a cliff. The midriff and the large curve of her hips were clearly visible, and I thought I had never seen her wearing saree this low. The navel played hide and seek with my eyes. I slowly shifted my gaze upward. The pallu was still there alright, but it was not doing much to cover her blouse. The thin material, worn as a single layer, was actually making the blouse look a lot sexier. The blouse was cut like a deep V, and a thin chain was running into the generous cleavage that could be seen without much effort. The blouse had sleeves, but very short ones. It made her arms seem longer. The blouse material was thin too, and I could see that she was wearing a wired bra with lace and transparent straps.

She had quickly put on some makeup too, and it was obvious she was trying to impress me. Not that there was any need for it. I was not only impressed, but was bowled over. She had even changed her hair style to match the saree, and had put on a small bindi also. And then there were matching bangles too. Her attention to details made me respect her more as a professional. She knew how to look beautiful, and she did not spare anything in her attempt. I dragged myself closer to her. She kept looking me in the eye, reading my every reaction. She was aware that I was impressed, and she looked satisfied. The closer I got to her, her smile started to widen. I thought I even saw her lips tremble a little, almost awaiting me to kiss her lips. Maybe it was an illusion. I was not sure.

“Well?” she was expecting a comment from me. I scanned her from top to bottom again.

“I’m completely lost for words. I have never seen anyone looking more beautiful in a saree” I made an honest remark, as I was struggling to move my stare away from her cleavage.

She blushed. And yes, she blushed so beautifully. She was happy that I liked it. But she seemed to have a question as her eyebrows narrowed.

“But do you think I look like a village girl?”

I studied her. It was a simple saree, but the way she was wearing it made it look rich. Maybe the problem was not with the saree, but with her.

“Why don’t you take off the make up? Especially the lipstick? I think that is a problem”

“I thought so too” she said and went to the wash basin. As she bent down and started to wash her face, the pallu dropped forward and her midriff and left side blouse came into my view. My hands itched to grab the camera and picture it, but I would rather prefer my hands to grab those lovely pair of boobs instead. It is not everyday that you see celebrity boobs from such close quarters. It was a lovely sight to see her boobs jiggle inside her blouse as she was briskly washing her face. I walked a little away and studied her from behind. Her ass looked very inviting, and my dick throbbed to be pressed against those soft mounds of flesh. I suddenly realized I was going to have a very hard day controlling my erection for her. She dried her face with a towel, looked at the mirror, made a few adjustments to her hair, and turned towards me.

“What do you think now?” she asked.

I had been wishing that she kept washing her face a little longer. It was a wonderful entertainment to watch. But I had to become my professional self again.

“It is much better now. But still there is some problem. I think your bra is the culprit. Village girls do not wear wired bras like this, with lace and transparent straps. Moreover, you said it is a period film. I am sure bras were not invented at those older times”

She looked down at her blouse. She looked a little annoyed that I had seen so much through her saree and blouse. Then she looked up and said, “You see too much don’t you?”

“It is my job to see everything, Sneha, especially the attractive things” I said this looking at her cleavage a little boldly this time.

“So what do you expect me to do? Wear blouse without bra?”

“I leave that to you, but that is what I expect you to do, to look more like a village girl”

She hesitated a moment. I knew what she was thinking. She was wondering if her thin blouse would be able to cover her enough. She was not sure. But she went and disappeared into her bedroom again. Maybe she wanted to see it for herself. I awaited her with a lot of expectation. I had never been so restless in my whole life. I was so eager to get a glimpse of Sneha’s nipples, which I was sure I was gonna see. My hand involuntarily moved to my dick and started rubbing it. I knew I was getting bigger and bigger down below, but I thought the hell with it. If she gets to see it, let her see. She had to see for herself the effect for which she was the cause. The door opened slightly. She nervously stood there and my eyes were ready to pop out. But then I was disappointed to see her covered with a big shawl. She did not dare to look at my eyes. She was staring at the floor as she said “I think what you said was right. The bra was the culprit”

“But what is the problem now? Are you feeling cold or something?” I asked innocently.

A flash of anger ran through her face. She did not like me acting so ignorant, pulling her leg knowingly. I immediately recognized what she needed the most at the moment. She needed some encouragement and support. I went and stood close to her. I put one hand on her shoulder, pressing it mildly.

“Look here Sneha. I know exactly how you feel. If you do not want to do this, let us stop this right here, right now. You need not do anything in your life that hurts you deeply. But if you think this is something you need to do to enrich your life, then do not hesitate to do it. Just make up your mind and do it. Trust me as a friend. I am here on professional grounds, and let’s be professionals and do what we are here to do”

My little speech seemed to bring some color back to her face.

She chuckled nervously and said “Guess I became too shy. I have never felt this shy and embarrassed before”

“Let us see what all this embarrassment is about. Take off the shawl and let me tell you how you look”

She closed her eyes for a moment. And then she turned and threw the shawl into the bedroom. I gasped. I could see from her back that the blouse was a lot thinner than I had thought. I was able to see the valley that ran through the middle of her back very clearly. I had never noticed how beautiful her back was. I made a mental note to take a lot of snaps of her showing her bare back and ass. They could turn anyone on in a second. I waited for her to turn around. She did. And she did very slowly. She was aware what a show she had been putting on. And she had decided to entertain me to the fullest extent possible. Again the pallu was draped on her blouse as a single layer, and for a moment I wondered if her dress was wet. It was not, but it looked exactly as it was wet. Her clothing stuck close to her body, hiding and revealing her skin at the same time. We could easily host a debate on which job it was doing more justice to. I would vote for the latter though. It was revealing more than it covered. In fact, every bit of skin covered by her blouse looked a lot sexier than the skin that was bare. Of course, the nipples were not to be seen very prominently yet. I was sure if I got a bit closer, I might be able to get a hint of those, but I was not in a hurry. I studied the structure of her boobs now. Earlier, with the wired bra on, her boobs were pushed up, and her cleavage was trying to spill out of her blouse. But now I could see that her blouse had taken a different shape. It was still firm alright, but there wasn’t much cleavage to be seen. But even a small movement of her hands brought too much activity inside her blouse. It was as if she had packed a lot of jelly in there, and her boobs seemed to have a life of their own.

I took a few steps towards her. Her lips were trembling, and her eyes were fixed on me. She managed not to look at her own boobs, but she was very much conscious that my eyes were feasting on them. Her hand unconsciously adjusted the pallu as I drew closer, but the adjustment only made the pallu spread further, making any folds that were there to disappear. So the view just got better and better. I was very bold now, and did not bother about her awareness of my staring, and kept on staring directly at her boobs. After all, I was a professional and I had to analyze and capture what the masses wanted to see and it was her boobs, hips and ass, apart from her lovely face that they wanted to see. I got quite close to her, so close that I could hear her breathing, kept both hands on her shoulders and looked down at her. Her nipples were more obvious now. They were not big and not small either. I could tell that they were a little hard at that moment. My hands on her shoulder could feel that her skin was getting hotter. She was like a boiling pot now.

“You need to adjust your saree a little bit more, if you want to look like an innocent village girl”

On saying that, I took her pallu in my right hand and slightly pushed it aside, to reveal her right boob. Trust me when I say that I had seen a lot of naked breasts. It was one of the benefits that my profession offered me. Aspiring actresses and models never hesitated to get rid of their brassieres in front of my camera. But no naked boob had ever given me such a huge hard on like Sneha’s veiled right boob did. Her blouse was transparent enough for me to make out the small brown areola around her slightly erect nipple. And the fabric was soft and thin enough to make the nipple’s protrusion very obvious. But what really excited me was when I pushed her saree aside to expose her blouse, she never flinched a bit. Did that mean she wanted me to proceed further? Or was she so innocent to think it was only out of my professional interest that I pushed her pallu away? I decided to test her intentions even further. I moved backward and sized her up. Being a seasoned actress, she was standing in a posture resembling an ancient statue. Her eyes were eagerly searching my eyes to find what I had been thinking. But I kept my eyes straight, and did not bat a lid. She was looking beautiful alright, and damn sexy too. I really felt like pushing her to the floor right away and gifting my throbbing erection a nicely warmed up pussy. But then I was somehow still miraculously under control.

“You look really gorgeous, but still something is missing” – I gave it a quick thought, then the idea came to me – “Do you have a clay pot at home, by any chance?”

“Of course. I drink only naturally chilled water, so we have a few clay pots at home”

“Then get one that would make you a real village girl”

She quickly adjusted her dress and went to the kitchen. There was a hint of haste in her movement, and I could sense that she was quite involved and excited too. She came back with a small clay pot rested on her hip. I noticed that her hip looked sexier with the clay pot; because she had to bend her hip a little to hold the pot in its place. I assumed her ass would look lovely in this posture. I quickly glanced at a mirror behind her, and could see that my assumption was right. She was eagerly looking at me again. But I shook my head. I pointed at her blouse and said, “You forgot one thing”

She looked down and turned red, realizing what I meant. But then she pushed her pallu away without saying a word, revealing her right side blouse. I looked up and saw her eyes quickly stealing a glance at my erection. Her lips trembled a bit. She was nervous. And I was glad that she noticed my erection.

“Why are you nervous?” I asked.

“I am not, but I think you are” she retorted.

“See, you ARE nervous. Cool down, and give me that lovely smile of yours”

The next moment the nervousness vanished from her face, and she flashed her trade mark smile. This woman really was a gifted actress. Only a selective breed can change expressions at will, and she belonged to that breed.

“Now, you are supposed to be carrying water in that pot, and you can show that to the camera only by spilling some water on yourself. Go ahead and spill some water on your body” I commanded.

“Do you think it is necessary?” She seemed to question my every action, and I got a bit irritated. I quickly grabbed a glass of water from nearby, got close to her, and emptied the entire glass into her blouse. The water must have been quite cool. It made her almost jump, as it ran through her blouse, traveled over her midriff, and drenched some part of her lower half of clothes too.

“What the hell are you doing Pratap? You could have warned me at least” she sounded angry, but her face defied her words. I could tell that the cold water has done the trick of awakening her inner spirits. The awareness of wearing a completely wet blouse in front of me had already dazed her eyes, and they looked half drunk already. Exposing this much in front of a stranger was completely new to her, and it had got her very hot. It seemed like she was waiting for me (or someone – anyone) to slip hands into her blouse and hold her boobs hard. I went behind her, held her by her shoulders and dragged her in front of a mirror.

“Look at yourself, and your will know that my actions are well justified. Look at your own breasts, especially your nipples” I pointed at her mystic peaks. She stared at herself in the mirror. She was impressed with her own looks. She had fallen in love with herself, and seemed to have newly discovered her oozing sex appeal, especially in her wet and revealing blouse. Instinctively her right hand went up and held her right breast, slightly pushing it up to enlarge the generous cleavage.

“What do you think about this pose, Pratap?” – her voice was getting a little husky now, and I felt a wave of electricity surge through my body. She was getting horny, as her voice was proving without a doubt. If she got this horny at this early stage, then how horny could she get?

“This is a very seductive pose, but tell me what you think about yourself, Sneha. Describe to me about how you look in this dress” my voice lowered to match her huskiness.

Her eyes met my eyes through the mirror – “Do you want me to describe it in detail, Pratap?”

“I know you want to Sneha, and I am dying to hear it”

Her voice was almost like a slutty whisper now, with a large dose of shyness too.

“I love the way my saree has been pushed to the side to reveal my blouse, Pratap dear. I have always wanted to keep the saree pushed aside this way, but I could not. And I enjoy wearing such a transparent blouse, that too without a bra. My breasts are completely exposed through this. And look at my nipples, oh, look at the way they are showing through the wet fabric. What do you think my fans would do if they see me like this, Pratap?”

“Do you want them all to see you like this, Sneha?”

“Oh yes, I want to act in a movie like this. I want all of my fans to look at me like this, Pratap dear. I have been hiding my body from them for too long. How could I make them miss a sexy sight like this? Won’t they love watching my cleavage? Won’t they love watching my nipples? Won’t they love watching the hero grab my breast from behind, like this?”

On saying this, she took my hand and brought it to her breast, making me grab it hard. I never expected things to happen that fast. She did not seem that type to me. But now being so close to her, I could almost hear her heart thumping (or was that mine?). I thought if I had held her left boob instead, I might have even felt her heartbeat in my hand. I pressed myself closer to her now. I could smell the fragrance emanating from her wavy hair, and I inhaled deeply. It made my desire towards Sneha rise exponentially. My erection was pressing against her ass, and she jerked a little on feeling my hard on. And my right hand was very busy playing with her soft and spongy asset. Her boob was much softer than I expected, but her nipple was harder than I had imagined. My other hand, which was resting on her left shoulder so far, got into action now. Her pallu was almost on the edge of her shoulder now, and I gave it a gentle push to send it down. It fell off her shoulder, but made a last attempt at doing its job by clinging to the tip of her left boob. Noticing this, she smiled. She blew gently towards it, and the pallu fell off the cliff. Now it looked as if she was standing there almost topless. The blouse was only adding up to the sexiness that was oozing out of her. She took my left hand and placed it on her left boob. Then she closed her eyes. I took the cue. She wanted me to play with her boobs, and that was exactly what I had been wanting to do. I cupped her breasts with both my hands, and she was more than a handful. Holding her from in front of a mirror was giving me a huge hard on.

“Do not close your eyes, Sneha; I want you to enjoy watching this. Watch me play with you, because you look so lovely with your boobs showing” I insisted, and she opened her eyes.

“Whatever you say, Pratap”, saying this, she smacked her lips.

I was struggling to control myself from watching her juicy lips. Lips were Sneha’s major assets. Her fans would know exactly what I mean. Look at any of her photograph from the internet and you will know what I mean. Half of her sex appeal belonged to her smile.

“I want to kiss you Sneha. Do I have the privilege?” I pleaded.

Now who would pass up an opportunity like that? I again let my eyes wander all over her body through the mirror. She deserves the greatest kiss, but not just her lips. Her entire body deserved to be kissed. I brushed her hair aside and gently pecked her neck from behind, inhaling deeply at the same time. “I can give you a kiss of a lifetime, my sweet goddess. But it would take a long, long, long time. But I am sure you will enjoy it all the while”

Her eyes widened with expectation. Her hand held mine and took it all over her top frontal region.

“Then do it soon, Pratap. I am burning inside”

“Do not hurry Sneha; I’m not going to kiss your lips alone. I am going to kiss you all over, and I am going to enjoy doing that. And I do not want you to undress either. Just remain as you are, and stand still like a statue”

“Please Pratap, let the kiss be romantic and be full of lust as well. I can’t wait, please”

She closed her eyes and stretched her hands. Her saree had already fallen off the top, and she was just standing there with her blouse and saree clad petticoat. I moved away from her, took a deep breath, studied her from all angles, and wondered how beautiful she was in that pose. The photographer in me urged me to go grab the camera and snap away, but I stood still. There was still plenty of time. And I really wanted to kiss her. I felt a lot of love flowing through me at that moment, a love for the timeless beauty that was served in front of me to enjoy and relish.

“My love, I know you hear this all the time from everyone. But I have to say this. You look so lovely”

Her eyes remained closed, but she smiled and spoke – “I hear this all the time from, everyone, Pratap. But I do not let any of them kiss me. But I am begging you. You called me your sweet goddess, and this goddess wants you to kiss her. With all your body and soul”

I also could not hold back any longer. This goddess had to be treated just like a goddess. And I just knew the best place to start. I got down to the floor in front of her, and kissed her feet.

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