Loving Mansi – Part 1

rajjozy 2017-06-27 Comments

I am Raj and any comments, feedback is welcome to [email protected] incident is about my wife’s beautiful friend and of course me. Let me start with some background. This happened few year back when I was in Singapore with family. My wife as well use to work off and on when she feels like. We had a maid so that she can work when she wants. My kids were in UKG and we decided to give them some basic Hindi knowledge. Though we weren’t sure if we are ever returning back to India if this Hindi knowledge is going to be useful or not. But now we are all settled here and adjusted too.

One fine day my wife came back home from Hindi society with the kids and told me that she made friends with a beautiful lady, her name is Mansi Bose. She is Bengali and her kids also go to Hindi Society. I said that’s good for you, you have a North Indian friend now. You can talk to her in Hindi. I never knew that I was going to get lucky with his beautiful Bengali lady. My wife had met her few more times and they were good friends. Mansi’s home was not far from mine. Anyways in Singapore, nothing is far given the beautiful and well-managed public transport and Cab services.

Once I too accompanied my wife as I had no plans to play that Saturday morning. She introduced me to Mansi at Hindi Society. Secretly in my wife’s ear, I told that she is a bomb…. She said shut-up and keep quiet. You can tell me all this back home. So in my first look, Mansi looked good gorgeous to me, beautiful buttery fair skin, round face with big eyes, lean and thin structure with shapely legs. Beautiful pair of boobs. Overall she was a beauty in her late twenties who had an early marriage. Beautiful curvy lips. Any male with functional tool had to take notice in mind. She was in Jeans and top. I felt like giving her a hug and saying you are beautiful and your hubby is lucky and don’t know if you have made anyone else lucky. Maybe you should consider making me lucky…. All these went through my mind. But I knew I can’t express all this to a beautiful even it was all good nice thoughts in my mind. Thoughts which were appreciative of how God had made her so beautiful and sensuous. A bit of jealousy as to her hubby is lucky to have her in her arms. A thought of desire of being her lover and again jealousy if she has/had any lover.

My Saturday games had stopped as the ground we used to play had been fenced and entry was restricted. This lead me going to pick up my kids more often, though my wife used to drop my kids. I was a bit lazy bum on Saturday and use to wake up a little late. This led to I and she x-ssing each other more often on Saturdays. I don’t know why but I never saw her hubby yet, It was always her who use to come to pick up her son. While returning few times we have hopped into the same cab and I have dropped her near her home and returned back home with my kid in the same cab. Initially, she had hesitated to come in the same cab with me and my kid but once the bus she takes to her house was delayed quite a bit and I asked her to come into the cab at the bus stop. She came in. We had small pleasant conversations. How she was happy to meet my wife. They were good friends. How she has got used to Singapore and prefer to be here compared to going back to India. Just simple pleasantries. I felt like indirectly hinting that I find you very beautiful but something like this would have looked completely out of place and could have possibly ruined my chances which did get converted…hurray…So meeting on Saturdays while returning had become a common thing. And my desire to tell her how beautiful and how nice I feel seeing her had been welling up within me with no vent to reach its beautiful destination.

Once I was returning from office and my wife called up. My wife told me that Mansi had called and she has got a job that she wants to try. She needs to hire a maid. Employing a maid in Singapore is a lengthy affair. It’s not just about salary and regulations on how to keep a domestic helper. You need to pass an online test to prove that you have understood the law and you have to pass the test before you can apply to hire a domestic helper. So coming back.I told my wife, that’s good. She wanted to start working as she felt it will help her manage domestic finances better. My wife told me that’s true but the reason I called you is she needs help. I asked what kind of help. Her hubby is not that tech savvy so he can’t employ the maid in his name. She has to clear the exam and employ the maid. I asked so what do I need to do. My wife told Mansi needs help to clear the exam. I said okay we will discuss when I reach home. Within me, I felt I am going to get lucky to spend some more time with her. But I never thought I will loose self-control. Luckily for me, it went in my favor and I made love to this lovely beautiful lady many times subsequently.

I reached home freshened up and sat down on the sofa in front of the TV with a glass of juice. My wife came and told me to let’s call Mansi and she can’t discuss freely once her hubby comes. I asked my wife – What’s matter, why she can’t discuss when hubby is back home. She told I will explain you later, she has just explained me sometime back and told not to tell you all these personal things about her to you. I said…okay. Let’s call.

Sarika/Raj : – Hello Mansi.

Mansi : – Hello Sarika (my wife name).

Sarika/Raj : – My hubby is also here. I have explained him about your job. He will help you.

Mansi : – Thank you Sarika. Thank you for your help. I will give party to you all later…

Raj : – Congratulation Mansi on getting the job.

Mansi : – Thank Raj. Now you have to help me in hiring a domestic helper.

Raj : – Sure Mansi. On my mobile send your email id and I will send you the links. Go thru them and call me if anything is not clear. If I am busy with work then I will call back seeing the missed call.

Mansi : – Thank you Sarika. I am lucky to have you as a friend.

I thought I am lucky too as you lift my spirits with your beauty whenever you are around me.

My wife briefed me about her situation with the assurance that I shouldn’t ever let Mansi feel that I know all this. I said okay. So input I got that her hubby doesn’t want her to work. He has told that as long as nothing gets affected at home for kids he will accept her to work. She shouldn’t bother her with any formalities. She should do all by herself. I thought how can someone not try to make such a beautiful wife happy. Even if not wife just having such a beautiful lady around you should make him happy. Ahhh.. Some men don’t know how to appreciate what they have in life. Felt a little sad for her. I was a bit relating it to her guarded talks in cabs with me. Anyways later that evening after dinner I had sent her the links and asked her to feel free to call anytime she wants. I congratulated her again on getting the job with some encouraging words like starting may not be easy but she will become comfortable once she starts working. She has all my support and I will help her to hire a domestic helper.

Next day around 11 AM I got a call from her.

Mansi: – Hello Raj

Raj: – Hi Mansi. How are you?

Mansi : – I am good but I need help.

Raj : – Tell me. What happened. Something not clear in the links I sent you.

Mansi : – Actually I am not able to understand anything… And I don’t have a credit card to register as well.

Raj:- hmm. Do one thing. Send me your details like IC#, house address, email and I will register for you.

Mansi : – Thank you Raj. I will pay you in cash for the exam fee.

Raj : – No props Mansi. I know you will.

Mansi : – Hmmm… I feel I am troubling you too much. I am feeling a bit awkward.

Raj : – Hey. Feel free. Anything for a beautiful lady like you. you are such a nice person. It feels good to help you.

Mansi : – Thanks a lot. Actually, I couldn’t think of anyone other than Sarika who could help me in such a problem. Sarika and you have a domestic helper so I thought of approaching you both.

Raj : – I understand. Once you start working it will all be fine. Take care. Talk to you later.

She had sent me her details via email. I registered her by evening. When I reached home in the evening, I called her and told check your email. You should have received an email. Click on the link and follow the instructions. She thanked me and told she has only 8 more days to complete all this hire the maid. Her employer has asked her to join within 10 days. I told her no props that shouldn’t be a problem. Next day around 11 AM she called me again.

Mansi : – Hi Raj.

Raj: – Hello Mansi.

Mansi: – I clicked on the link but I couldn’t understand anything. Can you help me?

Raj: – I thought good for me :) Come to our home in the evening, Sarika/I will help you out.

Mansi : – Actually I can’t come in the evening as I need to take care of my kids and my hubby will not like it. Actually…actually..(I intercepted)

Raj : – Tell me what time will suit you.

Mansi : – My kids come back from playschool at 4 pm and I drop him at 12 pm. So I can come at 2:30 pm.

Raj : – Hmmm.. Let’s do this. My lunch break is between 12:30 to 1:30. You come directly to my home after dropping your kid. Then we will complete it and I will drop you back while returning to the office.

Mansi : – Thank you Raj. What about your lunch. Sorry about all this. I am asking for all this help from you.

Raj : – Hey.. you don’t feel bad and don’t have to make it appear like I am doing a big favour. I told you earlier I feel you are a good soul (read beautiful and hot) so I am more than happy to help. I am also trying to use only lunch break so that my office work isn’t impacted. And about lunch, I will pick up a Subway Sandwich after I return.

Mansi : – Should I bring some food for you from home Raj.

Raj: – Na na… Then we will start chatting and eating and we won’t be able to complete the registration process…

Mansi : – Okay.. Thanks a lot again. See you tomorrow noon. Bye.

Raj : – Bye dear. Take care. see you tomorrow.

Mansi :- One more thing…I want to request for…. Actually, I am feeling bad about it.. don’t take it otherwise. It’s just a request for self-respect.

Raj : – Tell me, dear… You can feel free. I know you are a nice person…

Mansi : – Actually..actually.. it’s that. Sarika may feel bad. So don’t tell that I am meeting you in your home. I would have preferred to come to your office side but it’s a bit far from my home and I have restrictions.

Raj: – Hmmm… I understand but my maid may see you. Though she is not at home from 12 PM to 4 PM as she has her gang of friends who gossip after dropping the kid to the school till she picks her up around 4 pm.

Mansi : – I know it’s risky but it’s a question of my job. Please help me Raj.

Raj : – No probs Mansi… I can understand. I won’t tell about this to Sarika. Only after I return back to the office I will tell Sarika about it. Just in case my maid see us so I won’t tell about it till I return back to the office.

I was a bit excited about meeting this beautiful lady alone at my home. I was a little scared too – will Sarika find out. Will the maid come back home that day for any work.. etc… These thoughts kept running in my mind for some time…

Next day at 12:00 noon I took a cab and reached home around 12:20 pm. Around 12:15 Sarika called me that she is starting now as she has dropped her son in the school. I said okay.. in 5 minutes I will reach home. I asked her to take a cab even if it’s near. She confirmed that she will take a cab. I reached home and took a glass of juice and sat down on the sofa in the room where we had the desktop. In one of the bedrooms, I had kept sofa and desktop with some chairs. Other two bedroom was enough for our family. Maid used to put a mattress on the floor and sleep on the floor.

In 10 minutes my doorbell rang. I opened the door and felt like what a beautiful face I am looking at. She was dressed in a skirt and top. Her neck was looking so sensuous. I want to touch her neckline and plant a small kiss. Anyways I came back to my sense and welcomed her with a broad smile. I took her straight to the room where I had the desktop. I pulled a chair beside her and asked her to log in to her email and open that mail. While she was opening the mail I started sipping my juice and then asked if she will like to have anything.. juice or something. She said no. She opened the mail with the link to register. After that we exchanged places and I sat on the desktop and she was sitting on the chair. She was intently seeing what all I am doing. Then she stood up and went to the kitchen and brought herself a glass of water, I quickly finished up the registration using the link provided. Then we started conversing.

Raj : – Mansi – I have sent you a mail with a link, id/password. You go thru it, read it. You have 3 days times to read it. Then you need to complete the online quiz.

Mansi : – Okay Raj. Can I see the here for sometime while you are here? You can explain to me if required.

Raj : – Sure Mansi. I am opening the site for you to start.
(Then she started going through it)

Mansi : – I am able to understand it I think. Can you explain me point#2?

Raj: – It is related to how to transfer wage and how to keep a record. It says you have to provide domestic helper wage in a bank account by 5th of every month. (I could guess that she is not finding it easy)

Mansi: – Raj – Actually I don’t have a computer at my home. So I have to go to the library to read it and complete the quiz. Can I instead do it at your home if possible?

Raj: – You go to the library tomorrow at noon and see how it goes and if not you can do it here at my home.

Mansi : – Okay Raj. Now we still have some time. I brought some halwa for you. I have cooked it, please have. You took so much of pain for me.

Raj: – Oh.. I thought you have got something else in the bag. I didn’t know you have brought this gift for me. You are so nice, Mansi.

I started eating from the same box and we started chatting.

Mansi: – Actually I want to say you something… You must be thinking why is her hubby not helping her do all this… I don’t like to share my personal things but as you have helped so much I want to let you know. My hubby doesn’t want me to work… But I don’t have much choice. He has some CC loans and we hardly are able to save anything by end of the month. But he doesn’t want me to work because he feels something may happen..

Raj: – Something as in… what will happen?

Mansi: – He thinks other guys will try to woo me. I may have an affair and all……

Raj: – Hmm… What to say, Mansi. I am sorry to hear about it. But you really are beautiful. I am sure if your hubby doesn’t care about you then it’s not good for him nor you. Other men will try to get you… You are so so beautiful.

Mansi: – Please don’t say like that. Till now no one except my hubby has touched me. He may be a bad guy but still, God has made him for me. I also know he had many affairs before marriage. Even after marriage, some Chinese ladies at times talk to him. He tells they are his friends. He knew them before marriage too. The way they tease/talk to him I feel he was having sex with them after marriage….

Raj: – Hmmm. Leave it, Mansi. At least after marriage, he hasn’t done anything like that. So forgive him for the past….

Mansi: – It’s not easy Raj. Many guys had proposed me. But I didn’t have any bfs before marriage.. not I feel bad that why God gave me a match like this. Neither financially very well nor otherwise.

Raj: – Leave it, Mansi… We still have 30 minutes. Why don’t you watch some videos/songs? I will clean the dish in the mean time… Your halwa was so nice. Your hands have magic.

Mansi: – You don’t wash it, I will clean it back home. Actually, it is not nice of you. You are treating me with so much respect and affection. Can I really see some song videos for next 30 minutes?

Raj : – haha… you deserve all the goodness this world has to offer. Such a beautiful girl. God will make thing better soon for you. Tell me what songs you want to see.

Mansi :- Actually Imran Hashmi songs… I like his songs…

Raj: – sit here and watch. I youtube I searched for Emraan Hashmi and handed over the seat to her….

I came back and sat on the couch near the wall. I wanted to watch her while she watches the video. I got a glass of water and sat on the couch. I could see her bare feet. It was beautiful, nice nail polish, beautiful slender fingers coloured pink at the tip of the nail. I was able to see some of her calf. It was super smooth. Later(few days) she told she doesn’t have any hair on her hands and legs naturally. She doesn’t wax at all. Her beautiful hairs falling half way through the chair. It looks so silky, I felt like going and touching with them. Smelling the hair. I was able to see her left cheek, pinkish cheeks… She was so beautiful. I was seeing her left boobs partly. Ample but not too big. Shapely.. My mind was thinking can I touch this beautiful body and soul. Can I kiss her nude body? Can I hold her in my embrace… Can I suck the nipples? Can I kiss her lips? Her lips were so pinkish.. Lipstick had come off by now. Looking at such pinkish lips. I was imagining her nipples. I didn’t know if my imagination will become reality in next 3/4 days. I was imagining peckish nipples on top of a beautiful jug.. such nice shapely legs. Touching the smoothness of those legs will me feel divine. Her legs or back wasn’t big at all. Just nicely shaped suiting perfectly to the lean and thin beautiful feminine body…

Mansi:- (She turned and looked back at me). What happened Raj. what are you thinking?

Raj:- (I returned back to the room. I was lost). Ah, nothing… I was thinking what all things I ahem to complete in office.. just got lost thinking about it. You enjoy the songs.

Mansi: – Only 5 more minutes. Let me watch one more song.

We both got up to leave and as we were about to exit. She thanked me again and our hand touched. I said.. you are welcome. I liked to see you happy and enjoying the songs. And while saying all this we hugged. She said..you have really helped me a lot. I said … It was my pleasure. It feels good to be near you. Your presence makes me feel nice…

We exited the house and I dropped her back and continued to office….

In next part, I will go to how I made love to her for the first time.

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