Love, Commitment, Promise And Fate

yashsinha 2016-08-09 Comments

This story is part of a series:

Hey friends, I’m Yash. Now, first things first. I’m not a professional writer, nor an experienced person. I’m just a regular guy pouring every drop of his brain to yours.

Back to business,

This goes back to my late teens. I was a good guy, good in academics, good in football, and good at heart.

The only thing my parents worried about was my physique. So, I joined a gym. I was a lean guy, but I was fit. I had muscles (no abs, and no chiseled body), and people liked my company irrespective to the age difference. (I still am the same, but with a beard now ???).

During my 11th, I was put on the team sheet of my school’s football team as the striker.

We had won many games, many tournaments and many more awards. So, this year too, we had to continue the same. I took up the responsibility. In the inter-school tournament (state level) we had progressed to the semis, but unfortunately, I was injured.

The final was 3 days later, but doctor advised me 5 days rest. I didn’t have any other option other than defying my parents’ decision of bed rest. So, I played the game and fortunately we won (in penalties).

During the celebration and photo session, I was away from the team, in my class and I didn’t tell anyone. Suddenly, my classmate Ankita, entered. She saw me in the class writhing in pain. She rushed towards me and before I could fall flat on my face, she caught me and didn’t let me fall.

Now about her, she was a good looking, intelligent, bold and a fun loving girl. I always wanted such a girl in my life.

So, coming back, she took me to the nearest bench and made me sit. She asked about the pain and suggested me to go to the infirmary. I denied her proposal saying that I got my medication along and I needed someone to help me with the bandaging. She willing accepted to help me. While bandaging, she said,

Ankita(A) : I know you play well, and you had taken the responsibility for the team’s performance but you should be careful about yourself too. See, how badly you are injured.

Me(Y) : What to do? If we had lost, the rest of the team would be criticised for the same. The audience only wants their team to win, no one cares for the hardwork. We all are one team, we play as one and we accept our fate as one.

A: Nice dialogue. Idiot, if you were hurt any more, how would I….?

Y: How would you what? And how did you come here? I didn’t let anyone know.

A: Idiot, I saw you sneaking from the other way back to class. And if something would have happened to you, I would die. I always liked you. From past 4 years I’ve been trying to come closer to you but you always ignored me.

Y: I’m sorry, I did so. But I never thought any girl would like me. I’m not handsome or bodybuilder…

A(Cuts me in between) : So, you think girls like handsome fellows? I don’t know about other girls, but I like you. I was attracted to you because of your honesty, kind nature and straightforward-ness.

Y: Well, I like you too. Not from so long, but at least a year.

A: Then why didn’t you approach me? Were you scared of rejection? Or were….

Y( I cut in between) : Do we have to argue on this anymore, or shall we start our relationship now, afresh. You know, it’s better late than never.

Bandaging is done.

A: Shut up, and stay still. Keep your eyes closed.

I close my eyes. Before I could figure out what was going on, I felt something warm on my cheeks. I hurriedly opened my eyes to find her very close to my face, nearing herself to my left side and she kissed me (on cheeks).

A: You got my answer, didn’t you? Now I better leave, because others might be coming.

Y: Come on, don’t leave me like this.

A: I’m not leaving you. I’ll be right back.

And then, she darted off to the exit.

She later came back with the rest of the class and while entering, (and without anyone else’s attention) she gave me a flying kiss. I was about to return it back but to my bad luck, the teacher entered. She saw me in frustration and mouthed, ‘ don’t worry, I understood’.

And to my surprise, the teacher was angry on the class for poor code of conduct in the ground and decided to make girls and boys sit alternatively next to each other. (I can’t forget the 20 min lecture before the good news). And then, as my fate had decided, Ankita was next to me as the teacher asked her to be.

After a week (of getting close to each other and talking late nights on phone and keeping in touch through sms on holidays), the teacher decided for a class arrangement reshuffle, but didn’t separate me and Ankita as we never disturbed anyone in the class, neither students, nor teachers (As we were busy with ourselves).

Throughout the year, we restricted ourselves only to chats(sms), phone calls and meeting in school only.

Starting of twelfth, there was a batch shuffle and we were placed in different classes. I was sad and so was she.My friends saw me upset and asked me the reason, I didn’t say a word. They didn’t know about the relationship between me and her.

So, that day I asked her to restrict ourselves from meeting in school as others may doubt us.

She agreed but on a condition that I’ll meet her daily in the morning, before school starts near her home. I denied saying that it’s risky. She, that evening took me to her house, introduced me to her parents as her best friend.

I thought that I was dead right then, but her mother came to me, embraced me and said, “My daughter never stops talking about you. I thought she was in bad company.

But when I saw you the other day on Parent Teacher Meet, I understood your mindset. I’m happy that she has such a good friend”. And I bet my smile could have torn apart my lower jaw from my face.

So, after getting confidence from this, I decided to introduce her to my parents.

I got a surprise instead that her parents already met my parents and none had any objection with our friendship. We used to visit each other’s house so frequently, that we forgot whose house we were in.

Days passed, then weeks and then months. Our bond got stronger and we trusted each other more than ourselves.

On the day of farewell, she didn’t arrive to the party. I skipped the function only to find her at home crying.

When I found out that her younger sister died, I cried along with her. Though I was silently letting my tears fall down, I was also keeping her from squealing and screaming at her fate.

After 3 months, and my complete attention towards her family, they started getting better.

They accepted the fact and started to live with it. By that time, we knew we had to separate our ways, as 12th was done and with our higher studies awaiting, we parted with a promise to always be in touch.

Sorry guys, this story was not as you thought it was. But, I wanted you to have complete knowledge of the prologue before the story begins.

In the next part, I’ll tell you what happened during our college days(though away from each other and away from home).

If you have any disappointments in my sex story, please let me know. I’ll try to rule them out in my next post.If you liked it, please let you know (so that I don’t have to let this story stay incomplete).

My ID is [email protected]

Stay happy, fate always has something good for everyone. And that good will lead you to your destiny. Have a good day ahead.

Bye, bye.

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