Fitness Training To Girls – Part 1

darshan 2011-11-30 Comments

Hi all this is another experience of mine while fitness training for those who are reading me for the first time. I am based at Ahmedabad working in an MNC at a senior post and travel across Gujarat for my work. You can send me your feed back on [email protected]

This is another experience of mine while providing fitness training. I hit my gym on regular basis but not daily and I have been following same gym for last 5 odd years and now I am almost like a senior member there. It is during winters when I was working hard on my lower body, thighs and butts. I take very heavy weights and attract lot of attention during my legs workouts.

It happened on a day that I had to go out of town for my work and knew that will be back late. So, I decided to attend the gym early in the morning. Co-incidentally there was this lady must be in her 40s wearing tight pink capris and a light blue top with very huge butts. She was also working on her legs the same day and using same machines and barbell set-up.

Problem was that she was working with very light weights around 20-30 kgs and I needed heavy weights around 100-12- kgs and changing weights after every set was very difficult. I told her, that she can complete her sets first and then I will start with mine but somehow she asked me to complete first, as she wanted to see if I actually lift that kind of weights I am saying. I was in no mood for any arguments and started my workout after 2 sets of warm ups.

I got down into my shorts and went on lifting heavy weights. She got quite impressed and asked me to guide her as a colleague with her workouts as well. I never mind giving tips to serious exercise lovers, but it wasn’t possible daily. I told her that I attend my sessions in evening and it’s just today I have come in the morning. Then she asked that why I don’t do it in the morning, as winter mornings are good and she can also seek some help.

I gave her 2 reasons for the same, first was actually a tip that if we workout to loose weights then morning sessions are good, and to build mass evening sessions are good. Second reason was that I along with my full time job, I also provide personal training sessions and have kept morning time free for the same day went on fine and then after some time, maybe a week or so I got a call from my gym when I attended my coach told that there is a day who intends to have my number and this is for some job related purpose.

I told my coach that maybe as I do share my job and profession with gym colleagues maybe there is something she wishes to discuss after an hour or so I got a call and this was the same lady. I recalled her after she told me about the morning she met me in gym. Then she told me that she had sort of lied to the coach and actually she wanted my personal training for someone.

I agreed as my personal training to a couple had finished last month itself and they have gone on a self-workouts. She told me that she lives in Satellite area and there are few parents who wish to have a personal trainer for their kids. Listening to the word kids I denied, because I always take sessions of serious exercisers. To which she cleared that kids meant kids for their parents and they all are of age between 18 to 21 years.

She also added that they need it for a month only as their society is getting a gym built in the society itself and thus till then parents do not want their children to join somewhere else. I agreed to meet all of these parents and then take a decision. Meeting was scheduled for the same evening at 8:00 pm. There were around 11 people from 7 families there at the residence of this gentle lady from some families both the parents need to come and from some families either the father or the mother has come after the detailed discussion.

I realised that they were serious and wish to get their big kids in the habit of regular exercises. I was pleased by this but still insisted to meet those trainees in person before committing anything. They agreed and told that I can meet them tomorrow in the place of workout and then decide. There were total 8 kids (7 girls and 1 boy), the timing finalised was 5:00 am and fees of 15000 a month, which was rounded-up from 16000.

Money was good, parents were good with sincerity and genuineness and I had the final call on to whom to train and to whom to skip. I agreed and came back home. Next morning I was there at the place of same lady. The lady and her husband left for their gym in half an hour and all the kids were there in the hall, all in their night suits of pyjama or shorts mixed. I had short introduction of their names and the purpose of their interest in exercise. All were good, energetic and mostly wanted to get that

Katrina, Kareena, Jennifer and Salman shape. They were ready for hard-work and excited about this new activity. I agreed and told them that we would start the next day. The place was the terrace of this lady’s penthouse; time was 5:00 am of winter mornings. I told them to be in proper gym dress and no night-suits etc., bottles of drinking water, hand-towel, yoga mats, and skipping rope and sports shoes as mandatory.

This junk of youngsters injected some fresh energy in me too and I also decided to wear young gym attire for these sessions. Next day I reached 15 minutes before time. I was happy to see all ready with the all the things. All the girls were in tight bottoms, few full tights, few capris and few knee length shorts with half sleeve tops few in tight tops and few in loose tops. The boy also was wearing shorts and a gym Sandoz banyan, even though he was very thin but I liked his spirit.

I asked them to start with spot jogging and then skipping rope. I had also bought my accessories with me. I also started skipping. There was lot of tumbles during skipping. Sometimes it seems very simple but skipping rope is actually a skilled activity. Once they were warmed up I told those to start with basic stretches and nothing to over-do. Post stretches 5 counts of sit-up and push-ups to their ability but not more than 5. During this I felt that the boy was not feeling comfortable.

There were lot of whispering among girls and few giggle and majorly while looking at the guy. I could presume that it was because of his thin body which no-way suited his attitude of a stud also he was low on strength and like girls could not do even 5 counts of push-ups. Morning went fine and in the afternoon I got a call from the boy’s father apologising as his son would not be able to continue on asking for the reason.

He told that he felt embarrassed to exercise with all girls. When I said that even I am there with him amongst so many girls then his father told me that I am a professional and thus boy or girl does not make any difference for me, but his son was too amateur for this. Once he confirmed that there will be no cut in my fees, I went ok. Even I did not want any person with half heart in my class.

Next day again I was at their place 15 minutes before time. Couple was getting ready and we directly went to the terrace. Today all the girls were in tight half thigh covering shorts and few have gone from half sleeves to without sleeves tops. I guessed that they were probably going with more skin to create some impression on me. To motivate them I removed my gym jacket and was now in gym Sandoz banyan. There was a low noise of aaaww and few glittering eyes.

I told them that today we will go for some power stretches and that’s why would do warm up till the first drop of sweat. The first day had been on 10 minutes of mild warm up but I knew even though winters in Ahmedabad are not very cold but they would still take around 20 minutes to sweat. Once they started spot jogging, I started walking in the space between them and saw them. They were a bunch of fresh candies with silk like skins and all the different sizes and shapes of body had one thing in come on bouncing boobs.

There was only one girl who had very small tits but god had blessed her with a very shapely big ass to compensate the sexiness of lesser tits. Once done with the warm-up I told them to go for the first power stretch. That was keeping feet as far as possible and bending from the back to go as low as possible. Once they reached the lowest point possible, then to hold it there for count of 3 seconds and try pushing it lower and lower with small jerks.

This time I kept myself behind them and saw everyone having those pantylines, with few of these lines having been crawled towards the ass-crack. While I was smiling at their innocence I realised that they were actually aware of it as I saw 2 girls trying to arrange their pantylines back to the position. I didn’t know what to say and what to do as always when in doubt go back to basics, funda I carried on with the workout instructions.

Once they were done asked them to sit on the ground with legs open and stretched as far as possible. Now what they did while standing they had to repeat while sitting, stretch their arms open and as far as possible, hold for the count of 3 seconds and then try to push as far as possible with little jerks. This time I not only went behind but also pushed them forward with my hand on their shoulders to go as far as possible. Again the common thing was that everybody was giving me glimpse of their panty elastic.

Few tried to cover it by stretching their tops back but all was in vein. Once they were done with it made them sit in ‘vajrasana’ and told them with a whole professional voice, that they have to be wearing which is comfortable to their bodies as well as mind. If they get conscious of their dress or something then there will not be full concentration in the exercise.

To this the big ass girl asked me to be frank and tell me as why I am saying this. I also replied them in the frank but the professional style that visible pantylines and panty elastics will happen, and they should not be conscious about it. To which the other girl replied that how can they not be conscious when their undergarments are trying to peek-out. Also they were working on an open terrace and this does not make them comfortable.

I bought the point of working on open terrace and told them to find any suitable place where all 7 can work out together and on her peeking undergarments, I told them to get it straight. Then being a bit bolder, I told them that they can come without panties also. To which one girl replied that it’s a good idea. To this the other girl replied to the first girl that how can they come out without panties, it feels to be naked.

I was just getting the feel of how openly these youngsters of today talk when the big-ass girl replied in an authoritative tone that either be comfortable when panty peeks from different places or be without panty. Anyhow when they are wearing shorts they are no nude at all and after saying this, she faced and asked for my opinion.

I told them that the best workout is with minimum clothes, and suggested them to visit YouTube and get the idea of it. To add, I told them that these professional do workout even in bikinis and others in full sleeves and full length gym suits. I told them to do whatever suits them best, but be mentally and physically comfortable. They all whispered something amongst themselves for some 15 minutes and then told me that they would decide and be ready the next day.

I also agreed and told them to cool-up and relax with 5 minutes of shavasan and would continue the next day. In the afternoon, I got a call from one of these girls as from where they can shop for these gym dresses. I told them to go to the Pantaloons at Mithakali, Nike and Addidas showroom at shaivranjani, and Puma at DevArc – SG Highway and also suggested them to ask for yoga dresses.

Next day, again I was there at 15 minutes before time and the couple told me that I should go to 603 in the same block, as it is an empty flat and exercise can be done in privacy. I went to the told flat and rung the bell, one of the girls opened and welcomed me in. The flat was not totally empty of things; it was like semi-furnished and basic amenities were there. They all asked me how’s there new dresses and I was happily shocked to see these girls dressed-up in perfect yoga attires.

All were in knee length ultra-tights and sports bra. No sign of any panty or other bra inside. I also removed my jacket and track-pant. I was wearing my gym Sandoz and jogging shorts. To tell you a bit, jogging shorts are very small and have flap-slits up to the waistband of the shorts. As my huge thighs came into view a chorus of ‘wow’ was heard in low voice followed by loud giggles by all girls again in chorus.

Then I saw a cake lying nearby, on asking they told me one of them had her birthday and they wished to do the cake cutting with me and that’s they have brought the cake. I wished the girl and told them that since they are going to have some fats, we will do cardio today focusing on pure fat-burning. They all agreed I told them to start with warm and do only spot jogging for 15 minutes continuously and then to lie down in shavasan for 3 minutes after the shavasan.

I told them to do spot jumping along with sit-up. They need to sit completely and then stand with a jump as high as possible and then again sit and then again jump. It was a combination of sit-ups and jumping and is a moderate intensity workout for cardio. They started panting with the third jump itself and I told them to do it for the count of 10. By end of it because sitting and jumping their waste bands had moved down and more skin and few had a cm of their ass-cracks visible.

This time no-body tried to settle it and before they could even think of it I gave them other stretch work-out. Where they have stand with feet around 2 feet apart and hands raised towards the roof. Now with every count they have to down and try to touch their feet and then go up and try to take their hands back as far as possible by bending from the back itself. This also they had to do till the count of 10. After they completed it

I told them to lie down in makarasana. Makarasan is lying on your stomach with hand folded and kept below the head like a pillow and bend the knee of one leg. It is an advanced asana of shavasan for relaxing. Now with everybody upside down I was enjoying their bulging asses with few showing the small division of their asses. This time I decided to take it further and have some real enjoyment in coming days. Then I told them to get into a doggy position with their knees and palms on the floor.

Now, keeping their hands and legs in the same position asked them to get on their toes instead of knees. Now their position was like you in reverse. Now they had to do long steps spot support jogging for another 15 minutes. In this they had to keep their palms stable and move their toes up and down in moderate speed. This is again an advanced stage of spot jogging.

It works as cardio and stretch for hamstring (back thighs) and Quads (front thighs) and they have to do it for another 15 minutes while doing it their asses were again in full preview in bent positions and with up down of their toes the elastic of waistband went further down by end of the session they all had their cracks visible. Then I ended the workout with 5 minutes of shavasan after the session none of them tried to correct their pants and brought the cake with a candle and everybody brought their gift boxes.

I apologized to her for not bringing the gift as I was not aware of her birthday to which she said that she wanted to see my bare chest and if I can do it will be her best birthday gift before I could say anything, everyone started cheering me and asking me to take off my Sandoz banyan. Being a sport and to flaunt my shape I did it with a big smile everyone clapped and this time praised me with a loud noise. The fat ass girl again commented that even sir does not have a six pack and hence she wins a bit from some other girl.

I accepted that I am working on gaining mass and hence fats are also building-in. but at the same time I am maintaining a waist of 32 inches. Now the birthday girl blew the candle, cut the cake and came to me with the first piece of cake. I was still bare chest. I took a small bite of the cake and then took the cake from her and gave her a small bite of it. She thanked me, hugged tight and gave a western style cheek to cheek kiss.

I had just started getting dressed-up back in the full gym suit when other girls starting giving her cake and soon putting cake all over her. Starting with face then neck, her hair even ears. She completely fell down and saw hand going down in her bra and pants also. Clearly they were rubbing it on her tits and ass; no hands went in the front crotch area. They all were laughing and giggling by the end of the cake session, she was a total mess.

No one could see her face behind the cake, one of her bra strip was down and out and her capris was down exposing almost half of her ass but all covered in cake with an enjoyed and happy laughter I bid them bye and told that we would now start with toning up muscles next day. Next day again I reached the same lady’s place 15 minutes before time but before I could ring the bell I suddenly realised that I had to go to the lower floor to the new exercise area.

I went and rang the bell again I was welcomed in with a new shock. They all were wearing a ultra-small tight shorts which I could have confused with trunk shaped panties if it did not had the logo of reebok on it and short tight Sandoz just long enough to cover the breast area even the ribs were exposed. I eagerly asked on the reason about this new exercise avatar.

To which again the fat ass girl replied that they were searching for yoga exercises on net and the one of the girl asked to search for the female exercise dresses but we were not getting anything new so we searched the female bodybuilder exercise dresses. Though we got no results but Google suggested ‘female bodybuilder exercises’ also tagged as ‘FBB exercises and there is also a videos site as daily motion like YouTube. and there they saw such dresses.

I had told them that we will be working on muscles we thought this would fit in best. I praised them, which made them very happy and they jumped and gave hi-five to each other. I told them to start with warm-up; meanwhile I would wish to get freshen-up in the washroom removed my underwear and decided that today is the day. I came back to the room only in my shorts and shoes. I was almost half erect and they were done with their warm-ups.

I told them that today we will work out our hamstrings and butts first. The first exercise is simple sit-ups with small variation. They will keep their hands folded behind their head and stand with legs one and a half feet apart and toes pointing outside. Position of toes is very important. Toes are like that the heels are pointed towards the body and toes pointing outside, it’s like the feet is kept slant and like the letter ‘L’ written in italics l and then do the sit-ups like usual.

What happens in this position is when you sit your ass-cheeks get totally open and the shorts get in the ass-crack area and when you stand full it’s like you are squeezing your ass completely. Hence within 2 counts itself your shorts are totally in your ass crack and if you are wearing a short shorts like they were wearing the half of the ass will be outside the shorts. This exercise is also very good for butts (gluteus) I was behind them and seeing their half bare asses.

I went behind the fat ass girl and saw that her entire short has moved in and it looked she was wearing a thong when she was in standing position. I cupped her ass and asked if she feels the stress there and she confirmed yes. Then I spanked her ass twice and said good, good in a military tone. I was gradually getting in the mood of taking command. Similarly I spanked couple of other girls’ asses also.

Now after 20 counts I knew that pain and stiffness will be awful, I told them to get into a power stretch position. One of the girl asked if we won’t do some shavasan on Makarasan today. To which I went near her and said while groping her and added that we will do hard-core today for these muscles. To this the other girl commented, that’s why most of the people are afraid of going to gym. The pain-gain things start now.

I agreed with her and then went near her telling everyone to get into the normal bent down position for the stretching. The only change will be that instead of pushing hands down they will try to reach the toes of spread legs. Now this is of-course a power stretch workout but at the same time it keeps people in bent position for long time. I will submit more in the next part, meanwhile send your feedbacks on [email protected]

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