Embarrassment At The Diagnostic Centre

beesting 2015-08-01 Comments

One fine Friday evening as I (SHEKHAR DAS) prepared to shut down my Laptop and close my work for another weekend, I received an email from my admin for a Medical Test. All executives who had reached 40 or above had to mandatorily undergo a medical test. My medical test was scheduled at a little-known Diagnostics Laboratory in Bhubaneshwar.

The List of the Medical Tests was given to me in advance. The Medical tests included the regular Chest & Back X-Rays, Blood & Urine Tests, Electro-Cardiograms and chest & waist measurements.

I received a call from the Diagnostic Centre for fixing the appointment and for information regarding the rules to be followed before and after the tests. I was to come on a empty stomach and with the day’s first Urine in a bottle.

I reached the Medical Centre exactly at the pre-scheduled date & time and was warmly greeted by the receptionist. The receptionist confirmed from me that I had come on an empty stomach & she also explained the entire process. The medical tests were to take approximately 5 hrs., right from morning 9:30 to 3:30 in the day. The Blood & Urine tests were to take place immediately and after a heavy lunch, the X-Ray tests and finally with the ECG the tests were to conclude.

The receptionist directed me to enter the sanitized testing place thru a sliding glass door and meet the attending sister. As I slid the glass door, a middle-aged looking nurse around the age of 35-40 greeted me & introduced herself as Smita. She had an average portly build, like most married middle-aged woman would have with the right amount of cellulose. She was wearing spectacles and her hair was tied into a bun under her nurse cap. The other noticeable features were her Dark eyes & silver nose pin.

She asked me to follow her. As she turned her back & I began following her, her round tight behind grabbed my attention. Her hips were swaying from side to side while walking. She asked me whether I was still fasting and if I had bought the urine sample along with me. As I said yes she told me to sit on a one armed chair. She asked me to fold up the sleeves of my hand. She went back quickly into a small room and returned with a wet cotton swab, injection syringe and small bottle. After drawing the blood into the bottle, she took the bottle of urine from me. She kept the bottles of blood & urine in the room and came back shortly.

As this test got over, she called another male attendant Swamy & asked him to help me with the X-Ray. The attendant told me that the X-Ray & ECG test would be conducted after lunch and told me to have lunch at a nearby restaurant & come back. I finished my lunch quickly & returned to the Diagnostic Centre.

Swamy accompanied me to the X-Ray Centre and after the X-Ray was done accompanied me back to the Diagnostsics Centre for the ultimate test, which was the ECG test.

I was hustled inside a big room which had a treadmill at one corner and a bed & ECG machine at the other. Soon after I entered the room, Smita entered the room with few wet cotton swabs and closing the door after her entry. She asked me to remove my shirt & vest and get topless and lay on the bed kept at one corner. She stuck some wired plugged ends all over my chest & stomach & noted the readings on the ECG machine.

After taking the readings she told me to go over to the treadmill. As I stepped into the treadmill she started the treadmill and after running on the treadmill for various speed settings she asked me to lay down on the bed again. As before she stuck the plugged ends on my chest & stomach and took the readings after my breathing speed had increased.

Then came the surprise for which I was completely unprepared. After the ECG test was completed, Smita told me to get up & take a few moments rest while she would be back after few minutes. Thinking that all the tests were completed, I put on my shirt & vest and got ready to leave.

Just minutes later she came back and she handed me a petri dish & couple of porn magazines & literature. A petri dish is a chemically inert glass dish used in Laboratories. She informed me that now it’s time for the virility or sexual wellness test. When I asked in surprise that I was not given any information about this test before, she told me that these tests were carried out confidentially & the results too are kept confidential to protect patient’s reputation. She also gave me instructions about how to masturbate properly in such a manner that the bulk of the semen should be properly collected in the petri dish.

Since she was explaining me all the instructions & process in a serious manner without smiling and that all the prior tests which were completed were also known tests, I was assured that this test also was a part of the General Tests and that these tests were for determining a person’s General Wellness.

I went to the clean & sanitized bathroom, which was heavily smelling of phenol and brought out my cock outside by opening my zip. Now, the problem was that I was not told about these tests & the day before the tests, I had sex with my wife. Hence, it was taking a long time for me to get aroused by merely looking at porn pictures. When finally after about 20 minutes of rubbing my penis with my fingers, my penis did spit some cum, the cum came out like a slender thread from my glans. Barely, a tiny thread of semen got collected in the petri dish.

I came out of the bathroom holding the petri dish in hand & showed the same to Smita. Smita nodded her head in denial & said that the quantity of the semen in the petri dish was too little for the test.

Now what unfolded in the next few minutes blew my senses away.

She went away for a few minutes into the lab & returned back one again with a clean petri dish. She placed the petri dish on a nearby table ….AND THEN….

…..All of a sudden, she turned around and she began stripping out of her sister’s dress. She first opened her coat & kept it away on a nearby steel dress hanger. Then, she without even a sound or a warning, took off her T-Shirt, unhooked her brassiere, stripped out of her jeans and came out of her red panty. My eyes opened as wide as possible & my breath stopped instantly.

She was all nude..in her birthday dress…without even a stitch of cloth hanging onto her.
A scream shot thru my mouth “WHATT THE FUCCKK!!!”, which probably nobody heard. It remained in my mouth.

Before I could even think anything, Smita had peeled herself nude in a matter of seconds. She was stripping while facing away from me. As her panty climbed down from her waist, her full buttocks came into my view. With all the cellulose that she had accumulated at the right places for a woman of her age, that is at the waist, on her butt cheeks & her fleshy thighs, she was looking like an incredibly sexy vixen. Her ass was clean, lustrous devoid of any roughness or pimple or unwanted growth here & there.

The sight of a naked woman, her brown dyed hair tied on head in a neat bun, curved back with slight fat starting from the nape of her slight neck to the top of her buttocks and the sheer nakedness of a unacquainted extremely sexy woman before me was going beyond my control. I could sense my blood pressure shot up in an instant, my saliva gone dry and my penis erect in a fraction of second. A huge tent had formed over my pant zip and a sharp piercing pain began in my loins. I somehow managed to control my pain by roughly adjusting my penis with my fingers over my pants.

While, I was drooling over her back & bum cheeks, she turned around to speak to me and drew my attention to her breasts & pussy. She had a quite well-endowed rack but not too big and big nipples had marvelously stood up to full attention. Her pussy was nicely shaved of all hair and the dark black vaginal opening was clearly visible in all its glory between her meaty thighs.

Her neck, the space between her melons, her perfectly coiled navel & the top of her forked pussy lips formed a clean & clear symmetrical line. It looked as if Smita had taken full precautions for hygiene. Her entire body was clean, she had waxed armpits and her body was neatly cleared of all hair & fully free of any ugly spot which could spoil her beauty.

A sexy womanly musky odor had percolated in the entire closed place. At this sudden unexpected turn of events, my head began spinning with such force, that I took the help of the nearby clothes hangar stand to stand erect and control my balance.

She looked at me in the eye and began to speak. “Mr.Shekhar, Please remove all your dressing”. A smile which had formed on my face disappeared instantly when she just told me that now it’s my turn to strip completely. On hearing that, I just managed to save myself from losing my consciousness.

I removed my shirt & vest and waited for Smita’s next instructions in a topless state. She ordered again “Remove the Pants too”. I reluctantly stripped out of my pants and was wondering what the FUCK was going on & when & where this was going to stop.

In fact, I was now becoming seriously concerned whether this was indeed a diagnostic center & whether I was getting trapped in some rotten MMS scandal. I had no way of checking and I was helpless.

“Next your underwear also”…Smita’s voice broke my thought. This had to come. As soon as I took off my underwear, my heavily leaking cock sprung into open view. My cock was standing to full attention, black & shiny & heavily dripping strands of pre-cum were suspended from the glans. I was dressed only in my birthday suit now before a strange naked Aunty and we were both as naked as the day we were born.

I was too embarrassed to look at Smita in her eyes & with my clothes in my hand asked her where I should keep the clothes. She replied in the same way she was replying since the beginning, that is in a plain serious way, “ Please keep the clothes on the hanger and follow me”.

I kept the clothes on the dress stand & followed her. While following her to the bathroom, my gaze was transfixed on her heavily jiggling ass. An incredibly sexy scene was on display, where an sex dripping completely nude woman was walking with swinging ass with a small dish in one hand. I had to use great mental control over my senses to stop my hand from touching her swinging ass. My own naked self followed her wonderful ass into the washroom.

Once in the bathroom, she told me to rub my penis over her ass and told me to be careful that I should take care that my semen should either fall on the petri dish or the ass but definitely not drop on the floor.

Trying my best to follow her instructions, I placed both hands on her shoulders & hesitatingly came close to her buttocks from behind. She was shorter than me & therefore my mouth was almost touching her ears. The feeling that I experienced when my hands touched her naked shoulders is indescribable. I was standing very very close behind Smita, however a tiny gap of the order of few millimeters was still there between her cold buttocks & my highly excited penis.

My legs were shaking uncontrollably and it was getting difficult to even move a little.Few seconds later, I developed some confidence and moved forward so that my penis made a tap on her buttock cheek.

Just when My penis was on the brink of a massive orgasm, I suddenly remembered that I had forgotten to take the petri dish from Smita’s hands. I clenched my teeth, threw my head back, moved my head side to side and thought about work, god and all others matters except sex to stop the imminent climax which had formed. Had I climaxed, my penis would have spit out the entire semen within a second & by its weight & gravity would have immediately dropped to the bathroom floor, thus spoiling the entire exercise. Somehow with sheer mental pressure, I managed to postpone my climax.

Without a word spoken between us, the petri dish exchanged hands and now I was holding the petri dish in one hand & the other hand was on her shoulder.

Suddenly, my brain which was in a comatose-like situation till now came to life & gave me a suggestion. I asked Smita nervously expecting to get a clear “NO”, that would she mind if I kiss & touch your body to get a better erection? Smita simply replied in a serious tone “ OK, But please do everything quickly now” I just couldn’t tell her, how close was I to Cumming on her ass cheeks!!!!

Having got the nod from the overwhelmingly beautiful princess, my hands withdrew from her shoulders & went around her titties. I fondled her tits and pinched her perky nipples from behind. Slowly, I dragged my fingers from her melons to her navel. My index finger briefly checked the depth of her navel and came out only to drop to the most precious spot of any woman. I gently let the finger hover over her puffy vagina as if waiting for her nod or denial.

Without hearing anything, I slowly inserted my index finger in her vagina like a screw. Just for a moment, I poked my finger into the base of her womanly glory & brought it out within a moment. I brought the wet fingers to my nose & for a second indulged my nostrils in Nature’s own original Perfume.

I guessed I was running out of time. I still continued with my foreplay activity. I took a whiff of scent of her hair, which was looking very sexy while tied into a bun. Then I started my kissing. My kiss travelled from the back of her soft earlobes, to the nape of her neck, down her curved sexy back to the top of her buttocks.

Once my kisses reached her bum, I could not resist poking my nose into the crevice of her butt cheeks. I poked my nose deep into Smita’s most private spot & deeply inhaled one of the world’s most prized aromas which were engulfed in the crevice. The intense musky aroma seemed to be the mixture of her most feminine juices, perspiration and the deep mystery of the moment.

The moment, my nostrils were deeply wedged in the most tenderly spot of her bottom; Smita squirmed a little & signaled me to end it. Somewhat satisfied that my journey of exploring this mystery woman in depth, I finally stood up & firmly positioned my penis on her left ass cheek taking care that the hood of the penis directly rested on her butt cheeks and held the petri dish right below my penile head.

Shortly thereafter, my penis throbbed, tore and climaxed with a vengeance. I came with rapid & forceful bursts of dollops of white cum. As I had a large foreskin like a hood over my penis, the bulk of the semen was thankfully trapped in the foreskin hood rather than spill onto the floor, thus giving me some time to arrange my penile head & petri dish in such a way that the semen could properly fall into the dish.

In a split second, I reached out for the petri dish and targeted my penis and petri dish in such a way that my penis was in direct contact with her ass and the petri dish was held below the penis with one hand. The moment I slid my foreskin back, huge dollops of semen shot out from my penis into the Glass dish & some over her ass.

Cum was everywhere, on her dainty ass, on her kissed thighs, even on my thighs & some on the floor. The entire game was quite fruitful, as so much semen had collected in the petri dish that you could dip a spoon into the petri dish and pick some up.

Without turning behind she asked me in a serious tone whether the semen got collected properly into the glass dish. I somehow muttered only a “ yes”. I was panting & puffing heavily as if I had done a hour of heavy workout. My head began spinning with greater speed and my legs wobbled so heavily, that I pulled the nearest chair available & sank into it, still in my vanity dress, one hand still clutching the petri dish.

She turned round and took the glass dish from my hand & asked me to wear my clothes. Everything seemed to have going in a very professional way & although I was embarrassed by standing naked before a matronly but sexy lady, she had herself gone about doing the things while still naked herself. She had not once even bothered to look at my body or tool.

As I dressed up, I saw she was still roaming and doing the further work like storing the semen & cleaning the floor while still in the same nude state. She informed me that all the tests were completed now & asked me to meet the receptionist.

I walked out of the private lab & went to meet the receptionist. The receptionist simply informed me that all tests were completed & the results would be very soon delivered to my company office. I was pleasantly surprised that the none of the people waiting at the reception not even the staff winked at me or behaved as if they were aware of the goings on inside.

With wobbly legs, I stepped outside the Diagnostic Centre, hauled a taxi straight to my home & slumped on the bed..Few days later, the complete medical report was emailed me complete with the sexual wellness report & everything in the report was fine.

Embarrassment At The Diagnostic Centre

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