Date With My Best Friend’s Elder Sister

nooblookinforboobs 2023-07-16 Comments

Sometimes the best things in life are unexpected, This is my first time writing a story and I hope you all like like it.

I am from Hyderabad, India. I grew up in the city and I have made a lot of precious memories. Ever since I was a kid, I have always been a bit picky about who I wanna friends to be with, so I only got three close friends. But it never was an issue. They were the kind of friends I can count on when shit hits the fan. We always hung out at Ravi’s place and his family knew us pretty well. That was where I got to meet his elder sister ‘Kaavya’. She was about 7 years older than us. I always liked her.

Kaavya was 5 foot 6 inches tall curvy woman with a fair complexion. She was my first crush, but I always kept it to myself. Kaavya was always friendly with me and I was able to trust her. I could talk to her about anything and from time to time, she used to give me advice regarding girls. It always hurt me a little, knowing that I could never tell her how I felt about her.

She was in a relationship at the time, so I never dared to make a move. Also, she was my best friend’s sister, so I didn’t want to mess things up. A year later, she caught her bf cheating on her and her parents got her married to an IT guy working in the USA. Not long after, she left for the USA. It all happened so quickly and initially, I missed her a lot, but as time went on, I got over her. I figured the best thing I could do is to focus on my education. I moved to a different city.

Things were somewhat dull in the beginning, but life went on. I made new friends at the University, I got my UG degree and I decided to pursue my Master dated other girls, but things never really got serious. I was preparing for semester exams and Ravi called.

It had been weeks since I talked to him, so I wondered what was up. He asked me about my life, I told him about the exam prep and he asked me if I would be back for holidays. I didn’t have any vacation plans, so I said most likely I would be there. That was when he told me that Kaavya was coming to Hyderabad next month and it would be nice if we hung out like the old days. I thought to myself that the timing was perfect, after all these years, I would be able to see her. I said I would try to make it, but deep down, I knew that I was going to be there.

I did my best to focus on the exams, but couldn’t help but wondered what my friend’s sister was like now. I tried to find her on social media, but I didn’t find any accounts. Waiting for a month felt like waiting for eternity. I thought I moved on, but now once again, I felt like this 15-year-old was looking forward to seeing his first crush. After writing the final exam, I left for Hyderabad on the same day.

I met Ravi the next morning. He picked me up from the bus stop. He got a job at an MNC after graduating. I was happy for him, but I couldn’t help but feel strange. He used to be very lazy and lacked commitment. Now he was much more responsible and busier than I was. He pulled over near a Tapri, for some chai and cigarettes. Then he lit his cigarette and he talked about how demanding his work was and how he had to carefully plan to make sure he got to spend his time with Kaavya.

I asked him when she would be reaching India and he said that her flight would be arriving on Tuesday early hours. He suggested that it would be nice if I tagged along and I promised him that I would be there.

On Monday morning, just when I was about to go to bed, Ravi called. I told him that I remembered that I had to tag along, and that was when he asked me to go pick her up. He said that it was a bit unexpected, but he had to work OT till the early hours and had to be back at the workplace by noon. I assured him that I would pick Kaavya up and not to worry. He asked me to pick up his parents from home and go pick her up and I agreed.

The next morning, I picked up his parents and they were glad to see me. We talked on the way to the airport. They inquired about what I was up to these days and they seemed pleased that I decided to pursue a Masters degree. I inquired about their health and they seemed to be doing okay.

After reaching the airport, we had to wait for an additional two hours because of a delay and I couldn’t help but feel frustrated. After two long hours, I finally got to see her. She looked tired from the long flight, but her face lit up as soon as she saw us waiting for her. She put on a bit of weight, but it suited her well. It was like she grew even more beautiful and I felt glad to see her smiling again.

Then she rushed to hug her parents and gave me a gentle hug. She asked where Ravi was, and I told her that he couldn’t make it to the airport because of some unexpected work. She was a bit disappointed, but she let it go.

On our way back from the airport, I asked how her life in the USA’s been. She started telling me all about her life. She was smart, good with people, and well-educated, so she had no trouble landing a decent job. She also told me that she and her husband had been earning well, saving for the most part.

Her parents butted in and asked when she was going to give them grand kids. Visibly annoyed, she said, “Let’s not talk about it, I am tired from the long flight.”

She stopped talking and I hated her parents for ruining the vibe. I thought to myself that she just got back after all these years and her parents had ruined the moment. I did my best to hide my frustration and kept my cool. Then I drove in silence and dropped them off at their apartment.

I carried the luggage upstairs, and Ravi’s parents insisted that I had chai with them. They asked more questions about my parents and my life in Pune, but I was in no mood to talk. But I answered politely and suggested that I should get going. As I was about to leave, Kaavya said that she left her purse in the car and accompanied me to the car.

We both stayed quiet and when she collected her purse, she put her hand on my shoulder and said that it was nice seeing me again after all these years. I said I was glad to see her too.

Then I asked her how long she was gonna stay and she replied that she would be here for 1 month. She said that she missed Hyderabad city and wanted to explore the city again. I said that I would be staying here for a month as well and that we should hang out.

Then we exchanged phone numbers. She said that she would need to rest for a bit, and promised me that she would text me soon. Then she said bye and went upstairs.

This interaction got me feel ecstatic. I drove for a bit, pulled over, and zoomed in on her profile pic on WhatsApp. It was her selfie and I couldn’t help but think that she was even prettier than before.

For the next three days, I had nothing to do, and waiting for her texts made me stir crazy. I called Ravi and asked him if he was at home. He said he would be working for a few more hours. Then I said I would drop by in the evening and I went to Ravi’s home under the pretext of meeting him.

I rang the doorbell and Ravi opened the door. His family wasn’t home. Before I asked, he told me that they went to a temple with relatives. He told me that they would be back soon and offered me a cigarette.

Then I smoked on the balcony to calm myself and chewed on mint to hide the odor. Ravi complained about how hectic his job was. He complained that his co-workers were dumping boring tasks on him since he was the new guy. I assured him that it was a phase and there would be better days. He said he was looking forward to it.

As soon as it hit 7:00 pm, he logged out. Just when we were about to leave the apartment, Kaavya and her parents got out of the elevator.

Kaavya wore a black saree and she looked gorgeous in it. It highlighted her curves and I couldn’t help but stare for a bit. But I immediately regained my senses. I didn’t want to stare at him too long like a pervert, so I momentarily looked away. As soon as she got out of the lift, she asked where we were going. Then I said we were going out for a walk. I immediately asked if she could join us and she said she wanted to go out.

Once more her parents butted in, suggesting that she freshen up. Ravi saved the day, he said that Kaavya must be bored and asked her to tag along. Without saying a word, she got into the elevator with us. We got into the car and she said, “Thank god, you guys were on your way out. I have been so bored in the last 3 days.”

I sarcastically replied, “I thought you were having so much fun that you forgot to text me.”

She got a bit annoyed and told me that her parents insisted she go to the temples and meet some relatives. Her parents were somewhat conservative and there was no way she could escape. So she just wanted to be done with it. She asked where we were gonna go and I suggested we go to DLF road to have some street food. Ravi chimed in, told that the momos were a must-try.

So, we went there and had some food. We talked about how we used to hang out and felt nostalgic. That was when she asked me, “I thought we agreed on exploring the city.” I told her that I was going stir-crazy and suggested we make plans and go out.

Ravi said he would only be free on Weekends and suggested that we meet up with the rest of the gang. It was been months since we talked to any of them, some of Kaavya’s friends were out of town. My friends were in different cities, I called them and one of them said they would be dropping by this weekend.

Kaavya’s friends were all married and impromptu, plans weren’t their thing. Then I suggested that we throw a party this weekend and invite everyone. I complained that I was getting bored staying at home and suggested that Kaavya and I should go out at least. Kaavya said she wanted to, but her parents might object. Once more Ravi supported her, by assuring her that he would cover for her. At that moment, I wondered what I must have done to end up getting such a good friend. Kaavya agreed to go out.

It was getting late and Ravi’s phone buzzed. It was their parents. He said that they had to go. I dropped them home and left. Kaavya texted me and suggested we go watch a movie and go shopping later. I said I would pick her up around 9:00 am. I got so excited that I had trouble sleeping. But I made sure to pick her up on time. Instead of picking her up in the car, I decided a motorcycle was a better option.

Then we went to the theater to watch a movie. It felt nice to have her beside me, and Instead of watching the movie I kept thinking about her and wondered how come I never stayed in touch with her.

After the movie, we went to a Restaurant nearby to have some biriyani. After placing the order, she asked me about my life. I told her what I was up to and she started advising me on how I could proceed with my career. I couldn’t help but smile.

She asked, “What? Why are you smiling?”

I said, “It just reminded me of how we used to be, it hasn’t changed”.

She used to advise me when I was a teenager years old, and now she was still advising me. I said that I was glad it hadn’t changed. She smiled back, and that was when I asked her, “How come we never stayed in touch?”

Her smile turned into a frown, and internally, I panicked a bit. What did I do to upset her? Then in a concerned tone, I asked her, “Are you doing okay? What’s wrong?”

Before she could reply, the waiter brought our food and she immediately suggested that we should have some food first. Never in my life did I think that I would get mad at a waiter for bringing my order early, but I suppose, there was a first time for everything.

We ate in silence, just when we were about to leave I said that I knew a place and suggested that we should leave the mall.

Fortunately, it was a cloudy day, the weather was cool and I thought to myself that the weather was cooperating. Picking her up on my motorcycle turned out to be a good idea. Since it was a weekday afternoon, the roads were empty, the weather was nice and the cool breeze was refreshing. The best part was, I liked my friend’s sister sitting close to me. She leaned on me for support and I experienced this joy I cannot put into words.

I took her to this lake-side park, it was a quiet and peaceful place. A security guard approached us and said that the park won’t be open for another hour. But I bribed the security guard and he let us in. That got her to smile.

I took her to this quiet spot I was familiar with it. It was under the shade and offers a good view of the greenery and the lake. After sitting in silence for a minute, she said that it was very peaceful to sit there. I told her that I used to drop by often, whenever I felt like I needed a quiet place to escape from the world for a little bit.

She asked me if I dropped by a lot. I replied, “These days not much, but back when I was a teenager I dropped by often.”

She asked if I had a tough time after she was gone, I said, “Yeah, had a lot going on at the time. It’s too bad you weren’t there to talk to. I missed you, you know?”

She just stayed quiet for a minute. After pausing for a bit, she said, “I wish I had a place to escape too”.

I asked her what she meant. Then she said, “Earlier, you asked me why we never stayed in touch. You don’t know what happened, do you?”

I said, “I don’t”. That was when she told me about her bf cheating on her and her parents got to know that she was in a relationship. They being the conservative bunch forced her to get married before others got to know.

Tears rolled down her cheeks and she told me that he parents were worried about their prestige instead of her well-being, and forced her to get married. She said that they made Ravi promise not to tell anyone and asked me not to get mad at him. She continued to tell me that she never really got along with her husband. Her husband was even more conservative and objected to everything she wanted to do. She cried and told me that the only reason she was still with him was to not disappoint her parents.

I couldn’t say anything. I didn’t know what to say. She just continued to sob and I took her in my arm to console her. I didn’t know she was living such a sad life. I always hoped that she would be having a great life, but the truth was she was living a miserable life for the past couple of years now. Then I just let her lean on me and cry to her heart’s content.

After 20 minutes or so, she calmed down. She took out some face wipes from her bag and wiped her face with it. She thanked me for listening and stared at the lake. Then she said that she was saving money because she wanted to leave her husband soon.

I told her, “You have to do what’s right for you and maybe while you’re here, have some fun, you deserve a break”. She gave me a weak smile. Then I suggested that we go shopping and she agreed.

My friend’s sister tried a lot of dresses and asked me to tell her how she looked. I was more than happy. Once she was done, she made me wear a formal shirt and a blazer. I was a skinny dude, I always prefer to wear a hoodie or jacket to stay warm, but blazers seemed too extravagant.

Then she put both her hands on my shoulders, looked me in my eyes, and said that I looked handsome in one. I tried not to blush, but I couldn’t help it. She smiled at me and said she was gonna get it for me. I pointed out the expensive price tag and suggested that maybe she should reconsider. But she assured me it was fine.

Once we were done shopping, she asked me to drop her home. She leaned on me as I drove through the city traffic. When we reached her parent’s apartment, she said she had a wonderful day and thanked me for listening to her. I said it was been a wonderful date too. Her eyes went wide, she smiled and asked me, “Date?”

In a teasing manner, I said, “Yes. Date.”

I said I was glad to be there for her and thanked her for the gift. Then I said, “We should go out soon”, and she said she would see me on the weekend. In an annoyed tone, she said she had to go out with her parents and she would be busy for the next few days.

She said she would stay in touch and left. I thought to myself that once again. It was gonna be a long wait, I had to keep myself busy to not go crazy. But I was glad that she trusted me.

After so long, she was able to confide in someone and cry to her heart’s content. I felt bad for her circumstances, I hope she finally would do what was right for her, instead of prioritizing her parent’s prestige.

I will continue this story in the next part, have a great day!

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