Cleverly Planned Wife Swap – Master Plan To Convince Conservative Couple – Part IV

life is beautiful 2013-04-28 Comments

This story is part of a series:

This is real story of a two friends where we exchanged our wife with each other for bit lengthier live in relationship. Usually in swinging/exchanging wife with others, generally people will exchange partner for just a fucking session in just a week end visit or night visit to one of the couple’s home.

In our case, to make our life spicy and have more thrill and adventure, we have decided to do this for bit longer period of time, where my wife will be with my friend for 2 months and where as his wife will be with me for two months just living as husband and wife. We purposefully decided for this approach to enjoy a complete feel of living with a new partner 24/7 enjoying every aspect of life and not just only sex.

We decided that this will give more excitement and happy as we can spent time with a new partner sexually and non-sexually, like going out, trips, tours, new honey moon etc. It will also open the door for natural bond and relationship with new partner. Moreover we both couple knows each other for longer period and each other like other person’s wife so there are not much concerns/issues living with other person for longer time.

Advantage for us is that we are not in home country (India) where we need to be worried about parents and relatives. As we are in Canada, nobody is around to question/suspect us. This becomes as advantage for us.

First thing, I like to tell that this incidents though I term it as story will not be shorter one like many other fiction stories, this will be definitely lengthy as there are lot of things needs to described in detail. This is not a fiction story where in the first paragraph narrates about the beauty of wives and in second paragraph where one couple boldly tells to other couple and instantly they agree and gets into sex in front of each other without any logic and authentic. Last paragraph explains fuck and suck and put end to the story in one pager.

Everybody knows in real life swinging/swapping wife is near impossible thing, and one needs to have a lot of guts to open up this idea to his own spouse and convince her and then finding a polite way to communicate to other friendly couple without being spitted on face. That too with a moderate and conservative couples like us it is big challenge, we are not wild couple going to pub, dance etc. Our wives offer prayers, puja and god fearing.

In our real life, it took complete 2 months’ time from the date when this idea budded and slowly progressed and reached final stage of making it happen. In this course of journey, there are lot of interesting events, debates, conversations, planning, sentiments, seductions, threats, blackmails, crying, romance, sex happened. So it needs several pages to explain every bit of the detail so this story will be lengthy but truly authentic and surely arouse you like anything, and you will not be able to resist cum/masturbate at least 10 times before you completely read this story.

Events, emotion and planning we had in this wife exchange journey will exceed a thriller movie’s suspense, I’m excited to explain here in this story. I tried to recall every minor discussions, plans, conversations happen in real time and presented it here.

We want to share our experience here with concealing our identity, all the names in this story are not original names. This whole incidents are narrated from both the couple’s perspective. I’ve organized as logical episodes, time to time the story will be narrated by different person.
I believe that will be the best way to explain this story as incidents, debates, discussions happen in houses of both couples.

Moreover our experience can be an FAQ for people interested in swinging and planning in future. You will see common challenges and solutions from our experience that you can be benefited from. You will also learn cunning and smart tricks/tips to convince conservative wife to agree for swap.

Kindly apologize if any grammar issues especially tenses

Please share your feedback to my email [email protected]. Your feedback will encourage me to write my few other experiences.
Without boring further, jumping into the story.

This is Multi Part Story – This is Part 4, you will be able to understand story without reading previous parts, still I recommend you to read previous parts before proceeding.

Coming to story

Vinod as usual rings the calling bell at 9AM, today since Vinod and Swathi are going to meet in privacy, Swathi has dressed to greater extent with the usual dresses and breast-exposure she has allowed 10 more % of boobs pops out on top of her dress. Swathi opened the door and Vinod is bit surprised to see Swathi opening the door.

[Now the incidents will be narrated in Swathi’s point of view]

I (Swathi) said “Come in Vinod, Rajesh has just left to saloon for haircut, he will be back in 2 to 3hours. He asked me to convey you to stay here and he told your managers about working from home today. He will come soon, you can work as usual”

Vinod said “Oh is it?, fine no issues, I’ll wait till he comes and came casually inside the home and sat in two seater sofa as usual and started opening his laptop” I asked him if he like to have any tea or coffee, and Vinod responded “if it is ok for me to prepare a tea”

I’m happy that he is not keeping formality and saying No and rightfully asking for tea. I think this is the right time to slowly talk to him. I made two cups of tea and came to hall and gave one to him and took one and sat next to him as usual. This time even though single seater sofa is empty. I could sense he is bit happy that still I sit next to him while the single seater is empty.

I in low voice sipping tea asked him “Vinod, can I ask you something, but this is personally between us and you should not ask/tell to Rajesh” Vinod is bit tensed see this question from me and bit stammered wondering what I’m going to tell/ask, and stammeringly said “No Swathi, ask me, I’ll not tell Rajesh”

I continued., “Rajesh was angry on me yesterday and later he shouted at me for what I did yesterday, In our yesterday’s argument I hugged you and after that you have not spoken anything and left home earlier. Rajesh felt very bad about it and he believed that my act has offended you so scolded me heavily,

This time I purposefully acted like weeping and continued talking “Since you have not replied anything or supported anything, he took that I’ve hurted you, If what Rajesh saying is true, I’m really sorry for what I did yesterday. Please accept my apology”

I anxiously waiting to see what Vinod is going to respond to this.

Vinod said” Ohh Swathi, pls pls, don’t weep. I’m not hurt at all, I was worried that your act will make Rajesh angry and if I encourage you I don’t know how Rajesh will take that, so I was not sure what to say or react. Other than that I’m not hurt at all and what you did is nothing wrong. There is nothing for me to get hurt”

I reacted that I’m happy about his response and said “My goodness, after Rajesh said I too thought if I would have hurt you, it is great relief for me to hear from you that I’m right and not hurted you. Since yesterday I had a guilty feeling and now I’m alright”

Vinod smiled and in fact he is happy that he is talking to me in personal context and the topics and conversation is un known to Rajesh, and Vinod continued asking “Ok, Rajesh is not angry on you for what you did other than the reason that I would have been offended?”

I replied “No, Rajesh understands me very well and he is completely fine with me hugging someone I trust, His only concern is if you will get hurt and if this will affect our overall family relationship between two of our family”

Vinod responded “No way, it will not hurt, I don’t know how I can convey this to Rajesh”

I replied “No need to explicitly tell Rajesh that you was not hurt, talk to me as usual in front of him and if you want to tease me in front of Rajesh, please do, so that he will feel that you are not angry on me or you are moving with me as usual”

I continued saying “His concern for you and his worry that you will be offended is something exists with him for long time” Vinod puzzled and started looking me and asked “What ? Why”

I continued “Yes, do you remember the day I asked you to give feedback about my dress, he worried that you will take it bad, but he was bit relieved when you took it casually and when you gave me marks, and similarly he worries if you will take bad when I sit next to you, but later realized that you are not offended. But this time he was bit worried about the hug, so if you talk to me and move with me casual it will clear his worry for you”

Vinod said in laughing note “Oh ok this many things happened in behind the scenes?”

I said “Yes, unfortunately I cannot pretend or act with closely known friends and family, I’ll be as myself, I cannot pretend like village girl maintaining 10 feet distance, what is wrong in modern society to talk to each other when we are family friends”

Vinod said smilingly “you are right”

I stopped the conversation there for the moment and said sorry to him saying that I’m chatting with him and disturbing his work, I asked him to continue his work and I left the place.

After few hours Rajesh was back home and by seeing Vinod he greeted Vinod, As I asked Vinod, Vinod has talked to me well in front of Rajesh and showed that he has not took anything wrong with yesterday’s incidents and to pretend that he is good.

As I explained to Vinod that Rajesh doesn’t mistake me for being close with him, I believe Vinod has started taking advantage of this.

Vinod called me “Swathi, come here, there is an interesting video in Facebook I will show you, and casually said to Rajesh, Please check it I’ve shared with you” I pretended as curious to see, ran from kitchen to hall with my bouncing balls where he glimpsed them while I’m running to hall, I ran and sat next to him fastly without much hesitation closely rubbed my shoulders to him and asked, pls pls show.”

He enjoyed my movement and he is not feeling shy to be closer with me as he understands Rajesh is not bothered about this. I sat to his left side on sofa, as last time I did all rubbings, inclining’s bend forwarding’s to show my assets and pretended watching the video. Rajesh also cooperated by praising the video sharing and thanking Vinod for sharing the video. Rajesh being least concerned about my movement with Vinod has made Vinod bit happy.

This time I did few extra things, when I stood from Sofa to leave, while I was watching video, I exactly made my front soft tip of boobs exactly press his arms, and I kept it pressing his arms for all 5 minutes till the video completed. He was not worried about Rajesh as I gave good lecture this morning. And after that when I tried to get up I casually rested my hands on Vinod’s shoulders as support to getup and left the hall. I made sure that Rajesh watches this and never shows any discomfort. Vinod also realized that Rajesh is not uncomfortable with my move.

As usual day passed and we have not tried anything further this day and as usual at 5 Vinod left home.
After Vinod left, we analyzed the things happen today and we discussed about Vinod’s attitude change and how he move with me. And we discussed that we are progressing on right track. We further planned for the next steps of our “Cake play game” plan.

Now Vinod continues to narrate the story in his point of view

I’m Vinod back

I went to Rajesh’s home today as usual worrying about yesterday Swathis hug incidents and what could the reaction today.

Rang the calling bell and waiting to see Rajesh’s face. Want to check if he appears normal after yesterday’s incident.

Unexpectedly Swathi opened the door and she told that Rajesh went to saloon. She asked me to stay and work and conveyed that Rajesh got permission to work from home today and asked me to stay in home.

I’m relaxed that Rajesh is fine as he asked me to stay in home until he is back.

Swathi is dressed as usual, and hesitantly asked if I’m concerned with her hug yesterday and if I’ve been hurted. I’m surprised with her question why I should get hurt. She said that Rajesh has worried that if I will be hurt with her behavior.

I started wondering if Rajesh is stupid guy instead of worrying for what Swathi did, he is worrying for me if I would be hurt. I was worried if he is going to mistake me, but here something is happening in opposite that he is worried that I will be hurt for being hugged by his wife. Without further research or thought I’m super happy to hear this. Another sweet surprise for me is that Swathi asked me to keep this conversation within us. It is a wonderful feeling that we are having something only between us where she is not ready to tell her husband. This made me feel that she is closer to me and such a hot girl considering me as a kind of close friend asking me to keep her secret and don’t tell her husband.

Further she requested to move with her casually so that Rajesh will feel that I’m alright. Did we need to teach fish to swim? What a pleasant request. I said that I will behave normally so that Rajesh is feel that I’m going casual with Swathi.
I purposefully played a closer friendship with her in front of Rajesh to demonstrate that I’m not hurt. As Rajesh is ok with her hug for me, this has gave me courage to make Swathi to sit closer to me. So purposefully I called Swathi in name of sharing facebook video with her. She also ran and came like a anxious baby and sat closer to me and I enjoyed her closer proximity. First time I felt her soft hand on my shoulders while she got up from sofa. What a romantic feeling

I left for the day from his home at 5 Pm as usual.

Swathi continues narration from her point of view
I’m Swathi back
Few days passed, as usual work from home and work from office for few days, we usually want to give a gap between our attempts to bring Vinod to our track. Today is the day for our next plan “Further tighter hug”

As usual I’ve dressed myself in glamour attire and Vinod came, he occupied double seater, day progressed as usual or work, seating next to him, occasional Facebook sharing and shoulder rubbing etc. As hours passed I went to kitchen to start the today’s seduction episode of “Cake Play”

I and Rajesh has well planned for today’s activities in terms of who and where should stand etc so that we can seduce Vinod casually.

We have pre-ordered black forest cakes and I’ve had the cake ready on the tray on kitchen top and shouted loud “Rajesh, Vinod please come to kitchen, I have cake pieces ready for you”

Rajesh and Vinod left their laptop and came to kitchen, our kitchen is not large area, one side of the kitchen is where the stove fridge all in a row and opposite side is sink and cabinets between these two sides there are not much space. Just two person can stand back to back, if both person facing one side of the kitchen their buts will rub with other if they need to pass. When we plan for this move, we have made a pre plan where Rajesh will stand where I need to stand where we should make Vinod to stand etc.

I had a tray of black forest cakes cut into pieces and as planned Rajesh come forward and stood right side of me, I’m facing the kitchen wall one side and in front of me cake is there, Vinod came following Rajesh, I called Vinod and managed to get him left side of me, there is no further place on left side to Vinod. It is just wall. I gave a piece of cake to Vinod at my left and gave one piece to Rajesh on my right.

Now the epicenter of the drama starts, I playfully and suddenly picked a piece of cream cake and applied harshly on face, cheek of my husband Rajesh and started laughing at him. Vinod is surprised at what I did to my Rajesh and realized that I’m playing with Rajesh and Vinod started laughing and I joined laughing with him. Rajesh pretended to false angry and immediately pulled another piece of cake and tried to apply on my face.

As an act of escaping from Rajesh I Immediately I hugged Vinod tightly putting my forehead on his shoulder pretend covering my face from Rajesh smashing cake to my face. I pushed Vinod on the wall so that his back rests on kitchen wall and put forehead and face strongly on his shoulder and chest and hugged tightly by pressing my soft boobs on him closely and pretended avoiding Rajesh from pasting cake cream on my face.

Rajesh pretended chasing my face to apply cake, still he tried to apply cake on my face thru the visible areas of my face from my back side even though i cover most of my face by lying on vinod’s chest. To further escape I pulled Vinod from wall side quickly and fastly and I went to his position by putting my back on wall and by bringing Vinod in between as barrier between me and Rajesh, so that Rajesh cannot reach me easily. Now Vinod is facing me and I’m directly facing Vinod, My back is resting on wall of kitchen and I pulled Vinod on me and pressed my face heavily on his chest pretending escaping from Rajesh. put my face on his chest rolled him etc, I made sure my boobs rubs his chest and few split fraction seconds his fingers touched pop out boobs during this scuffle.

Rajesh also acted well and pretended that he don’t want to leave me, so he further pushed Vinod on me from back side of Vinod as he pretend trying to reach me. Vinod has struck as sandwich between me and Rajesh. Rajesh pretended that by pushing Vinod towards me that I can’t slip out from wall.

I also shown equivalent fighting reaction by raising my two hands, Hugged Vinod with one hand and pushed Rajesh by other hand.

We made this fighting bit natural and finally Rajesh overpowered and he applied cake on my face as planned and he pretended that he had won and shown the pride on his face as he won without showing any hesitation that Vinod and I got crushed in the scuffle.

Almost we played this scuffling game for 3 to 4 minutes, where definitely Vinod had a good chance of rubbing on me and feeling my fragrance closer.

At last I pretended that I got defeated to Rajesh as Rajesh manage to apply cake on my face. Rajesh has not shown any hesitation or uncomforted over all these scuffling. This has made Vinod bit happy.

To keep the cake fight natural, Rajesh has really forcefully applied lot of black forest cake on my face harshly so cake crumbles has sprinkled on top of my dress and sprinkled on golden color popping boobs and cleavage giving a contrast color to it and raising glamor.

I pretended to be sad and in defeated feeling and looked at Vinod and smiling said “Vinod you are bad”

Vinod bit shocked as I said to him as “You are bad”, without giving a gap I continued, you are my friend right, and you should have protected me from Rajesh idiot applying cake on my face.

Vinod is happily shocked to hear this statement from me. It seems he is happy that I called him ‘Friend”

Before he fully realizes happiness of my statement, Rajesh looked at Vinod and said “Vinod you are bad”

Vinod this time really bit shocked as Rajesh said him “you are bad”, I thought Vinod is worried if Rajesh mistook about my statement

Without further embarrassing Vinod, Rajesh said to Vinod “Vinod, I’m your friend before Swathi became your friend, so once she has applied cake on my face, you should have not left her, you should have put cake on her face behalf of me, instead of doing that you become barrier and protected her”

Un expectedly Vinod reacted to Rajesh’s statement immediately and said “Oh is that Rajesh, don’t worry. You are my friend and then only Swathi, I’ll take revenge for you” Without giving gap he went and picked one big piece of Black forest and turned towards me and said

“How dare are you to put cake on my close friend Rajesh, I’m not going to leave you. I’ll take revenge on you” and started stepping forward towards me slowly, I shouted in false fear “No Vinod, don’t, pls you are good boy na, don’t do it pls”

Rajesh hasn’t expected this, but he immediately managed the situation and immediately he ran and came behind me started hugging me tightly so that my hands are arrested and I can’t move. And started laughing loud and shouted at Vinod “Come on Vinod, don’t leave her, I’ve arrested and gripping her to not move, please put the cake on her face. Don’t leave a small place over face blank, put all over her face”

Vinod stepped forward towards me, as I’m tightly gripped by Rajesh and my both hands are down straight and Rajesh’s hands are hugging me tight in such a way his fore arms are under my boobs and started slightly pushing up from the bottom, it made more boobs and more cleavage to come out of my dress.

Vinod stunned to see this visual feast and started eating me in his eyes. Now Rajesh to make the grip further tight and facilitate Vinod to apply cake he started pulling my both hands backward (like police officers arrests and cuffs prisoners). As both of my hands are pulled backward my chest protruded forward and my hips are backward showing outlining sexy shape of my body shape.

Rajesh further pulled my head backward by pulling my hair and rested my back head on his shoulder, so I’m in posture of face tilted up. Rajesh did all this in a fashion and naturally to facilitate Vinod to apply cake on my face.

Now my face is slightly inclined to top and seeing ceiling. While all these are happening from my part I continued acting resisting it naturally.

As I’m now tightly locked by Rajesh and as already I had enough cake on my face. I pretended giving up and stopped my resistance of shaking my head or moving my body. I pretended playfully crying as I’m getting defeated.

So I totally gave up and Rajesh is strongly holding me and encouragingly shouting at Vinod to apply cake. Vinod started taking advantage of situation and without any hurry, slowly he started applying cake on my face. He took cake and first applied on my right chubby cheek, and then be continued on left cheek, He started doing slowly so that his fingers are really feeling the soft touch of my cheeks. Rajesh without stopping continuously encouraged him. He started applying came on my forehead. He slided and glided his fingers throughout my face on both the cheeks and forehead and enjoyed the every single glide and touch.

Once Vinod stopped applying cake on my face, Rajesh took a look at my face and again shouted at Vinod in encouraging way, “This is not enough for her, teach her a lesson by drawing mush on her face”

Vinod again without waiting or delay took cake in his index finger and slowly started drawing mush between my top lip and nose slowly, I noticed that in the sake of drawing mush, he took advantage of feeling my lips by occasionally sliding his fingers on my top lip. Apart from drawing mush he took additional advantage by applying cake tn top of my nose and chin as well. While applying on chin and on mush, he slightly rubbed his fingers on both upper and lower lips. But all these things happened in few minutes.

Me as an act of fight back, naughtily tried to false bite his finger and then quickly Vinod withdrew his finger and Rajesh without any hesitation said to Vinod “see she is proving that she is worth to be punished, how dare see she is trying to bite you, goodness you escaped”

As mission is accomplished for Rajesh, he released grip on me and Vinod stepped back. Rajesh started laughing loudly by looking at my face and Vinod joined the laughing

I playfully scolded Vinod for helping and supporting Rajesh and turned towards Rajesh and said “See because of your play all my dress is spoiled and see cake has sprinkled all over my body and literally pointed fingers at my cleavage where brown color cake sprinkles are decorating my fleshy boobs and cleavage”

I don’t know what happened to Vinod, he just asked excuse and went to rest room. After Vinod left, me and Rajesh looked at each other and smiled that he would be completely flat with our actions.

As Vinod is not around and by all the hugging, scuffling Rajesh is also aroused and by seeing the cake sprinkles on my boobs, he stepped close to me and pushed me to wall and pushed my boobs upwards from bottom of my dress and started licking the cake pieces and sprinkles on top of my boobs and cleavage. I too enjoyed his soft lickings as I was also in aroused state.

We suddenly realized that Vinod is back and just he noticed us a fraction of second and we immediately moved away from each other pretending doing something else. Vinod also not exhibited that he has noticed this. We all three laughed commenting about the cake smashing stuff.

Rajesh washed his face and I went and changed my dress.

Rajesh as a responsible work person called Vinod for work and both of them headed to hall and Rajesh started seriously discussing about work, deliverables etc without any further chit chat etc. Vinod also acted normal and they both discussed work related things and Vinod left to his home at 5.30 as usual.

After Vinod left, we discussed over today’s happenings and I expressed my confidence that definitely the activities happened today would have definitely disturbed him and seduced him and I’m expecting that he will cooperate further.

We decided to give a break for few days without any serious seduction attempts and we started planning for next move “More frequent voluntary touches” episode and we started waiting for couple of more days to pass

I’m Vinod back
I’m the happiest person in the world today. I was never happy this much in my entire life. Lot of surprise and pleasant things happened today in Rajesh’s house.

Swathi called me and Rajesh to give us cake, Rajesh rushed like a baby to kitchen to get cake from her. I followed him. While Swathi giving cakes to me and Rajesh, Swathi playfully smashed cake on Rajesh’s face and Rajesh took revenge of her by applying cake on her face.

In this fight I become sandwich between Rajesh and Swathi where whole body of Swathi rubbed on me, her boobs brushed my chest and she literally hugged me while fighting to push Rajesh off. I think she loves me a lot and there was not a smaller level of hesitation in her move in touching or rubbing on me. Either she should be too innocent or she should have a love on me. What so ever I enjoyed this very much. To my surprise Rajesh has not bothered this.

I couldn’t believe that Swathi scolded me for not protecting her from Rajesh, and Rajesh in turn scolded me that I should have took revenge on her by me applying cake on her behalf of him. Wow what an open minded friendly family, both their requests are something that will give me pleasure.

I took advantage of Rajesh’s request and applied cake on her face and my fingers felt every inch of her face and I got aroused with this. Brown color cake sprinkles on her milky boobs and cleavage appeared like sprinkling stars on dark sky.

At a stage where she started showing her cleavage to Rajesh complaining cake sprinkles over there. I’m completely aroused and if I further stand there my erection would be clearly visible to them, so I took excuse and rushed to rest room.

I pulled my cock out and it was rock solid erection where my cock tips are bulged and waiting to blast. I masturbated and heavy flow like pee happened after several years. Wow what a great feeling. I washed my cock and by this moment my desires on Swathi started now growing wild.

I definitely need her, what a beautiful, sexy and hot girl she is. I decided I can do whatever needed to get her.

With all these lust and love stepped outside of rest room ., ohhh myyyyyyyyy gooddddd, Rajesh is licking the cake sprinkles on her cleavage and upper boobs. It is fraction of second scene and they managed to move apart by hearing my sound, but again I got aroused and felt erection inside.

First time I started feeling Jealous on Rajesh. Now I made a strong decision, I should do whatever possible from my end to get Swathi to bed.

I left his home as usual and had good sex with Harini today and while having sex I couldn’t resist imagining Swathi’s face in place of Harini’s face while fucking

I’m Swathi back
Few more days passed working from home and working from office, we haven’t tried something immediately after the last cake apply drama. After 4 or 5 days we started the next episode of very intensive seduction plan “More frequent touches in absence of Rajesh”

Explained in Part 5

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