Asha’s Multi-Flavored 2nd Honeymoon – Part 3

vikram8888 2021-10-12 Comments

This story is part of a series:

The next morning I woke up Asha. After having tea, we got ready for a flash tease. Asha wore a short backless dress with good 1/3 boobs popping out. After some time, Hari reached our room. Asha opened the door and invited Hari inside.

Asha, “Ok, tell me, where we are going today?โ€

Hari, “Vebinad lake, maโ€™am.โ€

In the meanwhile, Farooq and Adi also arrived with food. Adi kept the food and left. Farooq served the food.

Asha, “Hari, don’t call me ma’am. It feels like I am your boss. Am I behaving like a boss? My name is Asha. Call me Asha. โ€˜Ma’amโ€™ makes me feel like I am bossing you or like I am old.โ€

With little hesitation, he looked towards me. Asha, “Don’t worry about him. He is a cool guy. Am I saying, right, honey?โ€ I nodded my head in yes. Asha, “See, don’t worry, you can call me by name.โ€

Hari, “Ok, Asha.โ€

Asha, “That sounds good. Farooq, you are Hari’s friend, so, from now onwards, I don’t want to listen to ma’am from you also.โ€

Farooq, “Ok, Asha.โ€

Asha, “Good.โ€

Farooq left, and we had our breakfast. Asha and I were sitting in the easy chairs. Hari was sitting in front of Asha on the bed. The bed was a bit high, so he had a great view of my wife’s already exposed boobs. Whenever I saw him, he used to shift his eyes.

After breakfast, we left for Vebinad lake. We came back to the resort at 4 pm. It was raining heavily.

Asha, “Hari, will the rain stop?โ€

Hari, “Can’t say.โ€

Asha, “Ok, if the rain stops, I will go to the beach. If you want to leave, you can. Farooq, have any new guests arrived?โ€

Farooq, “No, now only you people are here. Other guests also left before noon.โ€

Then Asha and I came back to our room. Hari stayed at reception with Farooq. As we opened the door, I felt the need for cold water. I went down collected the bottle from the refrigerator.

While I was coming back, I heard Farooq saying, “Aval oru yathart’tha vesyayan. Areagiyaya lingam upeksicc nannaleateappam ivite tamasikkan nannal avleat avasyappetanam, Avaแธท divasenayulla phakk arhikkunnu.โ€

(She is a real whore. We should ask her to leave that sick dick and live with us here. She deserves daily fuck.).

Hari, “Kallina rant divasamayi enikk urannan kaliyilla, a biccinre rupaแน enre manas’sil varunnu.โ€ (Ya, I can’t sleep for past two days. The figure of that bitch keeps coming in my mind)

I returned before they knew that I was listening to them. I told Asha everything I heard. Asha came in my arms, kissed me, and said, “I think that I am also enjoying it.โ€

Me, “It’s good that now you are also enjoying. Now I didn’t have to tell you.โ€

Asha, ” Now you leave all this to me. I don’t want to bring down the excited sex instinct of my dear hubby. If I had known earlier that your sex desire ignites when others watch my body then, I already have done that.โ€

Me, “But I am not feeling too excited today. I wanted you to flash your body to Hari.โ€

Asha laughed, “I know that.โ€

Me, “Then why you ask Hari to leave?โ€

Asha, “Just to check, and I can bet you that he won’t leave till it gets dark.โ€

Both of us rested till 5:30 pm. Asha wore her thin legging and a noodle-strap cotton tank top with a micro bikini bra set inside. These cover just 1/3 of her boobs around the nipple and pussy area. I was still in bed. She called to hotel reception for 2 coffee.

After 10 minutes, Adi came with coffee, and we had our cup. At 6:15, the rain almost stopped.

Asha, “You come to the beach after half an hour. I hope before you reach, I can boost their confidence.โ€

Asha went down. She asked Farooq about Hari, upon which Farooq called Hari, who was in Farooq’s room.

While they were leaving, Asha asked Farooq, “Did some new guests arrive?โ€

Farooq, “No, I don’t feel anyone will come today.โ€

Asha, “If no guest is here, why you don’t come to the beach with us? Adi will see the reception.โ€

Farooq instantaneously agreed. All 3 of them walked towards the beach. As instructed by Asha, I took my DSLR and reached the beach after 20 minutes. There were just a handful of people there. I kept walking with the sea, capturing photographs.

After 15 minutes walk, I saw Asha, Hari, and Farooq. There was no one except them at that side of the beach. I kept walking towards them, but they didn’t see me. They were busy playing in the water. Hari and Farooq were throwing seawater on her.

Farooq was even touching her. They were so busy that they didn’t notice me till I reached 20 meters distance from them. As soon as they saw me, they stopped throwing water at my wife. Wet clothes made Asha’s body almost visible, except her nipples and pussy.

Asha called me to play with them. As no one was there, I removed my shorts and t-shirt. I went into the sea in my Frenchie and started playing with her. I lifted her and threw her in sea waves again and again. They were enjoying my wife’s wet soaked figure.

Asha went towards them and pulled them to play along. After playing for a few minutes, I asked Farooq to lift Asha by feet. I held her from arms, and Farooq held her by feet, took her inside the sea, and threw her.

I came outside, but Farooq and Hari saw the next wave coming. So they lifted Asha and took her to the shore. I told Asha to leave. But Asha declined and said she wanted to play more with a wink of her eye. I understood.

Me, “Ok, you people play, I will have a little walk in the sand.โ€

Asha, “As you wish, come on, Farooq, Hari, let’s play.โ€

I walked ahead. As soon as I walked ahead, I heard them shouting with joy. I turned back. They were again playing. Watching Hari and Farooq touching Asha’s body was making my dick hard.

After walking for just 200-300 meters, I wanted to see more, so I turned back, came within 10 meters of them. I sat down where I had left my camera and clothes on the beach, but this time despite seeing me, they kept playing. Hari and Farooq were grabbing her waist and butt.

They were touching the boobs of my wife in front of me without any hesitation.

In the meantime, Asha, “Come on, Vikram, let’s enjoy.โ€

Me, “No, I am fine here.โ€

Asha, “You are so boring. Thanks to god that Hari and Farooq are here. Otherwise, this trip would have been so boring. If you don’t want to play with us, then click some pics of us. At least I will have some beautiful memories to cherish.โ€

Me, “Ok, you people keep playing, I will click.โ€ They again started playing. Asha was pushing and jumping over them. As Farooq was quite strongly built, Asha even sat on his shoulder. When they threw Asha on water, Asha pulled them down, and they were crushing her body.

The light started to decline. I started to click the sea.

Asha, “Vikram first click few pics of us together.โ€

I clicked them and said, โ€œIt’s already late. We should leave.โ€

Hari, “Yes, I also think so.โ€

Asha, “I was waiting to come to such a beautiful place for vacation for so long.โ€

Me, “We have two more days. You can come here tomorrow.โ€

Asha, “You people leave. I will be here till the sunsets. Farooq, you are also leaving or staying here with me.โ€

Farooq (with happiness in his eyes), “I will wait here with you, Asha. Hari, while going home, give the order for food.โ€

Farooq came close to Hari and said something that I couldn’t hear. Then Hari and I started walking away. Hari and I left the beach. As soon as we started walking away, I again heard Asha and Farooq laughing and shouting each other’s names.

After walking few meters, I turned back. I saw Farooq holding Asha in his arms and walking in the sea. Asha was still laughing. We reached the hotel. Hari told me that he was leaving now. On the way, he will order the food for Asha and me.

Me, “Ok, but if it’s possible, then do come for dinner with us.โ€

Hari agreed. I asked him to order food for 4, including him and Farooq. I reached my room and changed. As I was climbing stairs, I heard Hari telling Adi to leave his home for the next 2 days. I reached inside my room.

After half an hour, Asha also came back. My smile told her that I loved her perfect execution.

Me, “You know Hari has sent Adi on leave.โ€

Asha, “That’s why I didn’t see Adi here when Farooq and I reached.โ€

Me (smiled), “Sweety, sometimes you talk so innocent like a little kid.โ€

Asha looked at me as she didn’t understand anything.

Me, “I think you enjoyed too much with Farooq at the beach after we left.โ€

Asha laughed, “No, no. We also left within 10 minutes, but Farooq offered me to have grilled fish, and that’s where it took time. Now, your plan ends, and it’s time to go by my way.โ€

Asha told me her idea. Asha then took a bath and changed into her long baby pink T-shirt without any innerwear underneath.

Me, “What are you wearing? I want you to tease them, and you are wearing this.โ€

Asha smiled and said, “You watch. Now leave all this completely on me. I will give you more than you have expected bcoz now I also love it.โ€

Asha pulled out all dirty clothes of her and mine and dumped them inside the bathroom near the door. She asked me to lie facing opposite to bathroom. She placed my laptop on the table in front of me. She adjusted the screen to get a dark reflection of the bathroom and a good amount of inside and outside view.

Asha, “You just keep your eyes on that screen.โ€

I didn’t get what she wanted me to see, but I followed her instructions. Asha then called reception. Farooq picked the call.

Asha, “Farooq, please send someone to take our dirty clothes to the laundry.โ€ Soon there was a knock on the door. After hearing the knock, Asha, “I think Adi has come.โ€ She opened the door, Farooq entered.

Asha, “You here?โ€

Farooq, “You called for clothes to the laundry.โ€

Asha, “Ya. But why have you come? You should send Adi. It’s his work.โ€

Farooq, “Adi has left to his home, due to some emergency.โ€

Asha, “But we have a whole lot of dirty clothes.โ€

Farooq, “I will get them washed.โ€

Farooq followed Asha towards the bathroom.

Asha to me, “Did you check the pockets of your clothes?โ€

Me, “I don’t know.โ€

My eyes were focused on the screen. Asha entered the bathroom and bent to check and pick the clothes. Her naked buttock and pussy came in front of Farooq’s eyes. With this incredible great view, Farooq got shocked and turned to check what I was doing.

But after feeling assured that I was looking another side, he took his mobile out of his pocket. He captured few pics of my wife’s round beautiful buttocks and pussy. Asha was purposely taking more time to give Farooq a longer unrestricted view.

She picked up all the clothes and handed over them to Farooq, and he left. After he left, Asha came in front of me and bent like that in front of me and said, “How was the tease?โ€ With her beautiful fair butt just inches away from my face, I licked her buttock and pussy.

I said, “It was irresistible. He clicked the pics of my beautiful wife’s assets. I am sure, watching pics of my wife’s beautiful ass, he will shake his cock the whole night.โ€

Asha was laughing. Due to that naughty teasing with Farooq, my cock was already hard to the fullest. I pulled her on the bed, removed my shorts. As I was about to push my dick in, she stopped me.

Asha laughed and said, “I think that you loved the scene of Farooq watching my naked ass.โ€

Me, “That was the most exciting scene I can’t control now.โ€

Asha, “What will you do at night when you empty your dick this time itself? That was just a trailer, and the full movie is remaining.โ€

Me, “What are you up to? I am feeling excited.โ€

Asha, “Believe me, I am going to do something more exciting now.โ€

Asha took her mobile. She checked a proper place to put it where it got a good view of mirror on which reflection from the chairs and bed can be captured. She opened her diary and placed it on the bed. The bell rang. Asha first switched the video recording of her mobile camera and placed it in the checked position.

Then she opened the door. Hari and Farooq entered the room with food. Both were in their lungis. Asha asked Hari to bring one more chair. Farooq was placing the food.

Asha, “I am not so hungry after that fish. I will eat later, don’t place it for me.โ€

Farooq did the same. As Hari entered the room, Asha asked Hari to place the chair along with the bed and asked me to sit there. As soon as they started taking food, Asha went to the bathroom. After coming out, she went to bed and opened her diary so that her face was towards Farooq and Hari.

She bent on her face and knees down and ass up towards the mirror. In that position, her long T-shirt was unable to hide her beautiful round ass. We talked and had food. Asha was writing some useless stuff in her diary.

With the unobstructed view of my wife’s buttock and pussy, the eyes of Farooq and Hari were glued to the mirror. When I finished my food, they were not even half done. I didn’t want to ruin that amazing view.

So I said, “You people finish, I will take fresh air on the balcony.โ€

In the next 10 minutes, when I came in, they left. After they left, Asha said, “Hari is having a rod inside his lungi.โ€

Me, “What?โ€

Asha, “See yourself, but let me finish my food. I am feeling hungry.โ€

I opened my voice recording on my phone and followed them. Both of them were talking in Malayalam, so I didn’t understand a bit at that time. But when I checked after reaching back to my room, the conversation was like that.

Farooq, “Asha is a big slut. If her husband wouldn’t be there, I had fucked her.โ€

Hari, “I feel she knew that we are watching her naked ass. I purposely flashed my erected dick to her. She saw it but didn’t say a word. She was normal.โ€

Farooq, “Oh, that means she is bitch.โ€

Hari, “Yes, if she makes a distance with us tomorrow, then it was just by coincidence. But if she is normal tomorrow, then she is whore, needs to be fucked.โ€

I knew everything they talked about. But I told Asha they were talking in their local language, so I didn’t get anything. Then checked Asha’s mobile recording.

The camera view:
After I left, Farooq and Hari both were watching her buttocks in the mirror. After some time, Hari finished his food and stood up.

Asha, “Where are you going? Let Farooq also finish.โ€

Hari, “Just going to the washroom to wash my hands.โ€

Hari went to the bathroom, keeping an eye on my wife’s naked butt. After he came out of the bathroom, he walked behind my wife to see a direct view of her ass. He lifted his lungi, took a selfie of his long dick with my wife’s naked butt, and then sat on the chair.

While sitting, he purposely flashed his hard dick to my wife. Asha saw his dick but gave no reaction. Then Farooq went to the washroom. While coming out, he clicked close-up pics off Asha’s pussy, and butthole came and sat on his seat. But Farooq didn’t show his dick to Asha.

Asha was continuously shaking her ass. Their eyes were still focused on the mirror. Hari was scratching his dick all that time. But as soon as they realized that I had put down my call. They started recollecting the used utensils and left with my entry.

While watching the scene of Hari taking out his dick near Asha’s naked buttock, Asha inserted her finger inside her pussy. Just like me, Asha also got excited with everything that went on last half hour.

She pulled my Capri and Frenchie down and guided my fully erect dick inside her pussy. I was so ready to fuck her that I made a rapid fuck that lasted just 2 minutes. But Asha was still thirsty. I inserted my 3 fingers inside her pussy and masturbated her till she didn’t reach her climax.

Asha, “Oh god, it is the honeymoon I always wanted.โ€

Me, “What you want now, are you happy?โ€

Asha, “Yeah, very happy it was amusing. I haven’t expected Hari’s dick so big.โ€

Me, “I think you are very much impressed with his dick.โ€

Asha, “You didn’t see how long it was.โ€

I smiled and said, “What’s in your mind, baby?โ€

Asha laughed, “I don’t know, but surely something more naughty.โ€

Me, “Then what should I expect tomorrow.โ€

Asha laughed and said, “You sleep now. Leave it to me.โ€

I lay in bed and was assured that I would see something I wanted from the past few days.

If you like my submission, give me a thumbs up. Also, you can give your suggestions or share your fantasies about my wife, Asha at [email protected]. Your words encourage me to write better.

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